Chapter 8
An Li looked at the blossoming and delicate mushrooms, and her saliva was involuntarily secreted.Eating fish and red fruit for two days in a row is really too monotonous for a foodie.

Anli has already gone through a lot of mushroom recipes in her mind now, such as dry-fried fresh mushrooms, stewed mushrooms with chicken, fried mushrooms, mushroom soup...

Although there are not many condiments, there will be bread!As long as you look for it diligently, nature will always give you a little feedback.

An Li picked three mushrooms and put them in her backpack. One was so big that it was enough for a family of three to cook.

It’s better not to pick them all at once. It’s a waste if you can’t eat them all. It’s better to eat as much as you can.

But it's not too close to the hut, and it's troublesome to come here. I don't know if it can be artificially cultivated.

I remember one winter Chinese New Year, when I went back to my aunt’s house in the countryside, the aunt was growing mushrooms next to the heater.Although I don't know if it will be successful later, Anli still wants to try.

The current temperature is not too cold, the weather here is closer to the weather in the south, warm and humid.

You can put the mushrooms in the corner of the hut to cultivate, and sprinkle some water every day to ensure the humidity should be enough.

An Li took the hatchet and gently scraped off a mushroom with a humus layer with the sharp blade, and put it in her backpack.

Anli looked in the backpack, there were mulberries, the damaged honeycomb just picked, bamboo and the mushrooms just picked, plus the mushrooms with humus, hatchet, kettle and stone bowl, the backpack was almost full .

It seems that I can only go back home, otherwise if I see any good things and can't put them down, my heart will die of heartache.

When I went back, it was much faster than when I came.Make a mark along the way to prevent yourself from finding your way next time.

On the way back, I cut down a lot of vines. There are still a lot of vines needed for the fence.

According to An Li's plan, the yard is huge.The current room is only about ten square meters, with a bed and a bedside table, and there is not much space left.

An Li asked 22: "22, can the house be expanded in the future? It's too sad to be so small all the time."

"Yes, after repairing, buy the drawings and prepare the corresponding materials, and the system will help you expand."

I feel relieved that I don't have to do the expansion myself. After all, I haven't really studied anything about building a house.

"Of course, you need to pay the corresponding gold coins..."


There is a sentence that mmp does not know whether to say or not to say!
Well, it's not a lady's act to be rude. As a game, it must be to collect money. An Li can only comfort herself in this way.

I went back and passed by the field to take a look, and found that the wheat had grown to half its mature height, as if it had been opened.

But it's normal to think about it, the crop growth time of the novice mission should not be too slow.Otherwise, it will be more difficult in the early stage...

An Li, who returned with a full load, first put the hatchet next to the firewood pile.

Then walk in the backlight of the house, take out the mushrooms with humus layer from the backpack, put them in the corner, and sprinkle a little water with the kettle to keep them moist.

It was originally a thatched house + a little wooden structure, but now there are mushrooms growing in the corners, making the house even more dilapidated.

It is time to plan the yard. Now this is the main house, and then a tool house, bathroom, toilet, and a mushroom house for growing mushrooms will be built around it.

But in the future, the hut will definitely expand and become a big house.Therefore, the foundation needs to be left out, in case there is not enough room for expansion in the future, and other houses have to be demolished again.

After placing the mushrooms, An Li went to a small field in the yard to see the growth of the bitter vegetables.A little wilted, maybe just planted and still in the process of adapting.

Then plant the bitter vegetables dug in the morning into the ground, and the only wild vegetables that can be eaten so far are bitter herbs.

Mushrooms used for eating are washed and dried to become dried mushrooms for easy storage.For the hive, I don't know what to do for the time being, I have to find a container to put it in, otherwise the honey will flow out.

Put the honeycomb in the backpack for the time being, and wait until there is a container for storage.

The amount of mulberries is enough to eat for two days, and the rest is threaded with fresh bark torn into thin strips, and hung up to a high place to dry and then eaten as dried fruit. It would be too wasteful to keep all of them, and mulberries are easy to break.

