Chapter 41

The viewing platform is at the end of the road to the river, not very far.

But Chen Qi didn't dare to go after walking a few steps forward, because the side of the viewing platform near the waterfall had already collapsed in half probably due to water vapor erosion.

Seeing the dilapidated appearance of those guardrails, Chen Qi didn't want to go any further.

"Let's just watch it here, and move on...

The main thing is that I don’t have a barrel now, right~"


"The excuse of your direction is an angle I can't imagine."

"Congratulations to the host for finding a new love point"

"One step forward! Anchor, one step forward."

"One step forward is like standing at the gate of the underworld, laughing at the incompetence of ghosts"

"Oh, why are the anchors so timid! I want to see you dance~ (Hit your chest with his hands rolled into small pink fists)"

"The one in front seems to be a little sick (disgusted face)"

"Otherwise you go ahead and dance (clapped her hands excitedly and signed my name behind the beneficiary column)"

"Oh, why are you talking about me like that? (Biting your lower lip, tears welling up in the corners of your eyes, rubbing your clothes tightly with your little hands)"

"Heh... I really can't do anything with you (takes off glasses)"

"Hahaha!! There are so many trolls making fun of netizens! I am so happy. Is there any follow-up? (Flies rubbing hands)"

"Anyone want to watch the show? Hey hey! Here it comes! (Squat over there and let me chatter for a lifetime)"

"The one in front, what's the trick?"

"I'm cheating on you, go and see it. (laughs)"


When Chen Qi was waiting for the big show, the fans had already retreated dozens of meters along the road.

"Hey, pussies, I just realized that we seem to have come in the wrong direction. Look over there."

Chen Qi pointed to a green tower on the opposite side of the waterfall below the waterfall, covered with moss and vines.

"That's definitely the observation tower I mentioned before, but I seem to have misremembered the direction, it's actually in the north...

Judging by its height, it may have collapsed in half, leaving only a few floors. "

Shaking his head, Chen Qi said regretfully: "It's inevitable. The water vapor here is so big, and no one has maintained it for 50 years. It's strange that it can still stand."

Looking up, although it is still daytime, the abundant water vapor here will affect the sight, and the light is not very good after all, and most of what Chen Qi wants to see is covered by the vegetation that has grown wildly in the past 50 years, so Although he managed to distinguish some outlines with some guesswork, Chen Qi couldn't tell any specific things.

He could only point to a place farther away from the river bank over there and said, "Do you know that because of the existence of this waterfall, 20 years after the waterfall was discovered, it quickly changed from a forest to a forest? small city.

In just 20 years, large areas of trees have been cut down, the land has been leveled, animals have been culled, and various hotels have been built there, even five-star hotels.

Museums, memorial halls, even piers, aprons...

And now...they're back to how they started. "

Can man change nature?



The original plan to go to the town to find a ready-made foothold was completely aborted because of the direction problem before it even started.

Chen Qi couldn't help it either, he had been on this side of the river in the first place.

Chen Qi had no idea what was in this river, whether it was deep or shallow, and it was impossible for Chen Qi to choose to swim to the other side of the river when it was getting dark.

Apart from anything else, the existence of this waterfall guarantees that as long as the river is a little deeper, there will definitely be a whirlpool at the bottom.

Moreover, Niagara Falls has never been a separate waterfall. Below this crescent-shaped waterfall, there are two waterfalls.

If Chen Qi really chooses to swim there, what if he is rushed by the water and flows to the second waterfall, wrapping him and falling...

Chen Qi is not the leading actor in a movie. If such a thing really happens, death may be the only result.

"No way, we have made a selective mistake now, so..."

Chen Qi turned his head: "We can only choose the road here, and see if there is any natural shelter that I can borrow."


With the light of dusk, Chen Qi started to explore and look for a place that could be qualified as his shelter.

Although the road has been almost destroyed by nature, it is still different from walking in the forest. There are not so many annoying branches and changing terrain, and it saves a lot of effort to walk.

After walking forward for more than ten minutes, Chen Qi found a "manor".

"If I came here 50 years ago, I definitely wouldn't have the qualifications, or that much money, to come here. Look, you can clearly see two helicopters there...


Those behind them, wow!Those were luxury cars.

This should be an official reception venue in the nature of a hotel.

Unfortunately, it has now become a mess. "

Even though he said that, Chen Qi still moved his steps honestly and walked over there.

Because, not only him, the fans in the live broadcast room are obviously more curious about the things over there.

First of all, of course, came to the side of the helicopter.

After 50 years of exposure to wind and rain, Chen Qi was able to recognize that these were two helicopters, all because of the helicopter's unrotted wings.

However, it is obvious that even with the most advanced technology and advanced materials, it has not escaped the ravages of nature and time even after 50 years.

When Chen Qi went to shake the "wings" of the helicopter, there were traces of rust on them, and there were bursts of creaking sounds.

