Chapter 170

The blood thrown out by the short knife drew a graceful arc in the air and landed steadily on the evil wind barrier of Tubie No. [-], and then was staggered by the evil wind on the evil wind barrier and sent to the dust in the middle of Tubie No. [-]. , the blood was stuck by the soil, and the remaining sliver of blood fell into the core area of ​​Tubie No. [-] through the gap between the dust and soil.

Drop blood to recognize the Lord.

Before that, Qin Luo didn't know whether Tubie No. [-] had an owner or not.

But there is no doubt that it has a close relationship with Sun Ming.

Since the relationship is close, why don't you try to identify the master with a drop of blood to see if you can interfere more powerfully and control Tubie No. [-].

Can control the best.

There is no loss if you can't control it, it's just a drop of blood, and it can't kill anyone.

However he was wrong.

After Sun Ming's blood fell into the body of Tubie No. [-], Tubie No. [-] hadn't reacted yet. Sun Ming suddenly held his head and let out a heart-piercing scream. Qin Luo immediately turned his head to look, and saw Sun Ming held his head in his hands and slammed into the nearby big tree fiercely. Xu Shi still couldn't relieve his pain, so he couldn't help but kneel down on the ground, rolling and crying.

"What's the situation?" Qin Luo hurriedly teleported over to check.

As he got closer, he realized that Sun Ming's pale face had become even paler due to blood loss, and there were beads of sweat on his forehead and temples.

And that chubby body shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye,

"Qin Luo, hurry up, I'm going to get dizzy—" Unable to bear the pain, Sun Ming struggled to grab Qin Luo's arm and opened his mouth with difficulty.

"..." Qin Luo did not follow what he said.

Instead, he asked in a tight voice, "Is it because of Tubie One?"

"..." Sun Ming's lips moved as he wanted to say more.

But because it was so painful, I only uttered one word in the end: "...Yes."

Upon hearing this, Qin Luo turned to Tubie No. [-] without saying a word, and tried to destroy that monster completely.

Unexpectedly, Sun Ming grabbed his arm and said, "No, it's not..."

"Is it or is it not?"

Sun Ming: "..."

It's a long story.

But where is the energy to say it now.

In the end, Sun Ming had no choice but to pick up the most important one, "Give me Qixue Pill—"

Qi and blood pill?
Qin Luo was stunned for a moment, but still followed Sun Ming's words and grabbed a handful of Qixue pills and gave them to him.

Sun Ming took it with shaking hands and poured it all into his mouth. At the end, he reached out and asked Qin Luo for it.

Qin Luo didn't hesitate, poured out all the rest and stuffed it directly into Sun Ming's mouth.

And then take—

And was held down by Sun Ming.

He looked at Sun Ming.

Sun Ming's complexion gradually turned pale.

And Sun Ming, who was already in great pain, finally had a chance to catch his breath.

The Tubie No. [-] in the distance has stopped moving.

However, Yue Chen did not relax because of the immobility of Tubie No. [-]. He directly sacrificed his toughest tree vines to wrap around Tubie No. [-], so that the evil wind around Tubie No. [-]'s body would not quickly break the vines. , he deliberately extracted a part of the sap full of aura and placed it between the vines and the evil wind.

After doing all this, he mobilized the tree vines and pulled the quiet Tubie No. [-] towards Qin Luosun Ming.

After looking at Jiang He and finding nothing abnormal, he squatted down in front of Sun Ming, and treated Sun Ming familiarly.

Sun Ming's expression got better and better, and only then did he have the chance to speak.

"I didn't have time to tell you what happened so fast just now. Because of the uniqueness of Tubie No. [-], the recognition of the host by dripping blood of Tubie No. [-] is not the literal recognition of the host by dripping blood. It is that the host uses the first drop of blood as a guide. Share blood with Tubie One."

"Shared blood?"

"Yeah," Sun Ming glanced at Tubie No. [-] who was bound by five flowers and said with a wry smile: "The drop of blood you threw over just now confirmed the relationship between it and me, and then the blood dripping in its body will Consciously absorbing the blood in my body makes Tubie One more flexible and human—"

"So you just rolled around holding your head because you lost too much blood?"

"Yeah, the blood supply is not enough, my head hurts like hell, and most of the blood and water in the whole body have gone. If it weren't for the unique effect of this Qi and blood pill, I'm afraid I have already explained it this time." Sun Empress Ming was terrified, looked at Qin Luo who was beside her with a blushing expression, and said, "Your hand is too fast, I was only a few seconds late, and you almost caused the boat to capsize in a small river ditch - but fortunately, Jiren has his own talent." Look, I have come back to life after all. If I die like this, I must be a dead ghost, the kind who haunts you day and night. "

"I'm sorry, I can't stop the car when I've been single for more than ten years—"

"You are still poor with me!" Sun Ming said angrily, "Don't you feel ashamed?"

