Chapter 161
Under the constant sabotage and constant search for the source, he arrived at the last parallel world where Qin Luo was located in the blink of an eye. "..." Qin Luo, who was sitting on the big swing chair blowing the cold wind at the edge of the square, was numb.

In fact, Yun Shao's words may not be really credible.

Therefore, after the initial shock, Qin Luo still cautiously suppressed the vacillation in his heart and looked around, hoping to find new evidence in this so-called main world.

Only in this way can Yun Shao's words have certain credibility.

But in the main world where there are monsters everywhere, is it really so easy to find new evidence?
"Is that Yun Shao's words believable?" At this moment, in the sea of ​​consciousness, Long Tengyun suddenly spoke.

Qin Luo paused for a few seconds before saying: "It sounds scary at first, but after careful consideration, it seems unreliable..."

"How to say?"

"If the truth of the matter can really be tricked out so easily by me, I'm afraid the original residents of the main world have already caught up with the truth... If the truth is as Yun Shao said, how could he be tied here Suffering at the stake day after day! If he is really a member of the Door Squad who did his best to save this world, the relevant organizations in the main world who learned the truth from him will definitely go back and investigate. If the truth is as this Yun Shao said Say, he is afraid that he will be free long ago!"

"..." Long Tengyun was a little confused, "If this is the case, why would he lie?"

"Yunshao should have awakened the ability to copy..." Qin Luo mused, "From the moment he lied, he was probably ready to expose the matter. In order not to end so badly after the incident was revealed, he used the different He was able to copy the memory of a member of the Door Squad and adapt it and apply it to himself with the help of hypnosis and other means. Only in this way can he have a glimmer of life with this memory!"

This is just Qin Luo's guess.

He didn't know the exact truth.

It is precisely because of this that he is extremely eager to stay here to find the truth.

At least, he hoped that he could figure out how credible Yun Shao's words were.

This is related to his next move after returning to the No. 5 parallel world.

But, how can we find the truth?
He went to the bookstore again. z
The new bookstore I went to was quite high-end, and beside the paper books, there was something similar to a tablet.

Qin Luo, who had been observing outside for a long time, found that everyone who entered and exited would show a card, but he did not have a card.

He planned to go in and inquire about the situation of the card.

If he needs to buy it with money, he may have to find a way to earn some money next.

However, who knew that before he approached the door of the bookstore, the two box-shaped shop assistants sitting behind the counter in the bookstore suddenly stood up and walked out, constantly looking at him while walking out.

When Qin Luo got goosebumps from being scrutinized, the box-headed clerk on the left suddenly noticed the ring on Qin Luo's left ring finger, and immediately said with bright eyes: "So it's the leader of the headquarters, may I ask you to come here to check What information? This store has everything from paper books to electronic search products, and you can search for any information you want here."

"..." Seeing that the other party kept looking at his fingers, Qin Luo immediately realized why the other party was so polite to him.

Immediately, he said without blushing, "I really want to check some information, how about the price?"

"It is our blessing that you can come to our shop to check information. As long as you enter the door of our shop, it will be the unique feng shui and living advertisement of our shop. It is too late for us to send money, and you still need to pay for it ? Please go upstairs, take tea and drinks as you please, don't be too polite."

While speaking, he was going to welcome Qin Luo to the second floor.

Qin Luo followed upstairs in a daze.

I was taken aback when I went up.

The decoration of the second road was too unexpected.

The floor turned out to be a grassland projected by holograms. When I stepped on it, my whole body relaxed inexplicably.

There is a rattan chair on the north side of the grassland.

Next to the rattan chair stood a simulated robot.

The simulation robot holds a tablet in its hand.

The clerk led Qin Luo over to sit down. After Qin Luo sat down, the clerk immediately handed over a cup of hot tea.

Seeing that Qin Luo didn't drink tea immediately, he deliberately went to the tree hole freezer to take out several bottles of drinks.

Beverage styles include wine, carbonated, and yogurt.

Qin Luo still didn't move, but looked at the clerk who was planning to get something more and said, "Are there any books related to the Menshen team in the store?"

