Hogwarts Wizard of the Deep

Chapter 1 Seaside Town

Chapter 1 Seaside Town


Knott Town, a small town established along the coast, the town is engaged in fishing.

The waves beat on the reef, splashing white waves.A figure rushed out of the water following the momentum of the rising waves, and grabbed the reef with its right hand.

A thick layer of calluses had already grown on his hands to prevent his palms from being scratched by shellfish barnacles on the reef.

When the waves receded, the man hurriedly climbed up to the rock and stood firmly on it.

"Huh? The sun is going to set?" Linde frowned, holding a fat sea fish in his left hand.

"By the way, it's been almost 12 years since I came to this world!"

Yes, Linde, whose full name is Linde Green Augustus, is a traveler from Blue Star.

Before the time travel, he was just an ordinary college student. His usual life consisted of staying up late every day to watch dramas, reading books and exercising intermittently. He could be said to be an ordinary person among ordinary people.

In his junior year, due to long-term disordered work and rest and various life habits, the disease took his life away.

But he didn't expect that God would give him another life.It also made him meet the woman who gave him his name.

Evelyn Augustus is a kind old grandmother who has lived in this small town since she was a child and has rarely left the town in her life.

For decades, Evelyn has adopted hundreds of orphans, given them things, taught them how to behave, and found happy families for them.Only a few children were raised by her alone because they were too idiosyncratic or difficult to discipline.

And Linde Augustus is a child who was raised by Evelyn because of his maverick, and of course he doesn't want to be adopted by others.

Above him, there is an older brother who no one wants to adopt because of his naughty behavior.

And half a year ago, this kind old woman died in the hospital in the town because of her advanced age.

Linde brushed back his golden curly hair that had already reached his shoulders.A handsome face was pale and bloodless due to long-term soaking in water.

If you add a pair of long canines to him, then he can perfectly cosplay the beautiful vampire boys that the little girls in the small town school yearn for.

Linde carried the fish and jumped left and right on the successive reefs. His figure was scattered, as if he was taking a walk, and he jumped to the shore after a while.

He was about to look back at the sunset on the sea level, but suddenly saw an owl flying towards him, and the owl was still holding a letter in its feet.

Looking at the owl that was coming towards him, Linde's heart skipped a beat. This familiar scene made him have some different thoughts in his mind.

"No way……"

Before he could think about it, the brown owl flew to his head and dropped the letter, then fell aside, staring straight at the fish in his hand.

Linde didn't care what the owl was thinking now, but grabbed the letter.

The light yellow envelope is stuck with a thick red wax seal with a capital "H", and there is also a coat of arms in the form of a shield. The center of the coat of arms is also a capital "H", and around the H is a lion, A snake, an eagle and a badger.

On the other side of the envelope was written in dark green ink:


Knott Town

on the beach
Mr Lynde Green Augustus

Linde's hand holding the envelope trembled slightly. He always knew he was different.

I can wander in the sea for a whole day without feeling tired and lose temperature. I can sense the emotions of small animals to a certain extent and even achieve barrier-free communication with smarter animals.

But the most daring guess in his mind was that he might be a wandering child from Atlantis, who would compete with a muscular man for the throne in the future.

I have to admit that his most daring conjecture really pales in comparison to this letter.

Panting heavily, Linde hurriedly opened the wax seal, took out the two kraft paper letters inside and read:

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Principal: Albus Dumbledore (President of the International Federation of Wizards, first-class wizard of Sir Merlin, chief wizard of Wizengamot)

Dear Mr. Augustus: We are pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.Enclosed is a list of required books and equipment.

Semester is scheduled to start on September 31.We will be waiting for your owl to bring your reply before July [-]st.

Vice-Chancellor: Sincerely, Minerva McGonagall.


After reading the whole letter, he picked up another one and looked at it:

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

First-year students need to...

...a brass balance

Students may bring an owl or a cat or a toad

Parents are reminded here that first-year students are not allowed to bring their own broomsticks.


Quickly scan the entire letter.Linde sighed, and threw the fish in his hand to the owl who had been staring at it for a long time.And he picked up the clothes on the ground and put them on.

He has no reason to doubt the accuracy of this letter. In this world without the "Harry Potter" series of novels, of course, he just thought that it was impossible for a person to train an owl and be able to perfect it. Make a parody of him by replicating a Hogwarts admission letter.

Hogwarts freshmen in 1991, are you afraid?Afraid!
going or not?Definitely go!

Who can refuse magic? Personal strength is always what men pursue, and Linde is no exception.

After getting dressed, Linde put the letter into his trouser pocket, and asked the owl who was feasting on the side

"Then it says to wait for a reply before July 7, but today is already 31th. Why did this letter come so late?"

The owl raised its small beak for eating, and tilted its head to look at Linde. Perhaps it was the first time in its career that it encountered a little Muggle wizard who would actively communicate with the owl.
It's a pity that after turning its head left and right 180 degrees, it still couldn't figure out the brain circuit of this little Muggle wizard, so it simply gave up and answered Linde's question with two quacks.

"You mean, recently there was a family who was stupid and unwilling to accept letters, so at least half of the owls in the school were delayed?"

Well, after saying this, Linde also thought of which family the idiot X family the owl was talking about.

In 1991, Harry Potter seemed to be the only one who was unwilling to receive school letters... Oh no, it should be the Dursleys.

After all, the Dursleys hated wizards the most. Of course, there must be some jealousy in it.


"It's gone. How much more do you want to eat? This fish is half the size of your body."


"It's getting dark, where can I get you fish, but there are other things, I happen to have money today.

By the way, don't leave for a while, I don't have an owl reply, you can send the letter back for me in a while. "

After saying this, the owl flew up and stood on Linde's thin shoulders, quacking happily, as if it suddenly disliked the half-eaten fish.

"Okay, okay, let's go eat something good first."

In this way, one person and one bird walked slowly towards the small town.

He has to re-plan his future path.

(End of this chapter)

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