Cairo Gaming System

Chapter 209 The Manga of Xiami Brothers and Sisters

Chapter 209 The Manga of Xiami Brothers and Sisters

Very good!
Li Ze has long wanted to see whether his employees are mules or horses!If he wins the big prize and his subordinates are buried bosses, wouldn't he be flattered?
Using the system, Li Ze checked the attributes of the two employees.

The attributes of employees, that is, cartoonists, are divided into five types:
Workload, drawing skills, characters, plot, personality, and additional attribute inspiration.

The workload determines whether the cartoonist is a prolific race sow, or a criminal like Fu Jian's old thief.

Painting skills, characters, plots and personalities are all simple, and each determines the attributes of the same name of the comic work.

As for the extra attribute inspiration, there is no need to explain too much, there is inspiration to have a work.

It is worth mentioning that inspiration is a consumable attribute, creating works will consume inspiration.And after the inspiration is exhausted, you must find a way to get inspiration, otherwise you will not be able to draw comics.

Looking at the attributes with full anticipation, Li Ze just wanted to sing a cool song impromptu and give it to himself.

Why do you always give yourself... waste, oh no, salted fish, oh no, employees who are like shrimp!

Brother Zhou Xia, the attributes are:


Leaving aside the workload and drawing skills, the mere fact that there are only 3 plots determines that this guy may not be able to draw good-looking comics!

As for inspiration being 0?

Alas, it’s heartbreaking not to mention it!
No wonder he is a decadent man!
Damn, I have no inspiration at all, and I can't write a good story. If it were Li Ze, Li Ze would be decadent!

My younger sister, Zhou Mi, is not optimistic either.


Except for the workload, which seems to be noticeable, the rest of the attributes are not bright, and the painting skills are not even as good as her brother's!

Seeing the dismal attributes of the two brothers and sisters, Li Ze seemed to understand why the two brothers and sisters starved himself to death.

But cheer up!
do not be afraid!
Don't be afraid of the initial waste of employees, but be afraid of slow growth of employees!

Li Ze believes that under his leadership, his employees can definitely improve!

At this time, after the elder brother Zhou Xia greeted Li Ze, he started his day's work - holding a brush, drawing aimlessly on white paper.

Li Ze also started working on his own, so let's secretly observe the working status of his employees.

First of all, let me take care of my number one painter, Zhou Xia, known as Brother Xia.

A messy desk, paintbrushes rolling around, discolored sleeves, and suspicious-looking white toilet paper...

I saw Zhou Xia aimlessly drawing peach charms on the white paper, sometimes drawing beautiful Japanese girls, sometimes drawing muscular strong men, sometimes drawing flowers and plants, and sometimes writing a paragraph of text...

But no matter what the painting was, it was quickly crumpled into a pile of waste paper.

It can be seen that Zhou Xia is very dissatisfied with his state.

Sighing deeply, Zhou Xia picked up half of the comic book by the table and read it.

It's not that Zhou Xia is playing fish and paddling water. The work of a cartoonist is like this.

If you want cartoonists to work from nine to five, start drawing when they go to work, and stop writing and leave after get off work, that would be unrealistic.

Li Ze secretly observed his younger sister Zhou Mi again. Zhou Mi's side is going to be much tidier.

The first impression Zhou Mi gave Li Ze was that she was a lively and cute girl, but Zhou Mi, who was in the state of painting, became very demure.

It is said that a serious man is the most handsome, but Li Ze wants to say that a serious girl is not bad, right?
For example, Zhou Mi, Li Ze "appreciates" the girl's seriousness in drawing comics.

But a sneak peek at Zhou Mi's comic content made Li Ze lose this favor.

Draw comics, yes!

But can the content of the painting be so cliche and mindless?

Domineering campus president in love with me?
School grass?

The son of the first richest man and the second richest man?

Going to school with 500 bodyguards?
The eldest brother is the president of a company with a market value of 100000000 billion US dollars?

The second brother is the gang leader who singled out the United States to conquer?

The third brother is the ultimate killer who never misses?

"Miss, sir has charged you another 500 million U.S. dollars on your Tianfu card."

"Murong Zixuan! I am willing to use the world as a matchmaker!"

"Su Xiaomei! For you, I gave up inheriting the world's number one consortium!"


Li Ze looked at Zhou Mi's painting for a while, and flipped through the draft by the way, almost fainted by Mary Su!

Although Mary Su is something that the people like to hear and see, even the lowest-level girl manga can't be like this.

To be reasonable, Mary Sue can do it, but Mary Sue needs to have technical content.

It's no wonder that the content of the plot like Zhou Mi doesn't hit the street!


Li Ze didn't directly raise his opinion, but began to prepare to fulfill his boss's responsibility.

Li Ze needs to prepare lunch for his employees.

Before Li Ze, sometimes my younger sister Zhou Mi cooked, but more often it was takeaway or fast food, as well as instant noodles that made people vomit.

Now, after becoming a formal company, it is natural that the brothers cannot still eat instant noodles.

Solving the food problem of the employees became Li Ze's first small task.

In fact, even though he had no money, Li Ze was still planning to recruit another person.

Different from the previous company, the current Xiaoxiami Studio is a place where work and life are integrated.

It is very necessary for a cooking aunt and part-time cleaning job.

After saying hello to the Xiami brothers and sisters, Li Ze went out to the labor market.

Yes, not the talent market, but the labor market.

The last time Li Ze went to the talent market, it was to recruit high-end programmers, to provide high-end talents, and the high-end market that big companies like to come to.

But this time, Li Ze only needs to recruit a cooking aunt.

This time the human resource market is also a mixed bag.

There is an author who has written novels for many years and has green eyes from hunger.

There are also stupid young college students carrying briefcases and wearing low-quality suits.

This kind of large-scale mixed human resources market does not require an entrance fee or anything. After registering at the management office, Li Ze took a recruitment card and found an empty booth.

Then, Li Ze took out a pen and wrote his recruitment content on the sign:
Xiaoxiami Manga Studio is recruiting a part-time life assistant, who will be in charge of lunch and dinner for three people, and house cleaning once a day.

And in the column of salary, Li Ze, who was shy in his pocket, still wrote down the four characters of negotiable salary in a domineering way!
The content of this job is not much. It only cooks two meals and cleans the house once. It is very suitable for aunts and aunts to work part-time.

Of course, the salary of this job will not be very high.

Now Li Ze is so poor that he can't be generous in terms of salary!

As soon as the sign was written and hung up, two young girls walked by from the front.

The two beauties didn't stop, they glanced at the content of the sign on the way, and walked away.

No, I didn't walk away!

 Thanks to Wishing, Lantian 80, Promise is a novice, Ye Liu, Liang Gongchang, and book friends 20171229133500322 for their support, love!

(End of this chapter)

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