The plan of the four-meter long knife seems to have failed.

The helicopter door had long since rotted away its links and fell to the ground. Even the coating and letters on it were completely invisible.

Looking into the cabin, there are flowers growing on the dashboard and grass growing on the vents. There is no smell of decay, and it may have dissipated naturally with the passage of time.

What surprised Chen Qi was that in the cabin behind the driver's seat, there was a bird's nest on the rear seat with only the metal skeleton left.

"Oh! This bird mother is very smart!"

Since the helicopter is parked on the ground, except for the wheels and brackets, there is a short distance between the body and the ground, so it is somewhat difficult for snakes to reach the bird's nest.

"It's so late, why isn't the mother bird in the nest, is she scared away by me?"

Chen Qi didn't see the bird, nor the egg.

Just as he was wondering, Chen Qi suddenly heard something...

Delicate rubbing sound.

At the same time, something suddenly appeared in the dark cabin, like a bolt of horses, suddenly!Chen Qi was holding on to the door of the cabin, leaning inside like an egg thief.

Surprised by the sudden surprise attack, he pushed the cabin door and let go of his weak hands, and fell sprawled on the grass outside.

And when he fell on his back, Chen Qi even smelled a stench coming from the front of his nose.


"Fuck! What the hell just now!"

"What's wrong! Is there something!"

"I only saw the anchor lean back and bend his neck to 90 degrees, his waist to 90 degrees, and then fell down"

"It's all 90 degrees, doesn't that mean your head reaches your ass!"

"Did someone tell me if there was something in there just now!"

"I'm old, let me tell you, there is a... rabbit"

"It's a lizard! Komodo dragon!"

"You can pull it, that thing will not appear in this latitude"

"I should have seen it too, or something's tail, or... a snake!"

"I also think it's a snake. By the way, the anchor will not be bitten by a poisonous snake!"

"If he was really bitten by a venomous snake, from the angle just now, he was probably hit on the face. It would take at least a day for him to fly back, which means..."

"It's cold, what should I do, should I call 120 for him!"

"Anchor, don't die! I was teasing you before!"

"Damn it, which bastard just told me to go see that bastard! I'm eating chocolate! Shit!"


When Chen Qi fell to the ground, he hit his head and fell a little dazed.

However, fortunately, the stone bricks here have been covered with a layer of soil over the years, and a lot of weeds have grown.In addition, the height from which he fell was not very high, so apart from the pain and confusion, Chen Qi got up quickly and had nothing to do.

However, the first thing Chen Qi did when he got up was not to touch the back of his head, but to pinch his face. After touching it for a while, he breathed a sigh of relief, bent down and picked him up. The stick fell to the ground and he took two steps back.

"Friends in the audience, I almost died just now!"

Chen Qi "called" the drone back, looked at the camera in the live broadcast room and said with horror: "I said, why is there no bird in the bird's nest!

There is a snake living in it!Bird eggs are eaten by it! "

Obviously, although he was not afraid of snakes, Chen Qi was still terrified by the scene just now.If it was bitten on the nose, and it was a poisonous snake, then needless to say, Chen Qi would definitely die.

"Special code, it would be unkind to not avenge this!"

Chen Qi turned on the lighting function of the drone, and a beam of light that was not too wide and not too bright shone on the cabin of the helicopter.

A large snake with black diamond-shaped markings, about the thickness of a wrist, was bending its body, swimming slowly on the dry grass on the cabin floor.

"Ha! It turned out to be this thing. I said why didn't it bite me just now!"

To the surprise of the fans, Chen Qi laughed when he saw this big snake that was not easy to mess with at first glance.

Then, they saw a very "barbaric and courageous" scene.

I saw Chen Qi taking a step forward with a smile and teasing the snake's head with a stick. When the snake bit the front part of the stick, Chen Qi suddenly used his arm to press the snake's head on the hay. After careful observation...

"Made is right! It is an egg-eating snake!"

After speaking, Chen Qi grabbed the part of the snake's body under the snake's head and pulled the snake out of the cabin.

Then, he swung the body of the snake more than one meter long, and swung it on the ground, rocks, and the plane with a bang.

Shouting while smashing: "Let you scare me! Let you scare me!"

After swiping it for more than ten times, Chen Qi directly used the carbonized "tip" of the stick to poke off the snake's head.

Then I put the snake in my pocket, it was too big to fit in, so I simply wrapped it around my waist.

"Since you ate the bird eggs I prepared for supper...

Then you will be my supper! "

Holding his head high and cursing, Chen Qi leaned on a stick and walked towards the main building of the manor.

(Ps: Let’s just update 3000 words for now. If you don’t read enough, you can read my other book "The Unjust God in Marvel" which is also light-hearted and funny, but the style and protagonist of that book are quite crazy.)
(End of this chapter)

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