one punch glasses hero

Chapter 35 035. The Traveler Named Ye Yu

Chapter 35 035. The Traveler Named Ye Yu

Obviously, Chun Yuan is the weakest among this group of people. It is more beneficial to have him in hand first.

As soon as Ye Yu moved, Huang Shang and the other three also moved in an instant.

"Sure enough, it's the same as what the glasses said. Sure enough, the first target is for me. However, your uncle Chunyuan Hyunhei is no longer the old me. Let me show you how powerful I am!"

Chunyuan Yangping shouted angrily, his momentum was astonishing, he did not retreat but advanced, which actually shocked Ye Yu.

Could it be that Chunyuan also hides his power?

Ye Yu's momentum suddenly stagnated, and soon continued to move forward. At this time, there was no way out, so he could only bite the bullet and charge forward.

Soon the two became friends.

As soon as they met, Ye Yu knew that his worries were unnecessary.

Chunyuan yelled nicely, but in reality, he showed his flaws in a fight. This guy had no cards at all, and he just relied on his physical fitness to fight him.

Who is Ye Yu?It is a time traveler with golden fingers.He also has a set of peerless martial arts that can be exchanged for points. Chun Yuan's three-legged cat kung fu cannot catch his eye at all.

Soon Chunyuan was knocked into the air, but as soon as Chunyuan landed, he immediately got up and continued to attack forward.

Chunyuan was hit again, and Chunyuan got up again and continued to attack.

How can this guy be as invincible as Xiaoqiang?
Ye Yu frowned. A normal person had already vomited blood and died under my attack. When did Chun Yuan become so strong?

At this time, Kashiwazaki Senna and Miss Kaguya's attacks also arrived, and Ye Yu could only concentrate on several uses, and deal with these three at the same time, so the attack couldn't help but weaken a bit.

At this time, Kashiwazaki Sena and Miss Kaguya used the basic usage of Nen: Hard to increase their attacks.

After all, it was the first actual combat, and the two were a little nervous, and they didn't perform very well.

Kashiwazaki Sena, Shinomiya Kaguya, and Haruhara Hinata, these three are all newbies. The three of them have no strength, but basically have no combat experience. Although they have some experience and skills taught by the president and Garp, they have become He forgot all about it and didn't know how to use many moves. He just relied on his physical fitness to attack.

Ye Yu quickly noticed this.

These three people are like children holding a bow and arrow. They don't know how to shoot arrows at all, and they can only use bows and arrows as sticks.

Therefore, Ye Yu suppressed the three of them by relying on his peerless skills.

However, the white light in the hands of these two girls is very powerful, it is very difficult to be attacked, and Haruhara Hinata's physique is also a big problem, this Xiaoqiang who can't be killed at all
So if possible, it would be best to kill the three people on the spot to avoid future troubles.

Cutting off the roots and being ruthless is the mentality that every time traveler must have

However, because the glasses on the side hadn't launched an attack yet, Ye Yu couldn't fully devote his mind to the battlefield, and he had to pay attention at all times, so he fought the three of them so well.

Huang Shang's battle plan is very simple. The three of Kashiwazaki Xingna will play the striker to test out the opponent's strength, and then Huang Shang will take the opportunity to find its weakness and succeed in one blow.

At the same time, the live broadcast function of the chat group was also turned on, and the situation on the battlefield was broadcast live in the group, and the bosses in the chat group were also allowed to help plan.

One person counts the short, two counts the long, Huang Shang has prepared all the backhands.

But Chunyuan and the others had only been fighting for a while, and Huang Shang discovered a problem.

This abnormal traverser is too weak!

It's not just Huang Shang who has such an idea, even the bosses in the group have the same opinion.

Railgun: Is this guy really the mastermind? This is too weak!

I'm Naval Karp: A power of this level dares to stir up wind and rain. Who gave him the courage, Liang Jingru?

I am the president of the Hunters Association: This is simply unsightly.

I'm a zombie: Although I'm not a big shot, I can tell that this is too weak.

It was indeed too weak, this traverser actually used martial arts and internal strength.

Don’t you know that martial arts has declined?Now is the time of fantasy.

No matter how strong your internal strength is, a palm strike will only shatter a stone, but the power of fantasy dares to make you overturn the mountains and seas, the sun and the moon are empty, time goes against the current, how big your thoughts are, how big your power is, this is a gap of an era ah!
It’s the 21st century, and you’re still obsessed with martial arts novels!
Could this thing be an antique from the last century?

Huang Shang was a little nervous at first, but after seeing the strength of the time traveler, he was no longer wary. The gap was really too big.

You have just entered the PC era, and everyone here already has a smartphone. This is a different era, okay!

Huang Shang was very sure that once he made a move, he would definitely die with this punch.

Since the other party was not dangerous, Huang Shang was not in a hurry, so he took it as a practice for the three of Kashiwazaki Xingna.

It's really hard to find a suitable beanbag after all.
After watching for a while, none of the members in the group were interested, so Huang Shang turned off the live broadcast.

Because they played so ugly!

Ye Yu's attacks are tricky, but his power level is too low. Kashiwazaki Senna and Miss Kaguya have high-level power, but they don't know how to use it, and Haru principle has been beaten.

When these four people fought, it was like kindergarten children fighting, and they became a mess, which was unsightly.

Even Huang Shang, who was watching from the side, felt a little tired.

Forget it, let's make a move. If we continue to fight like them, we won't be able to tell the winner within an hour.

If it is delayed for a long time, others may find out, so as to save night and dream, Huang Shang decided to make a move.

At this moment, Ye Yu finally realized that Huang Shang had acted, and his heart sank, he was really aggrieved by the beating.

The opponent's power level is much higher than his own, if it weren't for the fact that he would have taken them down so early.

These three people have already caused so much trouble for me. If there is another guy who seems to be pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger, he will be in danger, and he may have to hang here.

Ye Yu decided to go all out. He has a skill to save his life, but the price of this skill is too high, he has to use his life to pay for it, and he can only use it once.

Ye Yu originally thought that he would never use this trick in his life. After all, the life of a traverser is so precious, how can he waste it casually!
But there is no other way now. Without this trick, there is no way to survive.

It was you who forced me. After I deal with you, I will crush you to ashes.

Ye Yu thought bitterly in her heart, if it wasn't for the appearance of this group of people, she would have already reached the pinnacle of her life, and all of this is your fault.

Ye Yu exchanged this skill in an instant, as if something important was missing from his body, which was his 10-year lifespan, which made his heart ache.

The skill exchange was successful, there was a little more in the body, and a new skill suddenly appeared in the mind.
Wait, let me show you what the real world is like!We time-travelers are the real children of destiny!

Huang Shang felt that Ye Yu's body seemed to have changed a little bit. He didn't know when his expression suddenly became very confident, but it didn't matter.

Huang Shang is a blink of an eye. After trying to use the Lanjiao in the Six Forms last time, his movement speed has been much faster, and he has a better understanding of the Six Forms. As long as he keeps practicing, the chance of mastering this move is very high. big.

The most obvious change brought about by Six Styles is that his movement speed is much faster.

The distance between the two was only about ten meters, almost instantly, Huang Shang's attack appeared in front of Ye Yu's eyes

It's too fast to stop.

Ye Yu's eyes instantly became very panicked, but he quickly became calm again.

I am a time traveler!I am the real protagonist!I control my own life!

The skills exchanged for 10 years of life can be used instantly.

Buddha's Palm!

(End of this chapter)

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