"I'm so ashamed." Qin Luo looked serious, "I will definitely ask all the things related to the incident before doing something next time, and promise not to let what happened just now happen again."

"I think you still don't know that you are wrong..."

"I know I was wrong."

"Is this your attitude of admitting your mistake?"

"Then what attitude do you want me to have?"

"You are not sincere."

"What kind of sincerity do you want?"

When he was arguing with Sun Ming, Qin Luo's hanging heart finally returned to its original place little by little.

Being able to quarrel proves that people have really slowed down.

He was almost scared to death just now.

The intention was good, but unexpectedly, Sun Ming was almost killed because of poor communication beforehand.

next time……

If there is a next time, I will definitely not be so arbitrary.

He made up his mind.

When he secretly made up his mind, he saw Sun Ming, who was bickering with him, aiming at the empty bottle of Qi and blood pills in his hand again and again, and immediately understood Sun Ming's little Jiujiu. ,

Sun Ming consumed too much energy and blood on the way to improve his abilities.

He probably wanted to search for more of these Qi and blood pills to save his life at critical moments.

Qin Luo immediately took out half of the only six bottles of Qi and blood pills in the door warehouse and stuffed them to Sun Ming, motioned him to eat slowly and then asked himself what he wanted, then turned to Yue Chen, who was silently treating Sun Ming, and said, "Master Yue, How is he doing now?"

"It's okay. After the instant blood loss and dehydration, there were deep adhesions in many places in the blood vessels. I have used my ability to help him recover bit by bit. There are also many adhesions in the brain. I am currently repairing his brain. Up to 5 minutes He can become the lively Sun Ming before, so you don't have to worry too much."

"That's really hard work for you." Qin Luo was about to get up to check the situation at Tenghua Yue Yingshan.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Yue Chen, who had been concentrating on treating Sun Ming, suddenly asked, "That thin vine—"

"That thin vine, with your experience and insights, I think you should guess who it is and where it comes from."

"..." Yue Chen looked at Qin Luo in surprise, "Same as I guessed?"

"Then your previous disappearance..."

"Yes, I did go to that place."

Hearing this, Yue Chen looked at the vine cocoon glowing with green fluorescence with a complicated expression, "Why did you follow here? Friends and foes are unknown, wouldn't it be embarrassing for both of us to follow us—"

"A friend rather than an enemy."

Yue Chen looked at Qin Luo in surprise, "Really?"

Yue Yingshan is his granddaughter.

Whether it is Yue Yingshan in the No. 5 parallel world or Yue Yingshan in the main world, this relationship still exists.

Although each other has been set as enemies before.

However, before the last moment, no one wants to pierce the window paper in advance.

But now, Yue Yingshan, who was on the other side of the window paper, appeared here. Isn't this forcing people to lift the table——

Fortunately, Qin Luo said that he was a friend rather than an enemy.

But is it really friend or foe?

He stared straight at Qin Luo with an unprecedented solemn expression.

The matter was related to himself, so he had to put up a [-]% mentality to deal with it.

Qin Luo said: "It is true that they are friends rather than enemies, but I don't think Mr. Yue will believe my groundless one-sided statement, so you can talk to her afterwards."

"That's all there is to it..."

Yue Chen said nothing more.

Now is not the time to haggle over these things.

Now that everyone is in the fierce forest, they have encountered many dangers in just a short while, not to mention the other people they haven't met yet——

Fortunately, this is just a collective practice. Although Qin Luo said that if he lives and dies here, he can only say that his skills are not as good as others, but Yue Cen is very clear that Qin Luo's character will never allow his own people to be at this stage. die.

So there is still a long way to go.

Especially those who appeared beside Qin Luo.

"Let it follow me for a while, it's easier to explain it than following you..." Yue Chen said.

"Okay, if it wants to, I'm fine with it."


The rattanized Yue Yingshan faded away from the rattan cocoon and turned into a rattan shape.

Qin Feiyue, Yingshan, Lan Xiaobao and the other three who had been protected in the vine cocoon for treatment before had already woken up.

"What's the matter with you?" Qin Luo asked Qin Fei who fetched a bottle of water for each of them from the warehouse at the door.

