Cairo Gaming System

Chapter 277 Meituan is here!

Chapter 277 Meituan is here!
Training requires methods and facilities, and it is best to have professional coaching guidance.

At present, the training facilities of Royal Qiligang are relatively simple. There is only a circle of cement track, plus some previously painted uneven bars, abdominal muscle boards, rowing machines and other park-level fitness facilities.

However, the rich have the means and the poor have the means, Li Ze thought of a very cheap but not low-intensity training method - dragging tires.

Tie a wide rope to the tire, put it on the shoulder like a backpack, keep the neutral core of the spine tight, and at the same time use big strides to drive forward and accelerate dragging, which can effectively increase muscle strength and improve endurance!

And more importantly, dragging tires for running is cheap!
Good steel is used on the blade, and Li Ze is still relatively poor at present. This cost-effective and effective training method is very suitable for Royal Qili Steel.

Seeing the large and small tires piled up on the ground, Ah Niu whistled: "Cool..."

The students ran up one by one to pick out the tires. Seeing that they were surrounded by big tires, Li Ze hurriedly said, "Based on one's own strength, pulling tires is not an easy job."

In the end, everyone was quite rational. Except for A Niu who chose the 30kg tire, the rest of the students all chose the small 15kg tire.

Take your time!

Not everyone is a monster like James, who can drag truck tires around.

As for how to train the uncle?

Li Ze drew 9 circles on a wall, and asked the uncle to stand at a certain distance, aiming at the numbers on the wall one by one to practice his footwork.

You must know that the goalkeeper is often the first initiator of the counterattack. The goalkeeper's footwork is actually very important, especially for some strong teams that control the flow, the goalkeeper's footwork requirements are even higher than those of the midfield organizers!

In amateur games, many teams arrange the best goalkeepers, and the footwork of these amateur goalkeepers is generally impressive.

If the goalkeeper of Royal Qiligang can form an absolute advantage in footwork, then compared with other amateur teams, Qiligang will have a completely additional style of play system.

Of course, you can’t just let the uncle practice his footwork against the wall alone.

Li Ze himself also got involved, standing on the wall, kicking the ball back from the uncle's kick, so that the uncle can practice goalkeeping by the way.

Training is relatively hard, and running with tires is not a light burden on the body!

However, they are still within everyone's acceptable range, and everyone's enthusiasm for training is relatively high, clamoring for an early impact on 100 kg tires.

The tire dragging project has just started, and Li Ze is already thinking about the future. This kind of basic training is just the beginning. The future Royal Qili Steel Base will definitely become the world's top football base!

At this time, Mao Feihong dragged the tires and ran past Li Ze, and stopped suddenly. Panting heavily, he said to Li Ze: "Director Li! I feel like I am burning, and I have become much stronger!"

Li Ze smiled and said, "You have become much stronger after only 10 minutes of training, which is too fast."

"Hey! By the way, Director Li, when can we play two games? I haven't played a game for a few months, and now everyone is holding back their energy!"

"Yes!" Huskey, who was passing by, also said, "About a team, and find a way to get a shot from the mother!"

Li Ze shook his head: "The first 11 players have not yet been assembled, so panic! But don't worry, I will bring some new faces to the team soon."

To be honest, Li Ze also wanted to pull his brothers out for a long time, but after all, there is no lineup of 11 people, so there is no need to worry.

However, Li Ze decided that if there were still not enough 11 players in a few days, he would ignore it and invite a few teams to practice first.

Why are 11 starting players not enough, but you can go to the team to play games?

Because in this world where football is extremely developed, there is something called a local football association.

Not only are there big organizations like FIFA and AFC, but there are basically local football associations in every city.

In addition to managing local football affairs, the Football Association also has a very important function, which is to make appointments for football.

Whether it is a big club or a small club, they are basically members of the Football Association. For example, Royal Qiligang is a member club of the Football Association.

And all registered member clubs will be put into the football association's team library.

If Royal Qiligang wants to make an appointment with several teams, they can go to the Football Association's website or APP-Team Curry to choose opponents.

The large and medium-sized clubs that participated in the league naturally don't need to make appointments, but for the amateur teams that play football from time to time, this kind of team library is a super convenient platform for appointments.

The team library will display some basic information of the opponent. For example, the basic information of Royal Qiligang shows that Royal Qiligang currently has insufficient players and has entered an inactive state.

It is also because of the team Curry's data that no other team has come to make an appointment in the past few months.

After selecting a suitable opponent, click Apply and the other party will receive a message and the two teams can then contact each other.

If the two teams look at Mung Bean--they have a good eye, then make an appointment!

Royal Qiligang can use the Football Association website or APP to make appointments.

The problem of lack of personnel in the team can also be solved with the help of the Football Association.

Because in addition to the team library, there is also something called the player library!

Many wild ball enthusiasts without a team will register in the player library and fill in their basic information, contact information, requirements and so on.

For example: Wang Mazi, 24 years old, height 178, weight 70KG; the first choice is the left winger, the second choice is the front midfielder; the appearance fee is 0; only invitations in the Nancheng area are accepted.

Amateur teams are often short of players, and not every kicker has a fixed team, so the player pool system is also very active.

There are teams looking for players temporarily on it every day, and some high-level field players even indicate their appearance fees!
All in all, if Li Ze really wants to let Royal Qiligang play football immediately, it is still easy to temporarily recruit a few gunners with the help of the Football Association, a convenient platform for making appointments.

But Li Ze is not in a hurry. What Li Ze wants to do is to look for his players while practicing, and when he is ready, he will come out of the cage!
Li Ze was not in a hurry to let Royal Qiligang play, but the battle still came to him on his own initiative.

A group of people wearing yellow shirts similar to Meituan's delivery came to Qiligang's training base.

A fat man headed by "Meituan Waimai" looked at the people who were training, and said, "Royal Qiligang, I didn't expect this team to be resurrected."

"Tsk tsk, congratulations, congratulations!"

(End of this chapter)

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