Cairo Gaming System

Chapter 149 The Black Prince

Chapter 149 The Black Prince

"It seems to be quite fun, yes, yes!" Qing Yuan agreed without hesitation.

Li Ze showed a tricky smile, to be reasonable, the addition of archer Qing Yuan is very important to his team.

It's even more important than the dull Mei Ichiro who joined before!
At present, the long-range firepower of the crusade team is only Coyote and Shaoqing, which seems to be very weak.

With the addition of Qing Yuan, an archer girl holding a divine outfit, the team's long-range firepower suddenly became stronger.

Li Ze is not sure who is stronger, Qing Yuan or Coyote, but with two archers, he can pull the gun line and make the long-range output net suddenly three-dimensional.

This point is very important!
With another strong support, Li Ze's confidence has become more and more sufficient, but after analyzing it, Li Ze feels that his team still has a big flaw.

That means no milk!

Online game team up to download dungeons, how can we do without a nanny?
In this real world, if the team has blood-increasing professions such as priest priest druid, it will have a great effect on the life support of the entire team.

What Li Ze wants is a nanny who increases blood, and it is best to have a BUFF-increasing profession such as a bard.

I just don't know if there is such a profession in this world that is good at buffing spells and improving team combat effectiveness.

There is no milk in the village, so we can't force it, because Li Ze doesn't have much time left.

The dragon is raging in the north, causing panic in the whole village.

According to the system, if Sumo Ichiro cannot be defeated in time, and the time is delayed for too long, it will seriously affect the popularity of Dragon's Stepping Stone Village.

The current stepping stone village has lost a lot of popularity due to the appearance of the dragon, and its popularity value has also dropped from 70 to 50.

So, Li Ze can't afford to wait!
Assemble, ready to go!
Li Ze reviewed the lineup one last time.









Together with Li Ze himself and Li Erxiang, the dragon slaying team has a total of 10 people, ready to go!

Li Ze gave everyone the last two hours to prepare, and he himself returned to the village office to make final preparations for departure.

But at this time, an unexpected guest came.

One hundred armored knights in bright clothes and angry horses opened the way, with gorgeous carriages and glamorous servants. A big shot came to Stepping Stone Village.

The villagers gathered together to watch the fun.

"Ah, that's the emblem of the royal family!"

"Could it be that His Majesty the King has not forgotten us?"

"Look at that sign, it's the prince! It's His Royal Highness' team!"

"Great, our village can be saved!"

Under the warm welcome of the villagers, His Royal Highness came to the village office.

Li Ze was a little puzzled, why did the prince suddenly enter the village?
Although the prince is not his direct boss, but logically, he should go to greet him as the lord of this place!
The black bald prince riding a white horse, surrounded by knights, came to the stepping stone and had a meeting with Li Ze.

"Your Highness, please sit down." Li Ze greeted him politely, and ordered his 13-year-old daughter to serve tea quickly.

"Yeah." The black prince hummed arrogantly, and sat on the guest of honor seat with an arrogant face.

Li Ze originally wanted to treat him politely and warmly, and flatter him by the way, but after seeing the prince's stinky face, Li Ze didn't think so anymore.

I am a lord, even if I am a king, I am just the leader of the lords.

The prince put on a show for himself, and he has no reason to compliment him!
It was a matter of business, and the Black Prince revealed his reason for coming.

"I heard that a giant dragon appeared in the northern border of the kingdom, and my father was very concerned. I remember that the dragon disaster that appeared in the interior of the kingdom a few years ago caused heavy losses to the kingdom."

"This time, the dragon Sumo Ichiro, although he is located outside the border, he still cannot be underestimated. We must be careful to guard against the dragon invading our border."

"I was entrusted by my father, and I came here to this border with painstaking efforts. It is precisely for this purpose that I came here."

The black prince glanced at his 13-year-old daughter who was pouring tea, and then said, "My staff advised me not to come to this dangerous place where giant dragons ravage, but out of concern for the people of the kingdom, I still use the utmost care With courage, I ventured to this Dragon Jewel Village, oh no Dragon Stepping Stone Village.”

Li Ze saw that the prince was taking credit, so he said along the way: "His Royal Highness cares about the people, and takes risks and expeditions. I admire, admire."

Then Li Ze suggested: "The giant dragon is raging in the north, it is a sharp knife hanging over our heads all the time, we must get rid of it quickly! Since His Royal Highness is here to lead the army, I also set up a crusade team, I suggest that we Let's join forces and conquer the giant dragon!"

"I am willing to give all the credit for slaying the dragon to His Highness, so that after you return, you will be able to resume your duties in front of the king."

The prince came here for the dragon, and he himself wanted to fight against the dragon. The prince has hundreds of kingdom guards under his command. The soldiers are strong and strong. With the help of the prince's army, the chances of slaying the dragon will be much higher!

Li Ze thinks that the prince is doing it for credit, and it should be a good idea to give all the credit to the prince.

Unexpectedly, the prince showed a look of hesitation, he hesitated and said: "Well... don't worry, don't worry, I'll take a stroll in the village first."

If the prince wants to go shopping, then Li Ze will accompany him first. Anyway, the village is so big, and he can finish shopping in a few minutes.

His Royal Highness, the shopping scene is not small!

Hundreds of mighty people followed behind, and the prince inspected the small village in the northern border of the kingdom in a glamorous manner, and kept making comments.

"This village is too small! I was sleeping in the carriage just now, and I haven't noticed how small the village is."

"This road is really bad!"

"That lady boss looks pretty good, but red and green, isn't it too rustic?"

"This broken wooden wall, I guess even slimes can't stop it?"

"There probably isn't much to eat in this dilapidated village. Fortunately, I brought the imperial cook over here. By the way, I heard that the Feitian wild pork here is good, so get me some!"

Li Ze replied neither humble nor overbearing: "In the past few days, no one has dared to go hunting in the north. There is no flying wild pork in stock, only the Eastern Plague Maggot. I wonder if the prince is interested?"

(End of this chapter)

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