Qin Fei took it and took a few sips before saying: "When we entered the forest, we first encountered a ghost that would appear by our side no matter where we went, and then the three of us worked together to deal with the ghost. And then nothing happened. It didn't take long before we encountered another evil spirit with eyes as big as potatoes. That evil spirit was so powerful that we couldn't defeat it. Xiao Bao activated the summoning technique, and unexpectedly summoned a monster covered in dust. It said that it dragged us into a closed space, and the evil spirit was everywhere in that space, and the evil spirit seemed to be alive. As soon as we entered, we drilled out of our seven orifices, and passed out before we could react, and then we saw it you."

"Tubie No. [-] was summoned by Xiaobao?" Qin Luo was puzzled.

"Tubie No. [-]?" Qin Feilan Xiaobao and Xiaoyue Yingshan were both taken aback.

Qin Luo pointed to Tubie No. [-] whose movements were restrained by Yue Chen.

Qin Fei and the others looked in the direction of Qin Luo's finger, and saw that the big native who was so powerful before was caught, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After two conversations, they realized that Tubie No. [-] was indeed summoned by Lan Xiaobao.

But for some reason, it got out of control after being summoned.

"Getting out of control is a trivial matter," Qin Luo pointed to Tubie No. [-] and said, "The question now is, was it really Xiao Bao who summoned it?"

That would be bad if true.

Sun Ming established a blood relationship with it just now.

If it was just a summoned object, Sun Ming's blood would have been shed in vain.

Looking at it now, it seems that there is only one explanation that Tubie No. [-] is a summoned object.

Otherwise, who can explain the author's nickname of Sun Ming on the back of Tubie-[-]?
Sun Ming made it clear that although he set up Tubie No. [-], he did not manifest it.But Tubie No. [-] suddenly appeared here?There can only be one explanation for this, Tubie No. [-] is the product that Lan Xiaobao summoned from another dimension in desperation...

"Send it away and try..." Although the origin of Tubie No. [-] has been almost determined, Qin Luo still hopes that Lan Xiaobao can send it away to confirm his guess.

If you are really summoned, send him off as soon as possible.

Anyway, there is a time limit for these summoned objects to be summoned.

If you don't leave now, it's because it's too late, and when the time comes, you can't stop it.

Instead of letting it stay here and make Sun Ming sad when he wakes up, it is better to send it away first.

"Okay, brother, I'll send it away now—" Lan Xiaobao didn't write any ink, and immediately opened the summoning door around Tubie No. [-].

However, the wind in the gate of summoning whizzed past, and Tubie No. [-], which was controlled by Yue Chen, remained motionless.

"Master Yue—"

"Okay, I see." Yue Chen, who had been listening and paying attention to Qin Luo's movements, immediately released the vines and sap that restricted the movement of Tubie No. [-].

Unexpectedly, Tubie No. [-], which was released, still did not move.

The Summoning Gate doesn't seem to affect it.

"This..." Qin Fei was a little puzzled.

"It was not summoned by Xiaobao, but something that existed in the alien space in the fierce forest." Qin Luo looked at the confused Lan Xiaobao and said, "Maybe you failed to summon before, maybe you summoned it. The thing is always in an invisible state, and I don’t know where it’s doing trouble right now—you can sense if the summoned thing has left.”

Lan Xiaobao immediately concentrated his consciousness to perceive.

And Qin Luo let out a sigh of relief.

At least, Sun Ming kept Tubie No. [-], which he shared half of his blood.

If nothing else happens, Tubie No. [-] will be Sun Ming's most powerful prop in the future.

As a result, Sun Ming's strength will be greatly improved.

The promotion of Sun Ming means the promotion of the door team.

That's hardly a bad thing.

It's just that the question came back again, if Tubie No. 5 was not summoned by Lan Xiaobao, how did it appear?Sun Ming made it clear that he did not manifest Tubie No. [-], so why did Tubie No. [-] appear in the parallel world of No. [-], which is the only remaining fruit?

When Qin Luo was troubled by the origin of Tubie No. [-], Lan Xiaobao concentrated his consciousness to perceive his summoned creature.

Then, silently turned his gaze to Qin Luo, "Brother, it's with you..."

"With me?" Qin Luo was immediately alert to his surroundings.

Qin Feilan, Xiaobao, Xiaoyue Yingshan and even Jiang He all looked at Qin Luo

However, nothing was seen.

"Could it be something similar to a perceived alien space, just like I heard the breathing of the little girls in the alien space..." Jiang He said.

"No, it's at my brother's place," Lan Xiaobao looked confident, "To be precise, it's on my brother's body. In other words, it's my brother who I summoned."

Qin Luo: "..."

The more I said this, the more confused I became.

(End of this chapter)

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