Chapter 7

"Your Excellency..."

"It turns out that Your Excellency the General wanted to tell us that our power is not used to compete for power, but to protect the people."


"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo L L L L L l Lt I have been dawdling around these days when I joined the Navy and I don't know what to do in the future.

"Starting from the East China Sea, there are no thieves in the world!"

"Starting from the East China Sea, there are no thieves in the world!"

"Starting from the East China Sea, there are no thieves in the world!"

On the deck, the recruits and students burst into tears.

Seeing this scene, Major General Babs nodded with satisfaction: "Those little bastards, you are still a little enlightened, and you have lived up to the good intentions of Your Excellency the General."


This wave of speeches seems to be working well.

Hearing the noise on the deck, a harmless smile gradually appeared on Luo Zheng's face.

If someone on the earth is familiar with Luo Zheng, seeing him smiling like this, they will definitely run away immediately.

Normally, when Luo Zheng showed such a smile, it meant that someone was going to be used as underpants.

It's really hard to do anything if you don't have the ability to fool people when you come out to hang out!
Of course, this is also thanks to the fact that he has read some chicken soup novels on Earth, and he has also read a lot of time-traveling online novels.

However, it seems that people in One Piece World express exaggerated emotions. They cry immediately when they cry, and grin immediately when they laugh, which makes him feel amazing.

Luo Zheng went all the way back to his cabin and poured himself a cup of tea. His mouth was a little parched after the speech he had just made.

Looking at the steaming tea, Luo Zheng quickly used the ability to freeze the fruit to cool down the hot tea, and got a cup of warm tea in a few seconds.

He gulped it dry in one gulp.

However, just when Luo Zheng wanted to refill his cup, the warship suddenly shook violently.

Luo Zheng quickly looked out of the cabin window.

Accompanied by a roar that suddenly came from below the warship, the entire warship flew up suddenly, soared into the air at once, and came to the air tens of meters away from the sea surface, and the hull of the warship began to tilt and fall downwards.

But the warship had just fallen for a while, but it seemed to be held back by something hard.

This is... Could it be...

Luo Zheng only thought of one possibility, and that was that their warship had encountered Sea Kings.

After all, this is a windless zone, the sea area where sea kings inhabit. It must be the noise of the recruits and students on the deck that attracted the nearby sea kings.

Luo Zheng rushed out of the room and quickly opened the six-style shaving. His figure flickered several times in the corridor before appearing on the deck of the warship.

There was chaos on the deck, and it was the first time for Babs and the recruits to experience such a scene, and everyone showed panic.

In a panic, everyone quickly looked for something that could stabilize their bodies. They pulled the mast of the warship, the ropes on the mast, and hugged the edge of the warship to stabilize their figures.

Of course, there were also a few new recruits who were thrown away directly.

One of the female elites was also not paying attention, her footing was unstable, and she fell towards Luo Zheng's direction.

Luo Zheng calmly stretched out his arms to embrace the new recruit, but instead of looking at her, he lowered his head to look at the bottom of the warship, with a hint of sharpness in his eyes.

It really is a Neptune!

"Your Excellency, please act quickly, this big guy is beyond my ability to deal with."

Babs spoke solemnly.

They were really carried away by the words of the general just now, and they forgot that they were in the calm zone.

Usually, because the keels of naval warships are embedded with sea stones, sea kings will not attack naval warships, but this time they made a lot of noise.

Perhaps it was because the admiral was on the warship, the subconscious in his heart could not help but relax his vigilance.

An extremely ear-piercing hiss came from the bottom of the hull, causing everyone's eardrums to buzz.

A strange look flashed in Luo Zheng's eyes, he quickly put down the female elite in his hand, and walked to the bow of the warship.

In front of these sailor students, he didn't need to worry at all. Showing strength would expose his identity.

Therefore, he planned to make a move in his heart.


The entire warship was held in mid-air by the head of a gigantic Neptune with a body size of over a thousand meters. The hull of the three to 40-meter-long ship was like a small stone in front of this Neptune.

At this time, the sea kings also discovered the warship above their heads.

Its roar came from this. Those huge eyeballs suddenly looked at the warship above its head, and immediately shook its head, throwing the warship up.

In the next moment, a huge tentacle like a titanic python yanked towards it fiercely.

A thousand-meter-long giant Neptune resembles a squid. If one of its tentacles falls down, it would be enough to destroy several streets in an instant if it were on land!


Luo Zheng snorted with disdain, and with a thought, a picture of General Qingzhi releasing the ability of frozen fruit suddenly flashed in his mind.

He swung his arm violently, and a blue light mixed with an extremely cold aura suddenly spread towards the giant sea king's tentacles.

The icy energy touched the tentacles, and the giant sea king's tentacles were quickly covered by a thick layer of ice.

The ice continues to spread...

Under the horrified gaze of Babs and a group of new recruits, the tentacles of the giant sea king, along with half of its body, were wrapped in ice.

Just like that, half of the giant sea king's body was frozen on the sea surface, and the waving tentacles also stagnated in midair.

However, the risk has not been completely eliminated, and the warship is falling towards the sea.

If a warship hits the sea from a height of thousands of meters, it will definitely disintegrate in an instant.

Luo Zheng turned his eyes away from the giant sea kings, stepped on the deck with his feet, and the figure stood in the middle of the deck in an instant, pressing his palms on the deck.

Chi Chi Chi!
With the activation of the fruit ability, a circular icicle spread from the bottom of the warship to the surface of the sea in vain.

In order to reduce the force of the warship falling into the sea, the top of the icicle was specially made into a cone shape.

Gradually, the icicle plunged into the sea one step at a time, and there was a shaking from the warship, but everyone just staggered and didn't feel too much force.

When all the icicles submerged below the sea surface and sank with the navy ship, Luo Zheng quickly froze the surrounding sea surface.

After doing all this, Luo Zheng finally let out a long breath.

Not far away, the Neptune suffered a great loss, half of its body was frozen on the sea surface.

It struggled frantically, neighing continuously, but it couldn't break free from the shackles of the ice.

(End of this chapter)

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