"The door leaf team?" Power supply was stunned for a moment, and asked in doubt: "Aren't the books related to the door leaf team already banned?"

"Banned sales?" Qin Luo was stunned for a moment, "Why is the sale banned?"

"I don't know, I only know that this is Mr. Sun's decision."

"Mr. Sun?" Qin Luo was stunned for a moment, and asked tentatively, "Sun Ming?"

"Yes, you know him?"

"..." Qin Luo didn't answer the clerk's words, but continued to ask: "For no reason, why did he ban the sale of books related to the door door team? As far as I know, he should also be a member of the door door team! "

"That's already a thing of the past..."

This clerk seems to know something...

Realizing this, Qin Luo took the tablet from the robot's hand and opened it, and said to the clerk, "I need to check something related to the door team. It doesn't matter if it's in books or on the Internet."

"This..." The clerk was a little embarrassed. "Mr. Sun—"

"I'll tell him about Sun Ming!" Qin Luo said expressionlessly: "Besides, if I don't tell you, if you don't tell me, how would he know that I'm investigating the door team from you?"

Hearing what Qin Luo said, the clerk guessed that Qin Luo was an idle young man from an official's family whose position was higher than that of Sun Ming.

Otherwise, it is impossible for Qin Luo not to know some common sense.

However, it is just common sense and it will be better if it is popularized.

To deal with these young masters who have been arrogant since childhood, they must have at least tolerance and patience.

So he politely said to Qin Luo: "You know, Mr. Sun manifested a prop with clairvoyance and ears some time ago. As long as he is willing, any picture he cares about in the world will appear in his mind. He wants to The content of any voice heard will also be passed on intact - if he happens to want to know who is investigating the Door Team now, then you may have exposed the secret."

"..." Qin Luo silently looked away from the tablet software. .

Is Sun Ming in this world so powerful?
Thinking about that Sun Ming in the parallel world he was in, Qin Luo suddenly felt very tired.

Just like a subordinate, you have learned through various channels that he is actually a king, but because of your lack of ability and some reasons of the organization you belong to, his performance under your subordinates is always just a miscellaneous bronze.

No matter how you think about it, how heartwarming you are.

But this is not the most important.

Most importantly, the words on the phone made him realize that he might have been exposed.

Sun Ming pushed him away when he was in City B before. After that, it was impossible for Sun Ming not to use the software the clerk mentioned to determine his whereabouts.

Therefore, I am afraid that what I did after being pushed away by Sun Ming has already been exposed.

Thinking of this, Qin Luo didn't intend to play tricks anymore, and said directly: "If that's the case, then come out, what's the point of hiding behind and observing?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a drop of water fell in front of his eyes.

When the water was about to fall, Sun Ming, who was wearing a black combat uniform, appeared in front of Qin Luo expressionlessly.


The clerk was stunned.

He didn't expect that Mr. Sun Mingsun, whom he would never see in his life, unexpectedly appeared in his shop because of a word from the distinguished guest in front of him.

If the store manager knew this, he would probably go crazy with joy.

By the way, what about the store manager?
Gotta tell her the good news soon.

When he was thinking this way, Sun Ming who suddenly appeared seemed to know his thoughts and said to him: "You go down first! I have something to say with this one can come forward until we leave disturb!"

The clerk went down immediately.

After the clerk went down, Qin Luo and Sun Ming looked at each other for a long time, and finally, Sun Ming said first, "How did you get here?"


"What's the reason why you can't go there?"

"I want to know the truth."

"What truth?"

"The truth about the main world's invasion of the parallel world."

"The truth is," Sun Ming looked at Qin Luo and said word by word: "The main world and the parallel world are enemies, the main world is the invader, and the parallel world is the defender... Now, the invaders have the upper hand."

"Is that really the case?" Qin Luo alluded to Yun Shao's words.

Sun Ming's expression remained unchanged, and he said calmly: "You can also believe what the lunatic who was tortured to the point of confusion... According to the information I have, you should be Qin Luo, the captain of the door team in the No. 5 parallel world." You look like an ordinary person? According to me, give up as soon as possible, there is no hope for you.”

