System farm space

Chapter 37 The Mysterious Old Man

Chapter 37 The Mysterious Old Man

Spring January 1, sunny.

"Looking at the sun yesterday, I know that today's weather will be very good. Hmm~ There is a strong smell of green grass, very refreshing."

An Li went to bed too early yesterday, so that she got up very early today, and she got out of bed and started her day's work at dawn.

Seeing that the ground is still relatively humid, there is no need to water it. One of the daily tasks today cannot be completed.

Go out to the yard, the cornfield is ready for harvest.You can’t see the yellow corn with the animation effect, you need to break them one by one.

"22, that's a lot. Is there any more convenient way?"

[Yes, the system will collect the corn for you, and pay 10% of the corn for a piece of land.Help cut corn stalks and process them into feed packs, which can be used to feed livestock. The processing fee for a piece of land is 10 gold coins. 】

"How much is the purchase price of corn?"

[3 gold coins per catty. 】

Let's discuss it, and the processing fee will be cheaper.Okay 22, let’s talk and discuss easily! "

[My maximum authority is 9 gold coins per piece of land, your contribution is too low, and my authority is limited. 】

"Ah? What is the contribution rate?"

[Contributions to the entire "Life", such as inventions and creations, can increase the contribution. 】

"Then how much do I contribute now?"

[Add 10 points to self-made blueprints, 1 point to self-made recipes.A total of 12 o'clock. 】

"Hey, that's all. It's alright, 9 gold coins a piece of land in the west can still be 9 gold coins cheaper."

[Are you sure the system will harvest the crops? 】


[The application has been submitted, and the harvest will start now, estimated to be 3 hours. 】

After 22 finished speaking, many small robots miraculously appeared out of thin air and began to collect corn.A dozen small robots flew up and down the field, and after a while they piled some corn on the ground.

"Well, high technology is the primary productive force. I'm in the Paleolithic age, or the Neolithic age?" An Li touched her bitter tears and went to feed them.

Because Momoo wasn't brought out yesterday afternoon, Anli could feel Momoo's happy mood when she was brought out now.The increase in happiness may also make it easier for both parties to communicate, otherwise how can you feel it.

The chicken pens and rabbit cages were also dirty, and the pheasants and rabbits were covered in mud.An Li is thinking about whether to give them the kind that can take a bath in the whole pool.

[I think you are such a dick!Animals raised in the wild, do you expect them to be as clean as domestic pets? 】

"Emm... It seems that what you said makes sense."

22 If there is an entity, he will definitely roll his eyes to Anli to express his speechlessness.

An Li went to the forest and the mine to pick up branches and stones, and picked a few small red fruits as she walked and gnawed towards the shrimp pond.

"It didn't rain too much yesterday, so it wouldn't cause the stream to rise, right?" An Li looked into the shrimp pond, and could vaguely see a few shrimps, but she wasn't sure if they escaped.The water was too cold early in the morning, An Li waited for the water to enter at noon to check if there were any holes in the linen.


Anli went into the kitchen to boil the milk, opened the mall and bought 10 more milking buckets. The ones I bought before were sold and recycled, so I checked the mall to see if there was anything new. .

"The copper steamer costs 100 gold coins, so expensive." An Li looked at her savings, there were more than 800, so I bought it!
"Hey, potato seeds cost 4 gold coins. I bought 9 seeds. It seems that I'm going to open the land later." An Li looked through other things and found that there was nothing she needed, so she exited the mall.

After drinking the milk, I took the hoe and went to open the land.

Because of the rain, the land is not very easy to hoe compared to the dry state, but it is better to hoe the wet soil above, but the shoes have been muddy and can't see their original appearance.

"I should make a few pairs of straw sandals. Where can I find reeds, or try drying wheat stalks and twisting them into straw ropes?"

After opening the 9 pieces of land, An Li went to the edge of the stream to clean the mud on the shoes with water, and then put them on.

Because the shoes are wet, they will make a "baji" sound when walking.An Li followed the sound of "Baji, Baji" towards the wishing pool.

"22, how do you think I'm lucky today? I think I can get clothes or shoes? I want it all in my dreams!"

[I can't predict your luck, and I won't say anything about it. If you don't draw it by then, blame me for telling your good luck away. 】

"Oh, am I that kind of person!"

While fighting each other, they walked in the wishing well.

An Li threw in 10 gold coins piously, and after a flash, the outline of an object appeared.

An Li looked at the object in the light expectantly, and when the light cleared, it revealed its true appearance: a pair of rain boots.

An Li took the rain boots and always felt that she was a little short of 10 gold coins. What can a pair of rain boots do?
[It can be walked in the mud, and it can also be used for getting into the water or doing work, wouldn't it be very convenient. 】

"A pair of rain boots cost me 10 gold coins!"

[You still made money, and the minimum cost for clothing is 20 gold coins. 】

An Li doubted for a moment, expressing that she didn't quite believe that the system would be so generous and let herself earn money every time.After all, I'm used to it, and I'm not used to the feeling of being white.

[If you don't believe me, let's see for yourself. 】22 said it was very angry, and Tsundere decided not to talk to Anli anymore.

When I returned to the yard, I found an old man standing at the gate, wearing a very strange dress, all of which were pockets, probably more than a dozen pockets, large and small.

An Li stepped forward to say hello hesitantly: "Well, hello. May I ask who are you looking for?"

"Hey, hello. My name is Yun, can I ask for some water? I haven't had a drop of water this morning, and I'm a little thirsty."

"Oh, yes, please come in first." An Li opened the yard door to let the old man in, and moved a stool for the old man to sit down.Then I went to fetch water.

"Haha, thank you little girl. I'm giving this to you as my thank you gift. I don't have anything good, so don't dislike this little thing."

An Li took the card from the old man's hand, which read:

Traveling merchant fixed-point trading card.After using this card, the traveling merchant will go to the farm to make transactions on 5.15.25 every month.

An Li's eyes shine brightly, wandering businessmen, this is what An Li most hopes to see at present.

"Thank you, grandpa, this thing is too important to me. If you want to eat, my craftsmanship is not bad."

"Haha, little girl, then I'm not going to be polite. I'm a little tired after walking for a few days."

An Li danced excitedly, and went to the chicken pen to catch the only male pheasant, ready to kill and eat it.The hens still lay eggs and cannot be killed.

 One update today!Recently, I have suffered from severe lack of sleep. Do you have any good ways to prevent your baby from kicking the quilt?Get up and cover the quilt countless times in one night, hey

(End of this chapter)

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