Pokemon Poor

Chapter 46 Struggling and Planning

Chapter 46 Struggling and Planning

"Dingling bell!" Suddenly a bell ringing broke their excitement.
"Oops, I'm getting carried away! Trumpet buds are on alert, it's the bell on the right!"

After all, they didn't expect to successfully catch a supersonic bat after implementing this plan for the first time. This was completely beyond their expectations, so they were inevitably excited.

"Moo (òó)" Trumpet bud immediately put on a fighting stance.

"Woo~woo~woo!" The two unicorns poked their heads out, saw that it was a trumpet bud, and immediately wanted to turn around and go back!

After all, they are not nocturnal elves, and they don't have dark vision, not to mention that the strings that tie the bells are extremely thin and transparent!

So the horns on the head touched the thin line and didn't notice it.

"Woo~ woo! woo!" I can't sleep well at home!Don't mind your own business, come out and have a look!The two unicorns were complaining in their hearts that they were meddling in their own business, and at the same time they quickly fled to the rear.

"Oh, since I delivered it to my door, I'm sorry not to accept it! The Trumpet Buds will deal with them, and the Thorn Whip will come and beat them!"

Tian Ci saw the two unicorns who were frightened, and felt that the money for the intermediate protective clothing had been secured.

"Whoa! Whoa!" The two vines instantly engulfed the unicorn, whose back was facing.
"Woo! Woo!" The unicorn, which was pierced into the body by the wooden thorn and pulled forcefully, screamed in horror.

"Hypnotic powder, let them go on the road quietly." Hearing the sound that was obviously louder than the supersonic bat, Tian Ci frowned and decided not to make any sound.

"Moo Moo" Horn Bud nodded, and began to emit a large amount of hypnotic powder

"Shushasha~" The unicorn, who was a little dazed because he had just been woken up, soon fell asleep again after inhaling a large amount of hypnotic powder.

"Moomoo~( ̄▽ ̄~)~" Hornbud started to absorb and slowly steal their energy.

"Woo~ oh (_)" Soon the two unicorns lost their ability to fight, and Tian Ci stepped forward and sent them off one by one.

"Trumpet bud, hurry up and take back the bell and the trumpet, I'm on guard here!"

Tian Ci quickly put the two insect corpses into the backpack, he didn't dare to decompose the corpses here to make the smell of blood!

You must know that many nocturnal elves are very sensitive to the smell of blood, and if a few more come, they can't stand it.


"Shua! Shua Shua!" Horn Bud nodded, and used the vines to quickly retract the ultrasonic horns scattered on the ground and put them in front of Tian Ci.

Then the figure ran quickly, and at the same time stretched out the vine with both hands to untie the string, and took the bell back.

"Hurry up, Horn Bud! This time we're going straight to the forest exit, and we've already surpassed our goal today"

"Moo (òó)" Horn Bud also looked excited, and began to quickly explore the way ahead.

"Hiss~ hiss~" Tian Ci knew that such fast walking would cause accidents, so he sprayed repellent spray around himself anytime and anywhere

"Xixi!" "That duo~" "Woo~" Sure enough, on the way to evacuate, there were black shadows in several bushes and ran out quickly because they couldn't stand the smell of the spray.

"Huh~huh~" Tian Ci, who was worried all the way, finally ran out of the forest with Horn Ya without any risk.

"Don't stop, trumpet bud, let's continue for a short distance and then take a rest."

"Moo~moo~" Horn Ya panted and nodded in agreement.

Soon, the two walked forward to a big rock and sat down to rest.

"There shouldn't be any smell of blood here, Horn Ya, you'd better be vigilant, I've dealt with the two insect corpses."

As he said that, Tian Ci immediately opened the space backpack and began to disassemble the two unicorns.

"It's okay, it's okay! We walked fast enough, this bottle of repellent spray is not in vain!" Looking at the thread sac still full of energy in his hand, Tian Ci secretly exclaimed that it was a fluke!

Although I paid 100 yuan, it was worth it to get 2 thread sacs worth 1000 yuan.

"Okay, speed up!" As he spoke, Tian Ci skillfully raised and lowered the knife and began to cut up the love insect meat.

"Here you are, Horn Ya! Fresh worm meat" Tian Ci threw the last piece of worm meat to Horn Ya, washed his hands with a kettle, and prepared to go back.

"Moo ~ woo woo ω" Horn Ya swallowed the worm meat while keeping up with Tian Ci's pace.

Soon, a brightly lit city gate appeared in front of Tian Ci.

"It's your kid! Did you gain anything!"

"It's only less than 8:[-]. Is this the first time the boy saw the forest at night, and he was scared back!"

"Hahaha" The guards who were still on duty at the gate of the city saw Tian Ci, and they all surrounded him and made fun of him.

"Well, yes, yes, the forest at night is full of dangers, I'm going to buy an intermediate protective suit before going out," Tian Ci responded with a wry smile.

"Huh? You're going to go out again, kid! It seems that there is a lot of goods received tonight!"

"No way! Big brothers! I just want to make more money, and I'm just a civilian trainer. If I don't work hard, how can I give the trumpet buds the best cultivation!"

Hearing this, Tian Ci hurriedly took out two thread bags and said that he only hunted this tonight, so as to dispel the guards' thoughts.

After all, the news of the flying elves appearing outside could be concealed from day to day. As far as he knew, although the guards guarding the gate were ordinary trainers, few of them had flying elves in their hands.

If these ordinary-level trainers make a move, then how can the flying elves who don't appear much outside have their share!
"Hey ╯﹏╰, you have a heart too, but you also need to focus on safety. Civilian trainers have a hard time going home." A guard patted Tian Ci's shoulder and sighed after hearing Tian Ci's explanation.

"Yeah yeah!"

"I think back then, I had a narrow escape in order to advance!"

"My initial elf can be in my house..."

A group of guards were immediately brought back memories of the past, and no one stopped Tian Ci anymore.

Tian Ci immediately slipped away and returned to his home.

After closing the door, Tianji took out the blank message pokemon ball containing the supersonic bat.

"Should I fill in the information to plant my brand, or sell it directly? The problem is that I don't know its qualifications!" Looking at the Poké Ball, Tian Ci was a little distressed. If there is a Pokédex at this time, then there is no such trouble. up!

"Ask Uncle Sam or ask Ninghui at the Fairy Center? No way! Neither!" Tian Ci thought of two people, but he quickly shook his head and rejected it.

Both Uncle Sam and Ning Hui have families. If they see me take out a supersonic bat, they will definitely not think that I went into the inner cave to catch it!
It can only be that supersonic bats appeared on the periphery, then the news must have been exposed, and it will take a day to hide it!
"Then if I don't fill in my information into the poke ball, then it will be harder than going to heaven to make this supersonic bat listen to me!"

"But if there is a supersonic bat, then my hunting in the past two days will be much more convenient." Tian Ci fell into distress.

Some people may say that you tame it first and use it first. If you tame others in the past few days, you will go for qualification appraisal and keep the best one.

If there is no factor of elf feedback itself, he can do this.

But we said before that subduing elves will give feedback to themselves, and the better the aptitude, the greater the feedback of elves,
Moreover, after 6 elves of the same large level have been subdued, there will be no denial!

This is related to his own extraordinary path, so Tian Ci's minimum requirements for subduing flying elves are also ordinary and superior.

(End of this chapter)

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