Chapter 62
And from this day on, new games are released on STAM almost every day, and the problem of lack of games on the STAM platform is being quickly resolved.

Of course, for games that signed an agreement to settle in after the third anniversary of the rebirth field, they would have to charge a sales share.

Hey, you can't do it for nothing all the time, can you?
Li Ze released the news in the industry that he was going to collect a sales share, which attracted more small companies, even some well-known medium-sized companies in the industry.They rushed over one after another, planning to sign the agreement before the third anniversary of the field.

These upper-middle-level companies also know that they are not competitors in the field. They only want a piece of the market, so they come to invest one after another.

First of all, Yue Na’s old club, Xishu Studio announced that its phenomenal real-time strategy game “Command and Occupy” series will be fully integrated into STAM.

At the same time, it is also announced that the new work "Command and Occupation: Nuclear Winter" will be released exclusively on STAM.

Subsequently, the Polish developer CDPR (DC Projekt RED), which developed the classic role-playing game "Search 3: Wild Hunt", also announced that all its games will be launched on STAM. At the same time, the new game "Search: Gwent Card" will also be launched on STAM in the near future. STAM is listed.

Small companies rushed to come in one after another, and medium companies came one after another. Although the current STAM game library is not very large, it is already on the right track.

At this speed, it will not be far away to develop a game library as large as Earth's STEAM.

In recent days, the domain has announced that hundreds of games have entered STAM, which has caused a surge in the sales of STAM consoles, and at the same time, the turnover of STAM's built-in store has also increased by [-]%.

But the [-]% increase in sales is obviously too little.

To be reasonable, hundreds of games were launched at the same time, including some well-known masterpieces in the industry. The turnover of STAM's built-in store should not be too much to triple!

The increase in turnover is not very high, but Li Ze is not panicking at all.

Because Li Ze knew why, why the sales growth was only about [-]%.

Because of love...oh no, because of the discount.

Regarding the third anniversary of the field, the gossip that STAM's built-in store will be discounted has already been flying all over the sky.

Except for a small number of players who couldn't hold back and started the game immediately, the vast majority of players are patient and hungry, waiting for the third anniversary of the rebirth field.


With the large number of small and medium-sized companies entering STAM, the game ecosystem of STAM consoles has been unstoppably built.

In some big game companies, there has also been loosening.

Originally, these few big companies, in order not to let STAM in the field dominate the game industry, reached a tacit agreement with each other to jointly resist STAM in the field.

But now, anyone with a discerning eye can see that field STAM is hard to kill.

If the stalemate continues, the only ones who will suffer are the big companies themselves, so some high-level people inside the big companies have already wavered.

They believe that since STAM consoles cannot be prevented from dominating the game console market, they should let their games enter STAM consoles and use the quality of the games to seize the STAM store market.

Nowadays, the market of STAM hosts is expanding rapidly. As long as one's own games can occupy the STAM market, high profits can be expected in the future.

Moreover, even if you don't consider the future and only look at the present, some big companies can no longer hold on.

Big companies are big, earn more and spend more.

Not every large company has healthy finances, and some large companies have suffered from poor recent game sales, resulting in very poor financial conditions.

For these large companies with bad financial conditions, they really can't afford it!

The STAM console has been on the market for a while. STAM and the field are getting more and more prosperous, but the old-fashioned big companies have fallen into desertion, and the market is shrinking more and more...

Amidst the entanglement and hesitation of big companies, the third anniversary of the field has arrived.

The day before the third anniversary celebration, the main framework of "Game Development Country" was also completed.

Sitting in front of the computer, Li Ze looked at the game plan points provided by the system and took a deep breath.

I remember that when making "Records of the Three Kingdoms", Li Ze only had ten game plan points.

The ten-point game plan points have to be allocated in eight aspects: cuteness, affinity, operability, world view, authenticity, seniority, novelty, and fineness, which seems very stretched.

And the current field is no longer that rookie company.

Now, Li Ze has a full 50 game plan points, and he can add points to "Game Development Country" as much as he wants.

So, how to increase the 50 game plan points in hand?

"Game Development Country" on the earth is a pixel-style cartoon game, taking a cute route.

The "Game Development Country" in the field is a highly complete and high-quality game masterpiece that supports multiplayer online.

Compared with the pixel-style original, the "Game Development State" in the field is more realistic than cute.

Therefore, Li Ze gave up his cuteness.

In terms of operability, "Game Development Country" is not a gun cart ball, let alone a fighting adventure game, so the operability requirements are not high.

Therefore, Li Ze also gave up investing in operability.

Finally, Li Ze considered excluding the worldview, but when he finally added points, Li Ze's choices were: affinity, worldview, seniority, novelty, and sophistication.

Fill up the points directly in the above five aspects!

The reason why I finally gave up the authenticity, but retained the world view.

It is because Li Ze wants to create a unique game-centric world in "Game Development Country", just like this Cairo world.

In terms of authenticity, some can be ignored.

To be reasonable, if it is too real, the player will be very tired when playing.

After all, "Game Development Country" is still a casual development game, allowing players to enjoy the fun of the game leisurely is the purpose of the field.

After adding points, 50 game plan points have entered the game. "Game Development Country", which already has a super high game quality, with these 50 points, it feels like it is about to break through the sky!
The next day was the third anniversary of the establishment of the Rebirth Realm.

In the past three years, the rebirth field has developed from a small company on the verge of bankruptcy with less than 50 funds to a giant that is now swallowing up the industry.

And the celebration of the third anniversary of the rebirth field has become a carnival for game fans!

Realm has contracted out the luxurious center of the venue, and first held a fast soundtrack concert of the Realm game.

Classic soundtracks from domain games sounded in the venue, sometimes leisurely, sometimes high-spirited, sometimes low-key, sometimes passionate...

And at the end, when the music reached its peak, rock superstar Zhao Ba descended from the sky holding a guitar and sang the most popular "Song of STAM" nowadays!
(End of this chapter)

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