The Mightiest Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 298 Chapter 396 Legendary Road

Chapter 298 Chapter 396 Legendary Road
The worldly python has brought Finny the snake's old tongue, swallowing, and the talent of magic perception,
The civet is the purest and most awakened blood in Finny's body. His Animagus is in the form of a cat under the influence of the civet. Useful, the talent of nine lives and time travel, and of course the magical perception that almost awakens the magical blood,

Compared with these two bloodlines with a higher degree of awakening, the star horse that brings the third eye, the crow that brings death affinity, and the tengu that brings the magical body are much inferior.
It's just that the Tengu is the purest blood source of the Black family, which makes Finny more entangled. If he enters the legend and wants to continue on, the classics of the Black family and the experience of those elders will be in the blood of the Tengu. The help that can be given to Feeney in the field is the greatest.

This is where Finny struggles the most. Choosing the blood of the worldly python or the civet can be said to be out of Finny's own way. At the same time, after entering the legend, the strength will be much stronger.

However, the disadvantage is that the follow-up road needs to be walked by Feeney himself. There is nothing to refer to, and everything can only be done by himself.

And if you choose Tengu, although after entering the legend, because the blood purity is much lower, so the strength will be much inferior, but the advantage is that there are guides for the follow-up road, and you can follow the steps.
There are two paths, one is very strong at the beginning, but the progress will be very slow, and the other is weak at the beginning, but can reach a certain height in a short time.

The two roads seem to be the same for Feeney, and they will make him stronger.

But don't forget, Finny's goal is not to stop at legend, his goal is to become a god, and not just an ordinary god, but a god who can go home,
Feeney remembered his goal and his desire to go home all the time. Even a god would be good at something and not good at it. Compared with the tengu, the civet's talent in time and space is more suitable for Feeney Even the worldly python can't compare to this goal,
So, Finny decided, it's the civet bloodline,

Then, the road ahead is very clear. Digest the other bloodlines and integrate their power into the civet bloodlines. When the bloodlines are pure to a certain extent, they are legendary, and when the bloodlines are pure without any other bloodlines , is a demigod, as long as there is a place to become a god, then it is a god.

The road to becoming a god can be said to be within reach.

So, Finny is out, he walked out of Hufflepuff's Chamber of Secrets,
It seems that Finny didn't seem to do anything here in the past few months. He just sorted out the things he has mastered and learned now, and then he didn't invent new magic or learn new magic. It was a waste of time.

However, at this moment, if someone really took action against Feeney, they would witness a great wizard who had not yet grown up and possessed the power of a legendary wizard.

"I don't know if anything happened at Hogwarts? However, it's okay to think about it. After all, Dumbledore is still alive, and no one with ulterior motives will go to Hogwarts to cause trouble."

Well, Quirrell and Umbridge don’t count. One of them was originally a professor at Hogwarts, but he wanted to plot against Voldemort before he died, and the other was an official from the Ministry of Magic. Gwartz's,

Well, if I say it doesn't count, it doesn't count,

"Master, you are back."

Feeney didn't go directly back to the No.12 house in Grimmauld Square, but chose Lisa's manor. Because of Lisa's sacrifice, the loyalty spell here disappeared, so Feeney's men have been protecting the place all year round. After all, the place where Lisa sleeps is also in the manor,
(Lisa is the owner of the manor and also a secret keeper, and Finny is a spellcaster. Lisa brought him every time he came here before. Lisa did not tell him the specific address, so after Lisa died, because there was no Others who know the brother here, so no other secret keeper appears, and the loyalty curse will naturally disappear,)
(ps The red-blooded loyalty spell, the secret keeper can be the owner of the house himself, but the magic power and difficulty required to cast this magic will increase by several levels, only the secret keeper can tell others the address of the house protected by magic, as the secret keeper If you die, everyone who knows the address will automatically become the new secret keeper.)
Seeing Finny appearing, the wizard in charge of guarding the manor greeted hurriedly,
Feeney nodded and asked,
"Is Damon there?"

The wizard nodded,
"Mr. Damon is resting on the first floor of the manor,"

Because of the guardianship of wizards here, the first floor of the manor was opened by Finny for them to rest and live in. The second floor and above are places where they cannot set foot. And the books are on the third floor,

Feeney nodded, walked into the manor, nodded and greeted the wizards guarding here along the way, and arrived at the villa that can be called a castle.

It is called an ancient castle because the architectural style here is consistent with the Gothic castle, and it is called a villa because there are only four floors here. Of course, each floor is very large, and there is no problem with dozens of people living there.


Damon was a little dazed when he saw Feeney. He was very puzzled. Shouldn't Feeney take the exam in Hogwarts at this time?
Moreover, there have been rumors in the magic world that Fini disappeared for half a year.
Finny's sudden presence here was very suspicious in either way.

Finny saw Damon's doubts, nodded, expressing his understanding, and shook his right hand, and the snakewood staff in Ravenclaw's ring appeared immediately,

Facing the wave of the snake stick, a ball of clear water was summoned, and under the effect of the evocation magic, the water turned into a small sparrow flying in the air and singing.

Seeing this scene, Damon relaxed. As we all know, in the entire magical world, including the legends of the Presbyterian Church and Dumbledore, only Feeney can use evocation magic. After all, the most critical part of this magic, Feeney Ni never published or told anyone else.

Therefore, the one who can use this magic must be Finny himself,

"Master, is there anything you want to tell me?"

Damon breathed a sigh of relief and asked,
Feeney shook his head slightly, sat on an armchair, and said,
"I've been in retreat for a while, so I don't know much about the current situation in the magic world, the Black family, and the development of our power. Please tell me in detail."

