Cairo Gaming System

Chapter 337 The Reign of Seven Li Steel

Chapter 337 The Reign of Qiligang
The transfer rumors are getting more and more fierce, but Qili Gang's official has not responded. As a result, Qili Gang fans can't sit still.

Seeing that the league is about to start, but facing the risk of being poached as the number one striker?
If Mao Feihong was dug out, it would be a heavy blow to Qiligang and the fans of Qiligang!

Fans kept coming to the Qili Steel Base to inquire, and some reporters and fans even stopped Li Ze to ask about Mao Feihong's transfer situation.

And Li Ze could only say: "We are negotiating with Feihong about renewing the contract."

Naturally, such an answer does not satisfy the fans. More and more fans come to hang banners outside the Qili Steel Base every day.

"Don't touch our Feihong hero!"

"We are tough guys who make steel!"

"The Qili Steelers will always be together!"

Even more extreme fans came to the downstairs of Feihong's house, and erected balloons as high as the building, with only two large characters on them.



This is Li Ze's wish.


These are the words of the brothers of the Qiliping Steel Workers Club.


This is the Qili Steelers, and this is the call of the Qili Steel fans.

It's time to make the final decision.

Mao Feihong knocked on the door of Li Ze's office, and the media reporters also got the news. Fans rushed over after hearing the news and waited at the gate of the base.

After half an hour...

Li Ze and Mao Feihong, holding a contract together, appeared in the public eye.

Royal Qili Steel announced that it will renew its contract with Mao Feihong for 4 years, with an annual after-tax salary of 150 million!
The place is boiling!
The fans cheered enthusiastically and shouted in unison: "Qiligang! Qiligang!"

"Hero Feihong! Hero Feihong!"

Of course, it is also indispensable: "Chairman Li! Chairman Li! Chairman Li!"

Taking advantage of the last few days of the league, Li Zelu renewed the contracts for the players one after another.

Although they signed a contract that seemed good at the time not long ago, Qili Steel's upgrade speed is really fast, so accordingly, the players' salaries must also be actively increased, right?

As a result, the club's salary expenditure has increased several times at once!
The club's finances, which were originally ample, suddenly became tight again.

In addition, not everyone's contract renewal is smooth.

The uncle rejected the contract extension offered by Li Ze.

"I'm sorry, but Chairman Li, I can't sign this new contract," said the uncle.

Li Ze was a little puzzled, to be reasonable, the terms of the contract he offered were not bad!Moreover, the uncle is a veteran and a goalkeeper, so it is normal that the contract is lower than that of the popular fried chicken feather Feihong.

And what the uncle said next made Li Ze understand that he was completely wrong.

"I'm 42 years old. Recently, I wake up every day with pain all over my body. I ask myself every day if I can still help the team."

"No player wants to retire, but I also have to evaluate whether I can still help the team."

"Now that Qiligang has entered the high-level league, it is time for the team to look for better goalkeepers."

"I have one year left in my contract, I will fulfill this contract, and then I will choose to retire."

"It's a pity." The uncle said with some vicissitudes: "I really want to create glory with the team. I know Qili Steel still has great potential, but for me, I met this team too late. ”

After a brief persuasion, Li Ze also accepted the uncle's decision to retire.

Indeed, looking at the system data, Uncle has seen almost no growth in data in recent months.

Judging from his performance on the court in reality, the uncle seems to be unable to keep up because of his physical reaction, which also led to several conceded goals.

Although it is a bit sad, it is also something that cannot be done on the court.

Uncle, maybe he really can no longer help his team.

Seeing that Li Ze accepted his decision to retire in one year, the uncle squeezed out a smile: "I am very honored to be able to retire in a great club."

Except for the uncle, the other Qili Gang players have completed their contract renewals one after another. Li Ze faced the covetousness of strong teams and left behind a complete Qili Gang.

This is a pretty good achievement, so at the press conference before the first game of the new season, Li Ze said with a proud smile: "I managed to retain our reliable players, I withstood Jin Yuan Football offense."

"I can proudly announce that every penny I earn from Qili Steel has been used to improve the team's strength!"

"In the new season, our strongest person is already on the team!"

And in the new season, the first game of the China Football League A, also proved that this sentence is true!
Royal Qiligang sat at the Fire and Hammer Stadium and faced the veteran Honghe Daqu team. They beat their opponents 5-0, announcing the strong arrival of Qiligang!

Sing forward!

Sing ahead to expert surprise!
Perhaps some experts will be optimistic about the prospects of Qiligang, but absolutely no one believes that Qiligang can have such a record.

Nineteen consecutive victories!

The newly promoted team of the First Division, Royal Qiligang, which did not introduce any players and had no foreign aid, actually won an astonishing nineteen consecutive victories in the First Division!
Just halfway through the league, Royal Qiligang dropped No.2 by nearly 20 points, which is the rhythm of securing the league championship half a year in advance.

And when Xiaocheng interviewed Li Ze and asked Li Ze why Qiligang was so hung up.

Li Ze just pushed the non-existent glasses frame on the bridge of his nose, and said humbly: "Because I said it before the season, the strongest person is already in the team."

Xiao Cheng echoed tactfully: "Chairman Li is wise, Qili Steel can be said to be the strongest in the First Division."

"To tell you the truth, many Super League teams are trembling! They say the wolves are coming next season."

Li Ze laughed: "Low-key, low-key, I'm on the newly promoted team, I'm on the relegation team..."

Proud of the spring breeze, this word is the best to describe the current Royal Qili Steel.

At the competitive level, Royal Qiligang won a record 19 consecutive victories, leading the standings with a huge advantage.

At the same time, Mao Feihong and Husky scored 20 goals in both seasons.

Yan Liangcai scored 30 assists.

Hu Yi, Xie Bao, and A Niu all scored 10 assists.

In terms of various statistics, Royal Qiligang has an overwhelming advantage.

On the economic level, with the rapid progress of Royal Qiligang, the attendance rate of Qiligang's home stadium, the Fire and Hammer Stadium, is also rising steadily.

The last few rounds of home matches were all full!
Ticket revenue is getting higher and higher, and the commercial development of the stadium is also starting in an orderly manner.

Now every game day, Royal Qiligang can earn an average income of about 100 million!Continuing to grow!

 Thank you Shushu Fufu for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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