Chapter 522 Ten Years
Ten years later.

On the Luoshui, catkins are flying every now and then, and on the ten-mile flower boat, Yingying, swallows, swallows are green and red, and the music of silk and bamboo orchestras is endless, and the surface of the water is also full of fat and powder residues of oily flowers.

A girl about sixteen or seventeen years old held a two-foot-long long whip in her hand, rushing aggressively one by one, looking like she was here to catch her husband, but no one dared to stop her. Obviously everyone knew this little ancestor.

"Sun Hao!! You damn mother, come out to my aunt."

All the girls on the boat turned pale when they heard the words. They obviously knew how powerful this aunt was. Based on her status, even if the flower boat was dismantled, smashed and burned, the boss behind the scenes probably had to stand with a smile on her face. If you come out to praise that the cooking is good, if you are angered by this aunt, wouldn't it be a disaster for no reason?
But the righteous master still smiled and didn't take it seriously, with his head lying on the lap of a girl with white skin and blue eyes, his legs on the chest of a girl with malt-colored skin, and another brown-haired girl with a little hair. The cute girl with freckles held up a coconut with a reed pipe inserted in it, and drank it one after another.

"Sun Ya Nei, how about you hide?"

"Hiding? What a joke, my lord, I have lived for 17 years, and I don't even know how to write hide."

Before the words were finished, the gate of Huafang was kicked open with a bang.

"Where's Sun Hao? Is he with you?"

"Hey, my aunt, aren't you wronging us? You've already spoken out. Which ship dares to let Mr. Sun aboard?"

"Get up and let me see Sun Hao with you. I'll sell all of you to Africa."

After saying that, the woman actually went from house to house and searched her house without any hesitation as to whether this was a place of romance.

The little girls were so frightened that they almost cried, and asked Sun Hao tremblingly, "Master?"

Sun Hao stretched out his hand and waved it to signal them to calm down, then turned over and took out a package from behind, opened it, took out a women's dress, and put it on himself very calmly.

"Sisters, let's play mahjong."


Needless to say, this trick is really effective, the girl kicked in the door, Sun Hao slapped Zhang Dongfeng right under his nose, but he didn't notice.

It wasn't until the person got off the boat that Sun Hao washed his face clean, and lay comfortably on his soft legs again, as if he had no bones in his body.

"Don't be dazed, give me a kick."


Unexpectedly, it was only a quarter of an hour, when there was a sudden bang, the whole flower boat shook, which startled Sun Hao, and then saw the flower boat proprietress's face turned pale, and ran over, "It's not good, Mr. Sun, no!" Alright, your sister-in-law... she's bombarding us."

"What the hell?"

Sun Hao was so frightened that he sat up quickly, and saw that the woman was driving a small boat, the new type with cannons, and she was very heroic, and she shouted: "Sun Hao! You little bastard. , The face of the family has been completely humiliated by you, so, why don't you die to my old lady!!"

Another shot.

It turned out that this woman was Sun Hao's sister-in-law, Sun Xue'e.The daughter of Sun Chunming and Yang Rong.

Although Sun Xue'e is a whole generation older than Sun Hao in terms of seniority, she is about the same age after all, and they grew up together, plus the Sun family's tutor... Well, it is the true biography of Murong Yan.

In short, the relationship between the two is very good, they are more like siblings than aunts and nephews, would an aunt care about her nephew with cannons?Obviously not.

All the Yingying and Yanyan in the room were so frightened that they were a little careless, and even some of the beauties started crying at the lowest level, and some people complained: "Master Hao, Master Hao, how did you offend this aunt? , a family, why are you using artillery? She is not afraid of really blowing you up!"

Sun Hao smiled wryly and said: "Isn't it my little uncle? I saw him staying in the laboratory all day, and I thought he must be very bored, so I gave a pair of twin princesses that my grandfather gave me as gifts. He's gone, that's a real princess, I'm not even willing to play with it myself. You say, I treat her husband so well, and she still treats me like this, is she crazy?"

Yingying and Yanyan thought to themselves, you are crazy, your whole family is crazy.

With a bang, a big hole was opened in the room.

"Fuck, this woman is serious, the ship is sinking, bye girls, I'll take a step first."

After all, Sun Hao jumped into the river and escaped with a splash.



Sun Hao found a towel and wiped off the water on his body, then picked up a roasted sweet potato on the table and ate it.

Cao Cong frowned and said, "You're really welcome."

"Which of us brothers dares to fight with whom? Besides, isn't it all because of you? Your wife is so crazy that she bombarded me with cannonballs today."

"Ah, I heard, it deserves it."

"It's cheap to be good, right? Why don't you return those two princesses to me."

"I've never heard of giving someone something back and asking for it back. Why don't you go home?"

"If you don't go back, it's so boring to go home."

"I'm interested? Do you have something to ask me?"

"Hey, I can't hide anything from you, I said, little uncle, we are good brothers who grew up together, if there is something I really can only ask you, you have to help me no matter what. "

"Are you going to run away from home again?"

"Yes, give me the whole boat."

"What's the matter?"

"Give me the whole ship, the kind you recently developed, the big ship that whines and puffs out smoke."

"Steamboat you say? Are you crazy? What do you want this for?"

"Go to the sea! Uncle, the sea is a man's romance! I'm about to turn [-], and I eat, drink, and pick up girls all day long. Few people in the world dare to provoke me. You say, this is a human fault." day?"


"You said me, apart from inheriting the group left to me by my father and grandfather, apart from the 500 mu of fertile land that my family entrusted to me to manage, 25 factories, a fund of [-] million yuan, and [-] confidante, I simply have nothing, can't I have some other pursuits in my life?"


"No! I don't want to live in the shadow of my father and grandfather forever, I want to live a different and wonderful life. I want to be, One Piece!"

"... Wait a minute, your father, the president of the World Navigation Association, you want to be the Pirate King and rob your father, is that what you mean?"

"Yes, that's what it means."

"are you crazy."

"You can borrow it or not."

"Excuse me, I can't wait to see you being chased back by your father, tied to a tree and beaten by him."

three days later.

Sun Hao took out the 500 million from the sale of the boat and bought a super huge gemstone necklace, and gave it to his sister-in-law to apologize.

"Sister-in-law, I was wrong, so please forgive me this time. Really, my sister-in-law also knows that I was wrong. We bought this necklace together."

(End of this chapter)

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