"Is it really the spar that you care about most?" Qin Luo ignored the deliberate sarcasm in his words, but said to himself: "Why, in my opinion, what you should care more about should be Are you the instigator who is still lurking in this world? Isn’t it true that what you did is just as Yun Shao said, the fundamental purpose is to find out the culprit in the spiritual energy toxin incident? "

"Where is the culprit?" Sun Ming took a sip of the teacup with no expression on his face, and then continued to say expressionlessly after putting down the teacup: "It's normal for aura to be poisonous, but it's natural for people to stink when they are born with durians." It’s a truth to have to eat. They are all inherent existences, so there are so many conspiracy theories.”

He looked at Qin Luo in front of him and said with a slightly provocative look: "The only thing we care about is the spar. If we have enough spar, our world will be saved... As for your derivatives, it is because of The disappearance and destruction of the things that we only exist are actually nothing to us.”


Qin Luo didn't comment on his words.

Instead, he opened a bottle of carbonated drink and took a few sips, then suddenly asked, "Do you know Mr. Li? Li Daotong."

"Li Daotong?" Sun Ming looked puzzled, "Who is that?"

"An old man who likes to draw, but his painting skills are not very good."

"I don't know." Sun Ming shook his head.

"Really don't know?"

"I really don't know."

Qin Luo looked at Sun Ming for a long time, and after confirming that the other party was not lying, he continued: "According to my guess, he sent me here in all likelihood——if you don't know him, then his purpose is questionable." It is obvious that he is aware of the existence of the main world, and also knows the way to enter the main world."

Sun Ming thought about it.

Qin Luo continued: "If you don't know him, it proves that things are probably out of your control. If your ultimate goal is really the spar, then you will probably have to fight against him next time." The energy to deal with our counterattack. Because the seemingly mediocre No. 5 parallel world as a whole may give you some unexpected surprises."

"..." Sun Ming still didn't speak.

Qin Luo said: "You said that my eyes don't look like the Qin Luo you know, but when I was talking to you just now, you unconsciously assumed the role of the door team member. Although you pretended at first Gao Shen, but just now, you have completely assumed the role of my team member... What is the reason for this?"

"..." Sun Ming gave Qin Luo a complicated look.

Qin Luo stood up and looked out the huge floor-to-ceiling windows.

The evening sun makes its last effort to release its light at the end of the city horizon.

Sunset is beautiful.

However, this is the last afterglow before the setting sun disappears.

"Where are the rest of the door team?" Qin Luo asked Sun Ming.

Sun Ming still stubbornly did not speak.

Judging from his expression, it seemed that he was making some kind of difficult decision.

Qin Luo waited patiently.

In this strange world, he couldn't find another breakthrough. If possible, he hoped that Sun Ming could cooperate a little bit.

Sun Ming did not disappoint him.

When the afterglow of the setting sun was about to completely disappear into the sky, Sun Ming suddenly said: "The place you came from should be an ancient house. If you still pass by there when you leave, please clean up the rooms there. The beast has arrived At the end of the day, she has no energy left to keep the room clean and tidy. If you can help her tidy up the room, I believe she will feel a lot easier."

"What do you mean?" Qin Luo was a little confused.

Unexpectedly, Sun Ming teleported behind him in the next second and pushed him again, "Let's go, this is not the place for you! The time is not ripe..."

There are gusts of wind in my ears.

When he came back to his senses, Qin Luo was shocked to find that he actually appeared in the grassy and deep courtyard of the ancient house.

The moon showed its face above the treetops.

The night wind howled from all directions.

Qin Luo was in a daze amidst the chill, and it was the same scene when he came here, because the scene was too similar, so he couldn't help but wonder if everything he experienced after leaving the ancient house was his own delusion.

However, he still started to clean up the old house as Sun Ming said.

If Sun Ming didn't lie, this ancient house was transformed by the beast.

So he wants to take care of the old house, see if he can wake up the book beast, and then ask more things.

Although everything he experienced in this world is indistinguishable from the true to the false, he believes that the truth is hidden between the true and the false...

What he has to do now is to dig out all the true and false and then analyze and screen them one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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