System farm space

Chapter 271 Don't want to work

Chapter 271 Don't want to work
An Li refused Hu Mobai and followed her back, and she walked back like a ghost.On the way back, she had only one thought in her mind: Do you like Hu Mobai?Like, maybe like it?It's just that before Hu Mobai didn't explain, she never had such an idea, and after she said it, she felt, oh, maybe she likes it too.

But after discovering the relationship between Hu Mobai and Hu Yuyan, she was a little uncertain again.She didn't feel very uncomfortable, she just felt that she had been deceived and somehow became a third party, that's all.

What Anli is thinking 22 is naturally clear, it doesn't know human emotions about liking or not, it just thinks that Anli's current distraught appearance is not as simple as she thought.

But 22 didn't make a sound. What Anli needs now is quiet thinking, not to mention that it doesn't understand these emotions, so it's better not to make blind ideas.

Hu Mobai always felt very uneasy when he saw An Li's back going away, but he didn't know what to do, so he could only watch An Li go away.He sighed a little disappointed until he could no longer see her figure.Hu Yuyan on one side was still fanning the flames: "Oh, I didn't tell her this, she heard it herself, I can't blame it."

Hu Mobai was too lazy to argue so much with Hu Yuyan at this time, he glanced at Hu Yuyan, who was secretly complacent, and left without looking back.Hu Yuyan saw that Hu Mobai left without saying anything, stomped angrily and followed.

Luo Li saw the dignified Hu Mobai entering the room, thinking that something happened, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Hu Mobai stared at Luo Li with a complex expression for a while, and then asked: "I made Anli angry, and she also misunderstood me and Hu Yuyan. She heard our conversation and knew that Hu Yuyan is my ex-fiancée. What else should I do? She doesn't listen to my explanation at all." After saying that, Hu Mobai scratched his hair in distress.

Luo Li had never experienced this kind of thing, and he couldn't give good advice, so he could only pat Hu Mobai's shoulder comfortingly to show encouragement, and went to pack up and get ready for bed.

After An Li returned home, she sat alone by the window and watched the starry sky shining outside the window. She was full of thoughts, but she didn't know what she was thinking.After sitting blankly for a while, An Li sighed.She felt that she couldn't beat Hu Mobai to death with a stick like this. She knew that Hu Mobai had already entered into a marriage contract with that Hu Yuyan, and she was not considered a third party. Maybe, she should give him another chance ?

An Li tilted her head and thought about it for a long time, and finally decided not to tell Hu Mobai anything, let's see how he behaves.If you give up at this point, then give up. If you still persevere, then she will seriously consider the relationship between the two.

After thinking about it, Anli lay down on the bed and went to sleep without any distracting thoughts.

The next day, Anli got up early in the morning to see that the blacksmith shop had been completed. She didn't have time to inform Zhou Jinsheng yesterday that they would come to work in the blacksmith shop today.After looking at the time, he probably hadn't gone to the mine yet, so he quickly rode his bicycle to inform him.

"Morning, Lord Mayor." The residents we met along the way greeted An Li warmly, and An Li responded to everyone with a smile.At the door of Zhou Jinsheng's house, after knocking on the door for a long time, no one opened it. The little daughter-in-law next door saw An Li knocking on the door and said, "Jinsheng just left for the mine. You should be able to catch up now."

"Thank you, sister-in-law." After An Li thanked her, she hurried to chase Zhou Jinsheng and the others.

"Zhou Jinsheng, Zhou Jinsheng, wait a minute. Hey~" An Li saw the backs of the people who were working together from a distance, and shouted while pedaling the bicycle.

Zhou Jinsheng stopped when he heard someone's voice and turned his head to look, only to see An Li pedaling his bicycle crazily towards him like a hot wheel under her feet.

After finally getting to the crowd, An Li stomped on the ground and took a breather for a while before saying: "Huh, huh, you guys walked so fast, obviously my sister-in-law said that I just walked away for a while. So what, I I came here to tell you that the other end of the blacksmith shop has been built, you will hand over to the hands today and tomorrow, and then let others go to start working on the iron today, and Uncle Jin is ready to go."

Zhou Jinsheng nodded after hearing this and said, "Okay, my lord, I understand, and I will tell them to do it with heart when I hand over the matter after a while, don't worry."

"Then you guys go, I can rest here for a while." An Li waved her hands, stood the bicycle aside and beat her slightly sore legs.

"Well~ my mood will feel much better if I breathe fresh air occasionally. What should I do if I don't want to work today?" Anli said to 22 while sitting under the big tree and looking at the blue sky.

[Proper relaxation is also good for physical and mental health, so you can do whatever you want if you don’t want to work. ] 22 said while sitting on Anli's shoulder and also looking up at the sky.

An Li thought for a while: "Well~ We haven't been to the Wishing Well for a long time, why don't we go and make a wish."

[I think you have no place to spend money, so you want to find an excuse to spend some money. 】

"Congratulations, you got the answer right. Of course you have to spend money when you are in a bad mood, so that you can make your mood happy." An Li flicked 22's little head and said.

【Cut, why don't you buy things directly from the mall? I'm afraid you won't be able to hold back the gold coins you need to spend at the wishing well. 】22 said with a cold snort holding his small head.

"Hey, it would be interesting to visit a physical store, but a virtual store is too boring. Now the shops in the town are the most basic, and you can see everything in them at a glance. I really want to go to a large shopping mall! Hey, yes Yes. I haven’t been to Jiamin’s town yet, do you want to go for a stroll, anyway, idle is idle.” An Li thought that Hayes’ town is of that kind of rural type, maybe Jiamin’s town will be modernized Some.

Thinking of this, An Li sent a message to Jia Min to see if she had time to entertain her.

Jia Min: An Li, it would be nice if you told me earlier, I just took an order, and I'm not free today or tomorrow.How about the day after tomorrow?We are scheduled to come to my town to play the day after tomorrow.

Anli: All right, any time is fine.I was just thinking about whether to go to your place to play for a day. I was a little tired from doing farm work and wanted to take a rest.

Jiamin: Then my place will definitely make you relax and have fun so much that you never want to leave. Then it’s settled. The day after tomorrow~
Anli: OK, no problem~!

After setting a time with Jiamin, Anli put her bicycle into her backpack and walked to the wishing well on foot. She hadn't walked for a long time, and it felt good to occasionally walk and reminisce about the path she walked step by step last year.

 Sorry everyone, on the night of the 3rd my father suddenly notified me to let me go to work.Then I became an office worker from the 4th. I used to code every night, but now I have no time to code because I have to go to work all day and think about being with my baby at night.When I came to the company the next day, I had no inspiration. It may be because the time of coding has changed. I feel that the surrounding area is dark and the dim lights are on.

  I tried to code a chapter today, and to be honest, I didn't feel very good.I will slowly adjust my codeword time, and strive to recover as soon as possible when inspiration erupts, hahaha~
(End of this chapter)

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