System farm space

Chapter 190 Distilled Vegetable Flower Water

Chapter 190 Distilled Vegetable Flower Water
The color of Anli’s Braised Duck Rice is really beautiful. Because sugar is added, the soup is a bit sticky, and the color is also very colorful, red carrots, green peppers and light yellow potatoes.Use a spoon to scoop a spoonful of duck meat into the rice. The white rice, brown meat and soup look very appetizing.

An Li handed them the chopsticks, and then looked expectantly at the expressions of the two diners.Luo Li was the first to pick up a piece of meat and tasted it. Because the meat was chopped into small pieces, it was already a bit rotten, and it didn't have the rough feeling of duck meat.Luo Li raised his eyebrows, and then ate a mouthful of rice mixed with the soup. The soup was not very salty, and the flavors of all the ingredients were integrated into the soup. After a mouthful of rice, he could eat other vegetables, which tasted very fragrant.

An Li saw that the foodie Luo Li gave her a thumbs up, and the invisible foodie Hu Mobai over there also said something delicious, she smiled with crooked eyebrows, it seemed that it was a success, although there were some condiments An Li I think it might be unreliable, but it's fine if it succeeds, and then I also filled the rice and started eating.

The braised duck she made was just enough for three people to share, and there was a little leftover rice, and the three of them each shared some bibimbap.Originally, he had just finished eating not long ago, but he ate another large bowl of rice. Hu Mobai, who was always very elegant, was also sitting slumped on the sofa and feeling his full belly.

When An Li touched her stomach and was about to say something, she suddenly felt a slight heat in her abdomen. She thought it was because she ate too much and caused the heat to radiate, but she didn't take it seriously.The second one who noticed something was wrong was Luo Li, he felt a gust of heat from his stomach flowing to his limbs along the direction of blood flow.On the contrary, Hu Mobai was the last to notice the abnormality in his body, and the degree of reaction was not as exaggerated as Luo Li's. He just felt that his body was a little hot, and his limbs seemed to have a little more strength.

When this feeling passed, Luo Liteng stood up and startled An Li and Hu Mobai, thinking something was wrong with him.

"A Li?" Seeing Luo Li's eyes wide open, his body trembling unconsciously, Hu Mobai almost thought that he was poisoned?

"Sister An Li, Mo Bai, don't you feel any difference in your body?" Luo Li said excitedly.

"Ah? It seems to have a little fever, and then I feel that my strength has increased a little bit, and I don't feel anything anymore." An Li was a little stunned by his surprise.

No. [-] Hu Mobai also said that he didn't feel any difference. Isn't this body full of strength because of eating?
"Ah, it seems that the reactions are different. I just felt that my strength has increased a lot. It was a little difficult when I practiced the arrow in the afternoon. Now I think I should be able to do the arrow practiced in the afternoon." Luo After finishing talking excitedly, Li picked up the bow and arrow and tried it out, and it turned out to be a success.

An Li thought it was miraculous and shook hands, but she really didn't notice any difference?

Luo Li calmed down his excitement a bit and guessed: "Sister Anli, you said that Taoyao gave you a fruit, did you think this fruit is for you to cook and eat, and there are some things that can improve your physical ability? ability?"

"Really? Then wait a minute, I'll boil some hawthorn water, wait a minute!" An Li ran to the kitchen in a gust of wind, took out a small soup pot, poured water to boil the hawthorn, and hurriedly boiled the hawthorn water after the hawthorn water was boiled A gust of wind came back again.

"Here, do you want to try again?" An Li pushed the hawthorn water in front of them.

Luo Li solemnly took a sip of the hawthorn water, nothing special.After drinking all the gurgles, there seemed to be no reaction.

An Li raised her eyebrows and looked at Hu Mobai. Hu Mobai also didn't feel anything. Finally, An Li also drank the hawthorn water. After waiting for a while, she didn't feel the way Luo Li said.

"So, maybe it's Luo Li, you should have advanced? That's why you feel this way?" An Li said.

"Ah? Then... maybe it is." Luo Li couldn't tell the reason himself, it could only be because of his own original reasons.

"Then, the meal is finished and we drank the Xiaoshi soup. Now let's talk about the method of using the vetch flower that I just learned. It may not be accurate, but the difference will not be too big." Hu Mobai Putting the autobiography of Atlantis on the table and continuing: "The autobiography says that distilling the vetch flower into water will maximize the effect of the vetch flower, and then let the demonized Poseidon drink the distilled water Dissipate his demonic energy, and the demonized species without the demonic energy is just stronger than ordinary people."

"It's not too difficult to distill flowers into water, as long as you have tools, but if you give the distilled water to the demonized Poseidon to drink, do you give him a drink? He doesn't call it stupid if you just give it to him to drink." , How could he drink what the enemy gave him." An Li analyzed the main problem.

"The main thing is for us to find a way to get the distilled water out now. Let's plan the rest after we have the distilled water." Hu Mobai said.

"For distillation, you need a vessel for distillation. Let's go to the place that sells glass products in the commercial street to see if there are any cups that can be used." An Li seems to have distillation equipment, so get the vessel first talk later.

An Li only remembered the general shape of the bottle, but she really didn't know how to distill the specific combination.However, Hu Mobai told her how to distill in the self-report, and now she just needs to buy the right utensils.As a result, I couldn't find a complete set of equipment that met the requirements after shopping around the entire commercial street, and I couldn't find other things such as the glass tube and the alcohol lamp in Anli's memory.

The three of them found nothing and returned to the room where they lived. An Li racked her brains for a while and decided to use the pots and utensils in the kitchen to test the principle, and they moved to the kitchen again.

An Li locked the kitchen door, and asked Luo Li to take out a little vetch flower, clean the petals and put them in a large pot similar to a steamer. Put the petals into a third of the capacity of the pot and add well water.Add another layer on top of this, then place a glass bowl on top, cover the pot and heat it until the water boils, wait for the water below to turn into steam on the top and then drip into the upper bowl, and cycle back and forth like this Turn off the heat when the water in the lower layer is almost dry.

An Li carefully took out the upper glass bowl, and poured them into the small glass bottle she just bought.The vetch flower, which had no fragrance, has a faint and indescribable fragrance after distillation, which smells so good that people can't help but want to drink it.

"I don't know if it's a success, but who is it for the experiment?" An Li shook the glass vial, and the liquid in it also shook into seven colors.

(End of this chapter)

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