Cairo Gaming System

Chapter 212 Why Do You Say I'm Wen Chaogong?

Chapter 212 Why Do You Say I'm Wen Chaogong

Li Ze almost spit out the tea in his mouth!
Please, sister!

You are a person who draws comics about elementary school Mary Sue girls. Do your comics have depth? Don’t you have some ideas in mind?

Of course, such words can only be slandered in my heart.

Li Ze managed to put on an amiable smile, and said, "Compared to Brother Xia, your stories, Xiaomi, are mainly stories about the prince and princess, the president and the weed girl. These stories are very popular with the masses, and the people love to hear them."

"But do you know why you failed to pass the draft?"

Zhou Mi shook his head.

"Because it's too classic, or in other words, too clichéd. Your stories are the ones most popular among the people, but because of this, there are too many comics with similar content to yours."

"Serious homogenization and fierce competition, so it is really difficult for you to stand out with the current comics."

After some analysis.

Brother Zhou Xia, thoughtful.

Sister Zhou Mi, suddenly realized!
And Yuzi, who has been listening silently by the side, revealed a full of admiration, feeling that the boss is worthy of being the boss of comics, so professional!

Li Ze is also very satisfied with his speech. As a layman, he has no sense of disobedience when giving pointers to people in the industry!

Sure enough, no accident, after a few minutes, the brothers and sisters who had digested Li Ze's words all said humbly: "We understand, we need to change."

So the meeting went to the next topic - what to paint.

Li Ze analyzed: "We have decided to draw short comics, and short comics have even higher requirements for the refinement of the plot and refreshment than long comics!"

"If you want to conquer readers in just a few dozen pages, or even a few pages, you need to spend more thought."

"Compared with long-form comics, I think short comics are more suitable for comics and horror comics."

"Funny is an element that almost all comics have. Funny comics are even more tragic among the tragic, super Shura field."

"In comparison, the competition for horror comics is much smaller. Although the market for horror comics is far inferior to other genres, it is easier to cultivate diehard loyalists. At the same time, there are also some small and medium-sized comic publishing houses specializing in horror comics."

"The competition is small, the money comes in quickly, and it is convenient to withdraw funds and quickly gain fame."

"I suggest our Xiao Xiami's next comic be a horror comic. Is there anything wrong with it?"

Everyone shook their heads: "No problem."

Zhou Mi raised his hand at this time, and Li Ze motioned Zhou Mi to speak.

"Then here comes the problem. Brother Xia and I have never drawn horror comics, so we don't know if we can draw good ones."

Zhou Xia also said with some regret: "For horror comics, I seem to be walking on a white desert, with no direction, no purpose, no clue."

The Xiami brothers and sisters both said that they have no inspiration for horror comics, but this is also within the scope of Li Ze's plan. After all, one of the two brothers and sisters has an inspiration of 0 and the other has an inspiration of 9. It is normal to not be able to think of a clue.

Although a bit shameless, Li Ze still said shamelessly: "No idea for a horror comic? It doesn't matter, I can tell you a short horror comic plot that I came up with, and I have the right to throw a brick to attract ideas."

So Li Ze said shamelessly: "The protagonist of the story is a mysterious beautiful girl named Fu Jiang, and no one can tell her origin.

"Fu Jiang is beautiful, with a good figure and fair skin. She is a delicate girl with long hair."

"At the same time, she is also a vain, arrogant, skittish, frivolous woman. She has a beauty that fascinates men and even becomes obsessed. The most peculiar thing is her unique constitution, which can reproduce endlessly with the cells of her body."

"The men around her will fall in love with her, and want to possess her crazily, and then...destroy her."

"Dismember the corpse!"

"And when Fu Jiang is brutally killed and dismembered, she will not disappear, but will divide and proliferate. The divided Fu Jiang will start a new plot and seduce new men to go crazy for her..."

It took Li Ze a few minutes to tell a few stories in the "Tomie" series, the masterpiece of Junji Ito, the master of Japanese horror comics.

After listening to Li Ze's words, both brothers and sisters became 30!

My younger sister Zhou Mi immediately said excitedly: "Wow! Boss, you really have a clear mind! Although there are only a few simple plots, I have already heard a series of sad and weird love stories. I am very interested! "

The decadent brother Zhou Xia also nodded, and said deeply: "The mysterious beautiful girl can induce people's possessive desires, and in the weird division of cases, it can profoundly expose the ugliness of human nature. Interesting, very interesting, this will be A manga that can dig out the depth!"

Looking at the logistics manager Yuzi again, her expression obviously wanted to say something, but because she was a newcomer, she was a little hesitant.

So Li Ze took the initiative to ask: "Yuzi, if you have any ideas, please tell me! Let's discuss together, so that we can make our comics better."

So Yuzi expressed her thoughts in one breath: "Very good! It's really a good plot! According to your content, boss, such a story can be written in a dozen or even a few pages in a magazine. The main points of the plot, such as the beautiful girl, the crazy man, and dismemberment, can also move readers and leave a deep impression on readers."

"Boss, you are really a very professional manga boss, not only for business, but also for grasping the rhythm of manga plots. Great, very good!"

Although innocent, Yuzi still knows how to flatter.

Seeing that everyone admired the Fu Jiang he proposed and boasted about himself, Li Ze was also a little proud: Hehehe, I transported the culture from the earth with my ability, so why do you say that I am Wen Chaogong!
So it was settled in this way, Xiaoxiami Comic Studio, the first comic task of a new start-"Fu Jiang"!
After the meeting, all Xiao Xiami took action, and Li Ze worked part-time as a script writer, writing in detail the plot of Fu Jiang's comics in his mind.

Li Ze's task is not complicated. Although it is about writing a script, it is actually just a story outline:

For example, the heroine Fu Jiang is set as a middle school student who seduces her teacher, but is discovered by boys in the same class and threatened.

Fu Jiang is "forced" to become a boy's girlfriend, so the teacher and the boy become rivals in love, and both sides have a strong paranoid possessive desire for Fu Jiang.

When the story develops to the end, it is natural to divide the corpse. Fu Jiang is cut in half, half for the boy and half for the teacher.

But Fu Jiang, who was cut in half, gradually grew into a new and complete Fu Jiang. At the same time, the new Fu Jiang made demands on his boyfriend, the teacher and the boy, to kill the fake Fu Jiang held by the other party...

 Thanks to Pug 53 and Moyan 030 for their rewards, we love each other!

(End of this chapter)

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