Cairo Gaming System

Chapter 90 Take off!

Chapter 90 Take off!

See Chairman Leng speak out about his shortcomings coldly, then look at Chen Chi's proud face over there.

At this moment, Li Ze just wanted to pick up the guitar and improvise a song "Cool" for himself...

Just when everyone in the world was cool, Chairman Leng changed the topic: "But it's very interesting, this unreasonable combination of ingredients has formed a fresh taste instead."

"Commissioner Gao, what do you think?"

Committee member Gao stood up and said with a serious face: "The explosive taste after the entrance, the strong stimulation to the taste buds, the body releases a signal of excitement, but there is another sip of tea, which dilutes the restlessness in the heart."

"It's like a blazing fire at times, like a clear spring at times. Considering this is just a small noodle shop, I can give it seven out of ten."

Chairman Leng nodded, "Well, what you said is exactly what I want to say. The idea of ​​this bowl of ramen is very good. For this kind of innovation, it is worth sacrificing some aroma and taste."

"Miancheng Ramen has not had fresh blood for a long time. I give this bowl of explosive tea noodles a good review."

Turn around!

After hearing what Chairman Leng and Commissioner Gao said, everyone in the audience was shocked!
Chen Chi's expression is even more exciting!
Originally Jianghu was criticized by Chairman Leng for a few sentences, which can be said to be a death sentence for Jianghu's competition results!

But Chairman Leng's first restraint and then rise, instantly brought Jianghu ramen stand back to life!
Can get the ramen association chairman's personal praise, Jianghu may really take off now!

If it's a good word of mouth from the president of the Ramen Association, it's just that it might be about to take off.

Then the next sentence from Chairman Leng is to really let the world take off!

"Let's add this river and lake to our special report on "Cairo Gastronomy" next week. Committee member Jing, leave this matter to you, investigate it in detail, and then hand over the information to the association. "

After instructing Commissioner Jing to handle affairs, Chairman Leng and Commissioner Gao left first, while Commissioner Jing stayed.

"Hahaha!" Committee member Smiling Tiger King laughed like a barbell, "Congratulations!"

Commissioner Jing congratulated loudly: "Jianghu Ramen! I have won the favor of Chairman Leng, and I will be featured in Cairo Gourmet News next week! Congratulations!"

Happiness came like a flower too fast like a tornado, everyone in the rivers and lakes showed extremely happy expressions at this time!

In layman's terms, it's an idiotic giggle.

Only Li Ze calmed down a little, and started talking with Commissioner Jing.

The smiling member Tiger King said to Li Ze word by word: "I, it's me. I will help, let you all be featured in the "Cairo Gastronomy Newspaper."

Among them, the word "I" and "help" were emphasized even more by Commissioner Jing.

How could Li Ze not understand?
To be reasonable, the red envelope that should be given must be given!

Finding a corner, Li Ze talked with Commissioner Jing.

Back at Jianghu's booth, Commissioner Jing smiled and said kindly: "Work hard, Jianghu's new ramen fried tea noodles are really good and very distinctive. I will come to your store to collect materials in these two days."

The smiling tiger left with a smile on his face, and everyone in Jianghu was busy. Many customers nearby had already lined up in front of Jianghu's booth.

Perhaps, this is the celebrity effect.

While he was busy, Li Ze asked by the way: ""Cairo Gourmet News", what kind of newspaper is this newspaper? Is it very powerful?"

Li Ze's words immediately attracted a speechless roll of eyes.

The cover yelled: "Boss! Please! You are also a ramen man after all, and you don't even know the "Cairo Gastronomy News". It's too much!"

A guest who was eating noodles also yelled: "Yeah, I don't know "Cairo Gastronomy News", it shouldn't be!"

The warm-hearted guest took the initiative to explain: ""Cairo Food News" is the food newspaper with the largest circulation in the country. The depth, breadth, professionalism and authority of its reports are beyond doubt!"

"When your ramen is in the newspaper and the business is full, you will know how powerful the "Cairo Food News" is."

The cover blew to Li Ze in detail again, so Li Ze finally understood how crazy this "Cairo Food News" is.

Then Li Ze felt elated in an instant, could he be on the page of the largest gourmet newspaper?

Isn't it flattering?

At this time, a large group of people suddenly came from afar, making the rivers and lakes very lively.

"Captain Zhang, are you here too?"

"Hey! Isn't this Mr. Mu?"

"Director Zhou also came to eat in this Jianghu?"

"Mate Qin and Foreman Wang, you just ate a bowl, do you still want to eat?"

"Sister Li, this is spicy and spicy, do you want it too?"

"I heard that Chairman Leng praised a store so I came here to take a look."

Seeing this group of grandpas and aunts with an average age of 60 years old, Li Ze was a little confused. Why did a group of old people suddenly come here?

Check their attributes with the system, and found that they are generally all kinds of retired workers and retired cadres.

Judging from their conversations, these people came from various places at the competition because they heard about Chairman Leng.

Moreover, these people...

They are all experts!

They all hold an expert coupon of the top five!

The experts started to line up, and they ate ramen one after another.

These experts have been foodies for decades, and when it comes to eating ramen, they have a tricky taste.

But no matter how tricky he was, he probably wasn't as tricky as Chairman Leng.

The explosive tea noodles in Jianghu, even the big three ramen ramen have praised it, is it safe to deal with these ordinary experts?
Besides, Chairman Leng spoke highly of it, who would dare not follow the words of the leader of the martial arts alliance?
While the old experts were eating, more and more guests came from various places to join in the fun.

These young guests are also very curious, what is the taste of the ramen that can be praised by Chairman Leng and that so many old men and women here eat with gusto?
The old experts talked about it while eating noodles.

"Well, not bad! Delicious!"

"The taste is strong, but it doesn't get angry, it's wonderful!"

"The ramen is worthy of Chairman Leng's praise. The taste is indeed different."

"Young man, have another bowl!"


The old experts had a great time and received all kinds of praise.

And the ordinary guests who lined up behind were also waiting hard, and their stomachs croaked.

"It's so slow..."

"There was no one here just now, and I didn't come to eat. Now I want to eat, but there are 1 people in line. Hey, I'm so angry!"

"It's so fragrant!"

"I feel like I'm going to faint from hunger..."

"No way, for the sake of eating, bear with it!"

"For ramen, I will bear it!"

The old experts left one after another, but more guests came over.

Now, it is Jianghu who are queuing up. In contrast, Red Star's business is very ordinary.

The word-of-mouth effect has been infinitely expanded. From Chairman Leng's departure to the deadline for the competition, there has been a queue in front of the Jianghu booth!

At the end, when the game was over and the Jianghu closed, Li Ze counted the food coupons in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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