Live in Doomsday Wasteland

Chapter 72 Primary Versailles Literature

Chapter 72 Primary Versailles Literature

"This b's expression is so annoying..."

"I just want to jump out and give him a pestle"

"Come back in 15 days, right? I'll count the days, and go to the airport to squat with you"

"You go back to the space city, the designated sister has your good juice to eat!"

"But he's really awesome. Has anyone singled out a big dog?"

"Congratulations to Master Qi! Master Qi is awesome! (broken sound)"

"Okay, although this expression is really annoying, but... Qi Ye is awesome!"

"The title Qiye is really embarrassing...but... Qiye is awesome!!"

"I saw my blood was boiling, and I didn't feel sleepy on the spot. I picked up my husky and gave him a beating. Now I want to sleep, but it seems to be refreshed. What should I do?"

"No way, no way, no one doesn't have a kitchen knife at home~~"

"Brother, trust me, get vaccinated first"

"Put less green onions, but the stew must be stewed for a long time, otherwise it will not chew well"


Chen Qi, who caused a new round of "crusade" by fans, was currently dragging the dead wolf's hind legs through the woods with his mouth open.

He wanted to take this big wolf, which was not easy to carry or resist, to the river to wash it, and make it food for the next two days.

The smile is a smile of victory, a smile that washes away "grievances". In addition to looking like a god of war with a crooked mouth and a somewhat arrogant look, Chen Qi's operations in this wave directly maximize the effect.

Before killing the wolf, Chen Qi's live broadcast room had been sending gifts, large and small, but at that time, most of them were small-scale troubles.

When Chen Qi slashed the wolf's head with a knife and blood spattered, there was a moment of stagnation in the barrage, and then crazy gifts kept coming in.

A large number of high-end gifts attracted many users who came to the live broadcast platform early in the morning to spend their time, and it was hard not to notice the banners all over the platform.

After curiously clicking into the live broadcast room, they happened to see a man holding a bleeding hunting knife, standing with a smile on his face beside a super big wild wolf, looking at the camera and smiling.

And his face was also dripping with blood.

What the hell!

This is the first impression of new viewers.

Fuck, fuck, fuck! !
This is the barrage they typed on the screen after being shocked.

Chen Qi didn't know yet, but at this time there was already someone who was diligent, and he had already cut him looking at the camera, with half of his face covered in blood, and the picture of the corner of his mouth slightly raised, and posted it on the Internet with a particularly fierce title.

Chen Qi had indeed gotten rid of the title of the weakest creature in the wilderness.

The official platform did not let go of the sudden increase in traffic of Chen Qi's live broadcast room, and directly listed Chen Qi's live broadcast room, which had not signed a long-term contract, on the category homepage.

Afterwards, when recalling at the wine table, an employee said that that morning, there was a short vacuum on the live broadcast platform, and almost all users were diverted to a live broadcast room. After a few seconds, a large number of people quit, but the vast majority of people stayed directly, and they even posted barrage and swiped gifts!
The only pity is that when this happened, it was a bit too early, too early, the sun had just risen, and at five or six o'clock, basically all the good babies who stayed up all night were watching the live broadcast.

If it was during prime time, such as after nine o'clock in the evening, how could Chen Qi get a big horizontal screen recommendation on the homepage of the platform!
The effect is different.


"Oh, it's nothing, it's the same for you guys...

I'm going to hack you to death, of course not!I mean you can kill this wolf too, after all I was injured~"

If Chen Qi didn't smile like Versailles and be so annoying when he said these words, then the credibility of these words would definitely be much higher.

"It's just an injured lone wolf with a shoulder height of more than 80 centimeters, a total length of more than two meters, and a weight of more than 100 kilograms~"

Chen Qi looked at the camera with a crooked mouth, stretched out his hand in an "invitation" gesture: "Believe in yourself, you can do it too!"


"My mother asked me why I watched the video on my knees"

"Just arrived, what's the matter, this is... what the hell!"

"I can't do it"

"A man can't say... I sure can't either"

"Make up for the overdraft!"


The barrage was joking with each other, but Chen Qi had no time to play with them.

Dragging from the woods over there to the river, a lot of blood was left in the whole process. In a forest with ferocious beasts, this kind of behavior is tantamount to courting death.

Fortunately, it is still early, most animals are used to hunting at night, and this wolf was injured from another place, so Chen Qi still has time to share some wolf meat, as for skinning and the like , firstly, there was not enough time, and secondly, Chen Qi didn't have this skill either.

Don't underestimate the skill of skinning, it's not the same as scraping fish scales, it's something that serious professionals can do well.

Fortunately, it's summer now, and Chen Qi doesn't feel bad about not having such a piece of skin.

"Spike teeth are still necessary."

Chen Qi, who was squatting, moved his body to block the sight between the wolf and the drone, then picked up a stone, and knocked it hard on the wolf's teeth. After a few strokes, Chen Qi got what he wanted thing.

"Hehe... It's not that I don't want to show you, the key is...

It's nothing fancy, it's like killing pigs and sheep... Well, I admit, it's just that I'm not good at! "

Simply replying to the fans in the live broadcast room, Chen Qi pulled the camera aside in the live broadcast room, and everyone ran out of the screen, and the fans could only see the wolf's lower body, tail, legs, and have……


"My mother, I suspect that he did it on purpose..."

"What the hell... can this be broadcast?!"

"Security! Where is the security... Bah! Super control!"

"This thing must make up..."

"No, no one cares about this?"

"Shocked! A certain anchor earns a million dollars a month for live broadcasting Langhang!"

"This B of the special code is sick again, I beg you, just take a look at the live broadcast room!"


Chen Qi was finally reminded by the special effects sound of a [Star Destroyer Cannon] as a gift. When he turned around to thank the fans for their gifts, he was reminded by the barrage that he changed the camera position and pushed the camera farther away.

Chen Qi didn't take a lot of wolf meat, and only cut off the softer parts of the back and flanks.

The wolf's blood had flowed a long way along the river, and the sand on the bank was even wet.

Of course Chen Qi couldn't throw the wolf carcasses into the river, otherwise the water would be polluted.

But Chen Qi really had no other way. After much deliberation, he could only put it on the ground and wait for some animals to smell it to deal with it.

Countless animals, big and small, die every day in this forest. One more animal is not too many, and one less one is not too many.


Taking away the casserole in the cabin to hold the wolf meat, and carrying the camping knife that he had worn out a bit, Chen Qi closed the door again before leaving. The blood from the ground and a huge wolf carcass happily boarded the boat.

Since there are people living here, Chen Qi feels that he is not far away from the city.

"There are still three days! Come on! Before I go back this time, I must go to the former human world to have a look before leaving!"

On the wooden boat, Chen Qi shouted confidently.

(End of this chapter)

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