Cairo Gaming System

Chapter 265 Little Xiami's journey has no end

Chapter 265 Little Xiami's journey has no end

Although the comic style of "Initial D" is ordinary, the setting is just the life of ordinary people.

But with the exciting plot, fierce confrontation and real scenery, it still broke through in the comics world.

Initial D is also very popular in China. Even the famous singer Tony Oki once couldn't control his mood and made a movie to enjoy it.

It is said that the popularity of Japanese cars in China is also due to the "Initial D" manga animation and movie.

Of course, the influence of "Initial D" itself has gradually declined in recent years, but Qiu Mingshan has become the most famous mountain in the island country in China.

The old driver of Qiu Mingshan, rampant on the Internet!

Qiu Mingshan Rider, can be seen everywhere!


In addition, the initial D itself is a relatively rare racing theme, which is of great help to improve the comprehensiveness of the Iwate Shoten magazine.

Therefore, Li Ze made up his mind that the eighth manga of "Iwate Bookstore" is "Initial D"!
Even the theme song of the comics has been thought up - "All the Way North" by Tony Oki!
After finally deciding to serialize "Initial D", Li Ze has selected eight comics for Xiao Xiami.

They are "Naruto", "Ghost in the Shell", "What Fell From Heaven", "Doraemon", "Boys Over Flowers", "Baseball Heroes", "High Blood" and "Initial D".

It covers many themes such as hot-blooded teenagers' adventure battles, future cyberpunk science fiction, harem, love, sports, etc.

If each manga runs an average of 30-50 pages per issue, it is enough to support the Iwate Shoten magazine.

Moreover, from Li Ze's perspective as an Earthling, this serial lineup is truly luxurious!

Not bragging, serializing eight comics like this at the same time, even if it is not under Xiao Xiami, but an unknown pheasant publishing house, it is determined to be able to enter the million club, or even the ten million club!


Seven days after the meeting, Li Ze held another meeting.

And in front of everyone are eight booklets.

On the cover of the booklet, the names of the eight comics are written.

And these eight booklets are the result of Li Ze's overtime work in the past seven days.

The content of the booklet is not much, with an average of only [-] words. It briefly introduces the name, main line, setting, characters and so on of the manga.

Let everyone take the time to read the contents of the booklet slowly, Li Zecai asked: "This is what I have been preparing for the past few days, and it is the comic that I expected Xiao Xiami to create next. Outline, if you have anything to say, please speak freely.”

"There is nothing to say, what else can we say about the boss's genius script?"

"You can't say that. The success of Dragon Ball before was also the result of repeated revisions by all of us."

"Do you really want to open eight comics at the same time? It feels like a daunting task, but I haven't drawn a comic for a long time. It's just my hands itching. I'm looking forward to it!"

"This Doraemon is interesting, boss, I want to draw it!"

"Boss, when do you start work?"

Li Ze wants everyone to give their opinions, but everyone agrees with Li Ze's outline of the script. As for the more detailed parts, we have to wait until the detailed script is released before we can slowly improve it.

Therefore, Li Ze's idea of ​​asking everyone to provide opinions unfortunately came to nothing.

After such a period of rest, and having his own comic magazine, Xiao Xiami is eager to try.

Xiaomi even asked anxiously: "Boss! When will we start work? After the meeting is over, I will start painting, okay?"

Li Ze smiled, signaled Xiaomi to be calm, and said, "Our last work "Dragon Ball" by Xiao Xiami was a huge success."

"When Dragon Ball started serialization, my ambition and goal were great. My goal is to make "Dragon Ball" the most popular manga in history."

"I did it, we little Xiami, we did it."

"Moreover, the extent to which we have achieved it is really astonishing."

""Dragon Ball" has not only become the most popular manga in history, but also has a huge advantage, far ahead of any opponent!"

"In other words, the results of "Dragon Ball" have reached the point where there is no rival."

"Invincible, how lonely it is to be invincible!"

Li Ze raised his trouser belt, smiled wryly, and after a pause, he said: "My goal in making comics is that the most successful comic will always be the next one. But now it seems to be empty talk .”

"Dragon Ball is so successful that even I myself don't have enough confidence to surpass it."

"However! Impossible is nothing!"

Li Ze's voice suddenly increased, "I will work hard! I don't know if the next comic will surpass Dragon Ball, but my next comic will definitely surpass myself!"

"Xiao Xiami's journey has no end!"

Li Ze announced: "Starting today, all Xiao Xiami will end their vacation and start creating new comics!"


After the news that Xiao Xiami took over the Iwate Bookstore, the circulation of "Iwate Bookstore" magazine has soared to 600 million copies!

Li Ze didn't do anything, and made Iwate Bookstore a first-line magazine second only to several giants.

Countless fans are looking forward to it and even put up a banner opposite the Iwate Bookstore, looking forward to Xiao Xiami's new work.

However, "Naruto", "Ghost in the Shell", "Things That Fall from Heaven", "Doraemon", "Boys Over Flowers", "Baseball Heroes", "Blooded High School", "Initial D"...

This time, Li Ze wants the eight swords to fly together!
If you want the Eight Swords to fly together, you have to sharpen your swords first.

In order for Xiao Xiami to create eight comics at the same time smoothly, the preparatory work must be done well, and it must be done very well!

Not in a hurry to start the serialization, Li Ze took Xiami brothers and sisters together to start the detailed setting of the comic script.

Writing page by page, setting up each article, staying up late night after night to work.

10 words, 20 words, 50 words, 100 million words...

Li Ze knew that he would spend a lot of time creating comic scripts, but he didn't expect it to take so long.

Eight comics and a script of more than 150 million words took Li Ze a full eight months!
In the past eight months, the fans have been waiting miserably!
Although the series of Dragon Ball is still continuing, fans' hearts have already been aroused.

Everyone is thinking: What is Xiao Xiami's next comic?When is the next manga coming?

Fans waited and waited until the flowers withered and Haier withered.

Ke Te Niang's new work of Xiao Xiami, but I can't hold it back!
Comrades from various media outlets went to inquire about the information one after another, but Li Ze also kept it confidential.

Never disclose any relevant information.

 Thank you for the support of Xuer's brainless fans, love!
(End of this chapter)

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