Going back to the house to check the time, it was already noon.The whole morning passed quietly, feeling like I hadn't done anything yet.

Boiling water in a stone pot will be very slow at the beginning when the pot is not hot, but the water will boil quickly after the pot is hot, and the heat preservation effect of the stone is very good.I remember that the Mongolians have a kind of roast lamb called stone barbecue. Anli once followed her parents to the port on the border between China and Mongolia to eat it once.

Swallowing her saliva, An Li silently comforted herself, there will be bread!There will be bicycles too!come on!
While the water was boiling, An Li went to the river to catch fish—this is the only source of meat now.

After catching the fish, An Li was just about to go back, when suddenly a pheasant came out from the bushes, looking for food leisurely.

"Pheasant?" An Li's eyes lit up, she didn't expect there to be a pheasant.

After the pheasant was gone, An Li sneaked through the bushes where the pheasant just came out, "It's actually a pheasant nest, it's really hidden. If it wasn't for the pheasant coming out of here, I don't even know there's something else going on here." .”

"When you find a pheasant nest, you will be rewarded with 5 points of experience and 5 points of exploration points." The system is always looking for a sense of presence, and An Li directly and automatically blocks it.

At this moment, there was not a single pheasant in the nest, and six or seven eggs were lying quietly in the nest. An Li took three eggs while there were no chickens, but there was no pot.

It's a bit too sorry for the chicken mothers to take it all at once, so it's better to take less and less, An Li thought secretly, so that there will be a sustainable ration.

An Li was very happy when she accidentally picked up eggs. She remembered and marked them so that when she came to pick them up in the future, she would go home and cook a big meal!

An Li decided to eat grilled fish in honey sauce at noon today. With honey, it will taste very good if you brush it on the fish when grilling.Cook another egg and mushroom soup, today's lunch is quite perfect.

Since you want to make honey grilled fish, you must use a brush.An Li found some soft chicken feathers from the pheasant nest, and then went to the stream to wash the chicken feathers and squeeze out the water on them.

Pick a large leaf from the tree, peel off the leaf and leave the leaf stem, tie the washed chicken feathers tightly, and the simple version of the brush is done.

After Anli went back, she put the freshly washed mushrooms into the boiling water and started to cook, then went back to the house and took out the salt box, sprinkled a little salt in it to enhance the flavor, and beat the eggs into eggs when the mushroom soup was almost ready Just spend it.

Then take out the honeycomb, carefully pour the honey on the dressed fish, and use the brush just made to brush the honey evenly.

After making these preparations, draw a burning firewood from the stone stove, put it on the ground next to it, and pile some more firewood on it to make it burn.

Then put the grilled fish rack on the fire, put the fish on the rack and put it away.

After the fire is hot, the grilled fish will start.

Slowly turn the fish to let the honey on it be heated evenly, and you will smell a sweet smell of honey after a while.

"Hmm~ It smells so good. This is pure natural honey. I don't know how many additives are added to the food." An Li smelled the sweet smell of grilled fish with her nose fluttering.

"Actually, the only advantage here is that the food is all natural. There are no additives, all of which are pure natural and pollution-free in the forest. After drinking the water in the creek for so many days, I didn't find any I have diarrhea or something, but my body is getting stronger." An Li was talking to herself while flipping the grilled fish.

I got up and looked at the mushroom soup in the pot. I picked up a piece of mushroom with chopsticks and tasted it was already very bad.

Sprinkle the freshly prepared eggs into the pot to form an egg flower shape, and the egg and mushroom soup is ready.

Seeing that it will take a while to grill the fish, Anli first made a bamboo tube with a slanted opening with bamboo, and carved a circle of dents on the bamboo tube as thick as bark and vines, and tied the vines to the dents.

After fixing it, An Li pulled it with her hands and felt that it was as firm as it was, and the vines did not come off.Try to use the spoon you just made to serve the soup, it is a little bit uncomfortable, but it will be fine if you don't burn your hands.

Take out the soup and pour it into bowls, the fish is just done
 Modifications, revisions, all kinds of major revisions!
  Dear friends, if you don’t understand later, start from the beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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