Cairo Gaming System

Chapter 262 Ambitious Ambition

Chapter 262 Ambitious Ambition
Seeing that his actions were accidentally leaked, Li Ze had no choice but to reassure everyone: "Don't worry, my promise will not change. Our Dragon Ball series will not be affected in any way!" This is my promise as a man, you can absolutely rest assured!”

Li Ze's promise calmed everyone's mood slightly.

Then everyone asked with great concern: "Xiami left Jiaochuan, is he preparing for a new manga? It is rumored that Xiami has finished drawing all the drafts of Dragon Ball and is about to start a new manga. Is this true? "

Uh, there is a black line on Li Ze's forehead, Nima, these people are quite well-informed about gossip.

However, Li Ze didn't care.

Although they guessed the result, Li Ze also had his own arguments.

And this set of rhetoric is absolutely true.

Li Ze smiled slightly and said: "The rumors are not true. I reiterate here that the serialization of Dragon Ball will take a long time. Of course, as the owner of a comic studio, I will naturally think about the next comic. But I can say with certainty that there is no shadow of the next comic yet! There is still a long, long time before the next comic of our little Xiami comes out!"

This clear and conclusive statement calmed everyone's emotions.

But back at Xiao Xiami's villa, Xiaomi said with some worry: "Boss, although you said there will be no new comics in the short term, in fact we have ended the serialization of Dragon Ball, and also bought Iwate Bookstore, our The next comic will start soon, won’t it?”

Yuzi also said: "Although it will not affect fans to follow our comics, if such convincing words quickly become lies, then for the critics, they can attack our little Xiami. There's one more place."

Seeing that the employees thought they were talking nonsense, Li Ze smiled calmly and said, "Do you think I'm talking nonsense? Do you think I'm just dealing with the media?"

"Obviously, you have misunderstood me. I am your boss, but I am very honest and talkative, OK?"

"Now, regardless of when our next comic will come out, we need to have a meeting first, an internal meeting to decide the future."

In this internal meeting that decides the future of Xiao Xiami, the participants include Li Ze, Zhou Xia, Zhou Mi and Yu Zi.

Small internal meetings are very important.

Li Ze took one last look at the attributes of the brothers and sisters, especially the attribute of workload.

The ruthless painting machine brother and sister, the workload attributes reached 821 and 912 respectively.

And the ultra-high output brought about by this ultra-high workload is the capital that allowed Li Ze to dare to enter the comic magazine industry!
After coughing twice, the leader Li Ze said, "The content of our meeting today needs to be kept secret."

Seeing the boss's seriousness, everyone cheered up and listened carefully to Li Ze's words.

Li Ze continued: "The theme of today's meeting is our Xiao Xiami's next work."

"Although the serialization progress of Dragon Ball is less than halfway, our creative stage has already been completed."

"We need to start work on new comics during this period of time."

Hearing Li Ze's words, Xiaomi immediately raised his hand excitedly and asked, "Boss, what is the theme of our next comic? Have you thought about it yet?"

Li Ze did not answer Xiaomi's question directly, but instead asked: "The theme of the new comic is not the key issue. What I want to ask you now is, how many drafts can you two draw in a week now?"

Recently, Xiao Xiami's delivery speed has been getting faster and faster, delivering hundreds of pages a week at every turn, and while the quantity is exploding, the quality is gradually increasing.

However, if you want to ask how much Xiao Xiami can draw in a week, then Brother Xia and Xiaomi really haven't calculated it!

After thinking for a while, Xiaomi replied: "Thanks to our own hand speed and the advancement of painting tools, our painting speed is really fast now."

Indeed, if the painting skills of the Xiami brothers and sisters are now masters, then their painting speed is simply abnormal!

While strolling in the courtyard, a page of comics that is so delicate that other cartoonists may take hours to draw is only a matter of minutes for the Xiami brothers and sisters.

Sometimes, seeing Brother Xi's hands flying on the manuscript paper, Li Ze couldn't help but ask himself.

Brother Shrimp, have you been single for too long?
As my own boss, should I find Brother Xia a blind date?

After thinking about it, Xiaomi gave his own drawing data: "If there are detailed settings to reduce the time of thinking, my brother and I can easily draw 500 pages in a week. If we work harder, we can draw 1000 pages in a week." There is even enough time to deliver a [-]-page manuscript!”

Hearing this number, Li Ze nodded.

The minimum weekly comic volume is 500 pages, which is also in line with Li Ze’s previous statistics.

So, what does this concept mean?

If the comics being serialized are updated 30-50 pages per week, the minimum 500 pages per week means that Xiao Xiami now has the ability to open ten comics at the same time, or even higher!
Moreover, if 50 pages are updated every week, although it is slower than the previous serialization of Dragon Ball, it still surpasses most of the cartoonists on the market.

50 pages per week is still an absolute conscience update speed!

A comic magazine can range from more than 200 pages to more than 400 pages.

If Xiao Xiami can steadily produce at least 500 pages of comics per week, it will definitely be able to support a magazine.

Nodding slightly in satisfaction, Li Ze revealed his next plan.

"Little Xiami will be transferred to the creation of new comics."

"But instead of just one comic, I'll create at least five comics at the same time!"

Hearing this, everyone took a breath.

Such a big ambition to start the serialization of five comics at the same time?The boss has great ambitions!
"We will open five comics at the same time, or even more! In this way, we can successfully support an entire "Iwate Shoten" magazine with Xiao Xiami's works!"

"What we have to do now is to make long-term preparations for comic creation."

The first thing that needs to be determined at the meeting is what type of comics Xiaoxiami needs to create next.

Li Ze first raised the question: "In order to support a conscientious and thick comic magazine, we need different types of comics, and everyone can put forward their own ideas."

It was Xiaomi who spoke first: "First of all, there must be a long-form serialized juvenile manga with the theme of adventure and bloody battles. Although sometimes I feel that the theme of adventure and battle teenage manga is too homogeneous. But in order to have a leading product, we The magazine still has to have long-form serialized shonen manga."

 I had a few drinks at a party last night, so my update is a bit late today, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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