Damon nodded and clapped his hands, and a house elf brought refreshments to the table next to Finny,
The house-elf was Damon's own, not the Blacks' or Finny's,

Originally, when Finny asked them to live here to guard the place, he planned to let some of his house elves come over, but Damon refused.

As one of the first few people who followed Finny, Damon naturally knew that although those house elves usually took care of Finny, they were no different from other house elves.

But in fact, they are not only Feeney's assistants but also Feeney's bodyguards. When Feeney really has an accident, they will rush to Feeney's side as soon as possible, and they are usually in the old house of the Black family. on standby
Moreover, I also have a house elf, just call it over, there is no need to possess Finny's house elf.

After everything was ready, Damon spoke to Finny in detail about the current situation in the magic world,

"About two months ago, the news that you were missing, young master, suddenly appeared in the magic world. It was okay at first, and almost no one would believe it. After all, a few months ago, you led a team to destroy Pa Jinsen, Gore, Crabbe and other families, at this time, no one will touch your bad luck easily."

"However, when you haven't appeared in front of other people in the magic world for a long time, young master, then the credibility of this rumor will be greatly increased. Slowly, some people really believe it, but , believe in some scattered wizards, they themselves have no right to speak in the magic world, they just expanded the flow of this rumor in the market, and even exaggerated it, and it became a drunken gossip in their mouths."

"Many families are waiting and watching. It is conceivable that if you really don't show up, young master, or if there are any problems in our stores, industries, or strongholds, they will regard it as, young master, you are really missing, and we There is evidence of a huge internal problem. This has led to the fact that whether it is the property ordered by you, young master, or the property of the Black family, we need to handle it carefully, "

"But even so, some people still have some special thoughts,"

Feeney narrowed his eyes and asked,

"Which people?"

Damon said,
"They are all those who have taken refuge in the Rich family before, and were dealt with by us once according to your anger, young master,"

Finny smiled disdainfully,

"It seems that Rich and the others are still not reconciled,"

How can it be reconciled, now Italy is occupied by Black more than half, and the rest is generally occupied by Selwyn, Greece is run by Selwyn like an iron bucket, completely out of hand,
In other words, the UK is still a cake that can be intervened. The Black family did not care about the situation in the UK more than ten years ago. As a result, after Feeney came to power, he kept fighting with Rich in the UK and eliminated Rich's subordinates not long ago. After a few families, he even threatened other families and began to rectify the British magic world.

After all, this is Black's basic board. Even if Rich intervenes, when Black really plans to rectify, they will still be able to master it again.

This makes Rich reconciled, you know, that is, Germany is very firmly managed by them, otherwise, it will be intervened by Black like France.

"Go on, is there anything else?"

Finny continued to ask,

Damon thought for a moment,
"Well, the Ministry of Magic arrested some of our people for the reason of attacking the Parkinson Manor before, but I went to the Ministry of Magic to talk to the Minister named Fudge and released them all,"

Feeney frowned. The Ritchie family was not reconciled and had some small thoughts. He could understand the actions of those pure school families. However, you, the British Ministry of Magic, took the initiative to attack the power of the Black family. Isn't this provocative?

To be honest, Feeney is very suspicious that when Fudge came to power, did his predecessor tell him the truth about the wizarding world, that is, the existence of the Presbyterian Church?
Probably not, otherwise why is Fudge so greedy for power and position?

You know, the position of the Minister of Magic seems to have a lot of power, but in fact there is no need for the Council of Elders to speak. As long as the consular family speaks, the Ministry of Magic has to obey.
And Blake is a consul family, or the royal family of the dark world of England,

No official from the Ministry of Magic would take the initiative to provoke the Black family. Even the fact that Sirius was arrested and imprisoned was because there were other people in the Black family at that time, and Sirius was expelled from the family in name.
Of course, the more important thing is that Sirius was on the scene, and he didn't even resist. If he didn't catch him, he would really be sorry for the majesty of the Ministry of Magic.
After thinking for a while, Feeney said to Damon,
"Damon, you go back and put pressure on the Ministry of Magic. Now that Black has regained control of the British wizarding world, you have to tell the Ministry of Magic who is in charge now."

Damon nodded.

"I understand, I will notify other families,"

Feeney nodded in satisfaction, and talked about other things with Damon,

"By the way, is Sirius awake?"

Damon shook his head,

"Not yet, by the way, young master, do you need me to send someone to St. Mungo's to guard? Recently, there have been rumors in the wizarding world that you are missing and as long as Sirius dies, the Black family's property will be a waste of fat. "

Feeney thought for a moment, nodded and said,

"Okay, but please don't show up. I will continue to hide myself, creating the illusion that I am really missing. Let's see who will do it at that time, and then put pressure on the Ministry of Magic,"

Damon nodded. As the leader of Finny's subordinate forces who manage the Americas alone, his ability and level in many things even surpassed Lisa's.

"By the way, master, the box you asked to customize earlier has been completed,"

Finny's eyes lit up.It's done, okay, you can bring Basque out of Hogwarts when you're done,
So he nodded,
"Very good, Damon, you arrange a few people to dig a space under the manor, and put the entrance and exit in the forest. Usually, everyone should not go near the forest. I plan to raise a basilisk under the manor."

"Basilisk? Is there anyone in the magic world who cultivates this thing now? Who is so courageous?"

Damon was shocked.

Finny waved his hand and said,
"It's not just bred, it's a basilisk born a thousand years ago, um, you should have heard the rumors about the Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets in Hogwarts, right?"

Damon nodded.

"That's right, such a rumor suddenly appeared in the magic world half a year ago,"

(End of this chapter)

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