Chapter 56
Li Ze showed a noncommittal expression, Qin Hua is his friend, and STAM's built-in store has indeed robbed the agents of their jobs.

How much is a little embarrassing!

Qin Hua continued: "Originally, I said that I would not come to the field in the future, and let my assistant talk about anything, but now the STAM host is about to go on the market, and everyone is looking forward to it. Anger is anger, business is business, so I still coming."

"How? After the STAM host leaves the factory, it will be given priority to our players. You have ruined our jobs. This request is not too much."

This matter is easy to say, Li Ze quickly said: "Not too much, not too much. Don't worry, the first batch of STAM will definitely be sent to you players. And, in terms of price, it is a discount."

Qin Hua showed a hearty smile and said, "Oh? How about a discount on the price? Speaking of which, I haven't asked you what the price you set for this STAM host yet!"

Li Ze said: "The STAM host is sold in volume, and the price is not expensive. Our official guide price is 2888 yuan."

Qin Hua was a little surprised: "Is it only 2888 yuan? This price is not expensive. The STAM development fee is so high, so there is a normal price?"

Before Li Ze could answer, Qin Hua said to himself again: "However, your main way of making money should be the stores built into STAM. It's not impossible to set a normal price."

Nodding his head, Qin Hua asked again: "So, what is the price for our players?"

Li Ze stood up, patted Qin Hua on the shoulder, and said sincerely: "Boss Qin, we have been old friends and partners for several years. In terms of business, our field has never treated players badly. This time, STAM built-in Store, I admit that it will indeed affect your business, Mr. Qin."

"This time STAM is released, I will give players a cost price, which is my brother's apology."

Seeing that Li Ze didn't seem to be joking, Qin Hua became interested and asked, "What's the cost price?"



Qin Hua was stunned!
Everyone understands the cost price in the business population.Qin Hua thought that Li Ze's cost price was nothing more than a discount.

But I didn't expect that Li Ze's quotation was really only 1274!

He is also an insider in the industry, and he probably knows how much a game console can be sold for.

Judging from the spy photos of the STAM mainframe, the price of such an advanced, handsome and fashionable mainframe is 1274 yuan, which is really just the factory production cost price.

1274 yuan, probably barely able to earn back the cost of materials, labor, water and electricity, etc. As for the technical capital investment in the host development process, the price of 1274 is definitely not earned!
"Are you kidding me?"

The price was so shocking that Qin Hua had to confirm it again.

With the reputation in the field and the market's expectations for STAM consoles, STAM consoles will definitely sell well, tens of millions, or even [-] million!

The official guide price is 2888 yuan, but the share required by the industry is only 1274 yuan, and the remaining money belongs to the players!
2888-1274 1614 =.
In other words, every time you sell a STAM, you can get a gross profit of 1614 yuan!
Amazing profits!
With the current scale of the top three players in the player industry, coupled with the market's high expectations for STAM, Qin Hua estimates that only the player chain can sell at least 500 million STAMs!If you promote it with all your strength, you can sell more!
1614*5000000=How much?


Eight billion and thirty million!
According to Li Ze's 1274 yuan to get the goods, Qin Hua is very sure that he can earn billions, or even tens of billions of profits on the STAM host!
Because this profit was so amazing, Qin Hua couldn't believe it.

But Li Ze just nodded with a smile and confirmed his offer again.

"Every time a player sells a STAM, our industry only needs 1274 yuan. The profit margin of more than 1000 yuan is up to you, Mr. Qin, to play freely, but I suggest that it is best not to be lower than 2888. The guide price is [-]% off or less. "

The conditions offered by Li Ze are too tempting!

With this condition, Li Ze regards Qin Hua as one of his own!
Qin Hua immediately said: "Brother, you have given me enough face this time! How much did you ship this time? We play all the packages!"

"And don't worry! This time STAM, we players will do our best to promote it!"

After seeing off the happy Qin Hua, Li Ze also showed a slight smile.

Supplying at cost price is what we want.

There must be a brave man under the reward, and the domain has given the agents a super wide profit margin at a very low price.

This kind of huge profit will drive agents to sell STAM hosts in their own stores.

And this is exactly what Li Ze wanted.

This kind of huge profit margin for the agent is exactly one of the marketing strategies of the blue-green mobile phone manufacturers on the earth in the previous life: as long as the profit margin for the agent is large enough, the agent will work hard to promote your product and seize the market .

In fact, it's not just players, Li Ze's prices for other agents are also very low.According to the situation of each family, there are slight ups and downs, but they are basically below 1888.

That is to say, a profit margin of at least 1000 yuan is guaranteed.

The profit margin of more than 1000 yuan is unheard of in the entire industry!
Every sales agent who had finished negotiating with Li Ze was smiling excitedly when they left Li Ze's office.

There is no doubt that the game consoles under the domain will sell well, but only to a certain extent.

And every time you sell a STAM game console under the domain, you can get a commission of more than 1000 yuan.

This is not doing business, this is making money!
Li Ze spends money and burns money, and agents make money to pick up money. This is the routine of Li Ze with a lot of money.

The field distributes benefits, and everyone picks up money.

Field STAM offers ultra-high profit margins, and this news spread quickly within the industry.Several other host operators, such as Juhard, Zombie, Nintendo, etc., all know that the real opponent is coming, and it is coming fiercely.

But they have nothing to do. It is impossible to stop this level of profit and money in the field.

In fact, in terms of financial strength, a big company like Ren Hell, which has been in the industry for many years, is not inferior to the field at all.

If everyone plays the game of throwing money, it is not necessarily who is afraid of whom!
But these companies exist to make money, to make more profits.

Every step they take needs to be discussed and studied, and explained to shareholders and directors.

And Li Ze doesn't need it, he can use every penny of Li Ze's own money for the development of the company.

Li Ze said that the current self is here to burn money!

Whether it is Juhard or Nintendo, it is impossible to sell its own game consoles at the factory cost price and ignore the development costs like Domain does.

In this case, the big sale of STAM in the field has become a foregone conclusion.

STAM is like a fire that will sweep the entire game forest.

But it's not all!
In order to promote STAM, which is about to be officially sold, Li Ze has prepared a whole set of combo punches!

Li Ze, is bound to add another piece of firewood to STAM, the red lotus fire that has burned the game world!
The first fire!

 Thank you for everyone’s votes these days, and also thank you for your reward @煾狨!
(End of this chapter)

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