Pokemon Poor

Chapter 73 Start the test

Chapter 73 Start the test

In the early morning, after the three of them finished the basic lap training, they had breakfast and took a short rest before coming to the open space at the back door.

"Come on, trumpet bud, let's test one by one, let's start with the regular whip of thorns! Target, that big tree!"

After speaking, Tianji pointed to a tree about 20 meters away with his finger.

"Moo!" Trumpet Ya quickly stretched out two vines with wooden thorns with both hands, and swung them towards the target.

"Crack!" A huge force hit the tree trunk, and sawdust flew everywhere!
"Wait a minute, Bobo, come with me." After speaking, he quickly ran to the target exit.

Looking at the scars that were much deeper than before, Tian Ci nodded and recorded something in his notebook.

"Okay, Bobo, you tell the Trumpet Bud, let it follow my position to extend the vine, and then hit the position where I was standing before, you can fly up and let me see it!"

Tian Ci decided to test the limit distance of the effective attack, but if the distance is too far, the speaker buds may not be able to hear clearly, so he asked Bobo to be the microphone.

"Bobo~" Bobo replied, and quickly flew towards Trumpet Ya.

"Boo~boo boo"

"Moo? Moo, moo!" The two little ones were communicating quickly.

"Moo Moo" Horn Bud nodded, indicating that he understood!
"Boom!" Bobo flew up quickly, making sure that Tian Ci could see it.

"Well, 1.1 meters, come on." Tian Ci took out the long ruler and started measuring, then walked to the open space one meter behind the tree, stopped, and started waving his hands.

"Moo Moo!" The trumpet bud could still be seen clearly at the increased distance, and it immediately waved the vine again.

"Papa!" The huge force hit the ground with dust.

"Cough! Cough!" Tian Ci, who was choked, decided to let Bobo fly over later, and told Trumpet Ya to move to the side.

After the dust dissipated, he immediately looked at the whip marks on the ground, nodded, gestured to Bobo to come over, and shouted loudly.

"Bobo! Come here!"

"Bobo? Bobo!" Although the voice was a little soft when it reached here, Bobo could see it clearly with his sharp gaze, Tian Ci called himself again.

Flapping his wings, he quickly flew back to Tian Ci's side.

"Boom?" Your megaphone is online!

"Hey, Bobo, when you let Trumpet Bud attack, stay away from me, the dust from the whipping is too big!"

"Bobo!" Bobo expressed his understanding, flew back immediately, and told the trumpet bud.

"Continue!" At this time, Tian Ci had already walked back another meter, and shouted loudly to the horn buds.

"Moo Moo (_)" is more than 20 meters away, and the speaker buds can still hear some simple commands.

"Whoo! Whoosh!" The vine, which was more than a circle large, quickly and precisely hit the ground where Tian Ci was standing before.

"The welts are about the same depth, and it appears that's within range of the trumpet buds as well.

Sure enough, there is still a big gap between the normal level and the freshman level. No wonder the normal level is the real trainer recognized by the league. "Tian Ci changed the numbers in the notebook with joy.

You know, before Trumpet Bud was at the high level of the freshman level, the effective attack distance of the Thorn Whip was about 10 meters.

Only then did it break through to the normal level, the attack range was doubled, and the power was also doubled from the whip marks!

And the test is not over yet, this is not the limit of the horn buds!



"Papa!" This time, Trumpet Bud's attack deviated, and the whip marks were a few centimeters shallower. Although it still had lethality, such an attack was useless in actual combat.

"It's pretty good, Trumpet Ya!" Tian Ci, who came back, patted Trumpet Ya's head.

"Moo? Moo moo ω" Horn Ya's originally depressed mood picked up instantly, and asked, really?

"Yes, yes, trumpet bud, you have just made a breakthrough, and after our training, you will definitely have a long way to go."

On the way back, Tian Ci took a ruler to measure the distance between the tree and the trumpet bud intermittently, which was about 19 meters 6.

In addition, the trumpet bud failed in the fifth test, so its effective attack distance just after breaking through was about 23 meters 6, and he wrote down 23 meters in his notebook just to be on the safe side.

He never believes in the limit when doing things, but will leave some leeway for himself, so in order to ensure that he can accurately attack the enemy every time in actual combat, the attack range he recorded for Horn Bud is 23 meters.

Of course, there is no time for you to measure 1.1 meters in actual combat, but after the measurement just now, he probably has an estimate of the length of the effective attack.

"Come on, trumpet bud, eat the fast insect meat first, Bobo, you can also eat a piece, it was hard to fly back and forth just now."

After testing the Whip of Thorns, Tian Ci let the two cubs rest for a while before starting the next test.

"Okay, Trumpet bud, let's start the test of powder moves! Let's work hard!"

"Moo Moo('ω')" Trumpet Bud, who had fully recovered his energy, immediately waved his hand, expressing that he would work hard!

"Okay, first of all, how much powder can be released at most, Trumpet Bud, put your three powders into these three empty bottles, and try to fill them up as much as possible." After speaking, Tian Ci took his special powder bottle out.

"Moo~Moo" Horn Ya looked suspiciously, and Tian Ci asked if →_→ wanted free poisoning powder again.

"Cough, cough! How can you say that? Trumpet buds, I'm also using waste, anyway, you have to use it, isn't it a waste if you sprinkle it on the ground!"

Tian Ci blushed, and immediately coughed twice, saying that he was just using waste, not asking for free poison powder through testing.

"Moo Moo, Moo Moo" Horn Bud put on an expression that I believed, and then began to use the three moves of hypnotic powder, poisonous powder, and paralyzing powder in turn.

"Shusha~Shushasha~" I saw white, purple, and yellow powder constantly appearing between the trumpet buds' hands.

"Boo~boo boo!"

"Cough! Cough cough!" Bobo and Tianci, who thought they were far away, still inhaled some powder.

"Bobo, drink some antidote, woo~"

"Bo~oo~boo" Tian Ci took out the antidote, and the two of them felt their bodies returned to normal after taking a little.

"It seems that the Trumpet Bud should have just broken through, and the degree of control over the powder is not very high. I don't have the proficiency that I used to do as I wanted when I was a freshman."

Tian Ci quickly wrote down the shortcomings of the powder move in his notebook. This is a great weapon for controlling the field, and he must let the trumpet bud practice back.

"However, the power of the powder seems to have increased a lot, but why is my own feeling similar to that of Trumpet Bud's freshman level? Bobo is much more serious than me?"

Tian Ci glanced at Bobo, who drank more than half of the potion, and the yellow grass around the trumpet buds. The grass was green at first, but the poisonous powder caused the original green grass to wither quickly!

 Thanks to yesterday's book friends 20210411140640951, Chaos Twelve Qinglian, readers 1563279462925809, and Kai Ruxia for their rewards!
  I also thank other book friends for their recommendation tickets and monthly tickets, really appreciate it!

(End of this chapter)

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