Chapter 83 You Are My Idol
"Sasuke, come on!"

The rectangular and spacious hall is surrounded by a corridor on the second floor, and the auditorium is above the Yinyin seal formed by hands.

On the viewing platform, Li Nuoke had already left his seat to support the fence, and raised his fist to cheer Sasuke.

Sasuke nodded, feeling warm in his heart.

"Senior Dou, come on!"

Li Nuoke thought for a while, and cheered on the pharmacist.

The Chunin Exams continued to change due to his intervention.

He remembered very clearly that Sasuke's opponent should have covered his face with a red armor and sunglasses, but Yakushidou voluntarily withdrew from the match.

Moreover, none of the Otonin trio was seen.

Where will the Chunin Exam go?

he does not know.

To be exact, he doesn't care who hits whom, even Naruto doesn't care about Sasuke.

What he cares about is that it is not clear whether this kind of intervention will affect the outcome of the Zhongnin Exam-the death of the old man beside him.

These three days with Hinata Huahuo traveling around mountains and rivers is also a rare time for him to relax and think calmly about what to do next.

The conclusion is that Giorgio's career is short.

Sister Danai can protect her for a while, but cannot protect herself for the rest of her life.

Being forced to take the Chunin Exam this time has proved a truth. If you are not strong enough, you will be at the mercy of others. The premise of holding your destiny in your own hands is that your fist is big enough.

Why is Miss Dana so rude?

It's because the chest... er, the fist is big enough.

The damn system is not invincible, he can only develop in a wretched way.

With Dana-san's protection, it's not a big problem at the moment, but Sarutobi must die.

Not afraid of thieves stealing, but afraid of thieves thinking.

Hokage is the nemesis, which is terrible.

Based on a comprehensive analysis, he has given up his plan to escape from Konoha; the previous layout has been settled, and escaping from Konoha means that all previous efforts have been wasted, and it is more difficult to escape to other ninja villages to develop war technology.

From Sarutobi Hiruzen's words just now, he became more determined in this idea.

"It's a good thing you weren't injured, otherwise your Grandma Xiaochun and Grandpa Menyan would have thrown their old punches."

This shows that it was Sarutobi's behavior to deal with him secretly, and Zhuanju Xiaoharu and Mitomen Yan didn't know about it.

Whether this is the case still needs to be verified, but from the analysis of the old partner of Sarutobi Group's Tibetan silver coins, it is very likely that this is the case.

This is great news.

It means that as long as you kill Sarutobi, you will be more than half safe.

The remaining half is on Danzo.

But Danzo is not enough to fear in a short period of time.

Don't forget, Gen is Anbu lurking in Anbu, and Danzo must consider the feelings of the captain of Anbu.

Sister Dana can arrange for the immortal sister Hua to follow Danzo and save herself at a critical moment, which shows that she has a grasp of Gen's situation.

As long as Sarutobi dies, Danzo may not necessarily regard himself as a target.

Risks remain, but tolerable.

This is currently the best solution.

However, will the situation develop in the direction he expected?

Immediately, Linock saw things change and change.


There were only three people left in the center of the hall, and Moonlight Gale stood between the two warring parties, ready to call out the start.

A man walked past Sasuke with his hands in his pockets.

"Don't use Sharingan."

"If the curse seal gets out of control, you will die."

"If that happens, the exam will be suspended."

Hatake Kakashi walked upstairs with square steps.

Sasuke frowned tightly, and subconsciously pressed the curse mark on his neck; in this way, he couldn't even use basic ninjutsu.


Moonlight Hayate glanced at Kakashi, and waved down with one arm, "The match...begins!"

Sasuke stared at Tomo-senpai with all his attention.

But Yao Shidou suddenly showed a constipated expression.

Covering his stomach with one hand, big beads of sweat dripped down the lines of his handsome face.

"I surrender!"

Pharmacist Doudou raised his hand, "The continuous fighting these days has left me covered in bruises. I'm sorry, Sasuke-kun, I really can't bear to fight you."

While speaking, he couldn't help but tapped his knees and trembled all over.


Sasuke was surprised.

I didn't expect that I was not in the state, and Senior Dou was not in the state.

"Uh, Sasuke Uchiha won the first match!"

Since admitting defeat, people cannot be forced to fight, so Moonlight Gale had no choice but to announce the result of the match.

"Senior Dou!"

Naruto and Sakura ran downstairs, and together with Sasuke helped the pharmacist go up the stairs, "Medical ninjas, Senpai needs medical ninjas!"

"Let me do it."

Instructing Jonin to come over, "I happen to know a few medical ninjutsu, so it should come in handy."


The three protagonists of class seven bowed at the same time.

"We're allies, and we should be."

Otonin Jonin looked very kind, and walked towards the small door with the help of the pharmacist.

Go through the small door and turn on the dim spell light.

"Why are you not interested?"

The best partner left, Otonin Jonin looked at Yakushi's pocket.

The pharmacist smiled, "How dare I do something to someone my lord likes."


Otonin smiled, "He is really an honest child."


Back on the field, the second match has already begun, and the two sides are Yume Shino VS Tiantian.

Standing by the fence, Otonin Jonin smiled strangely, wondering what he was thinking.

"Sister Tiantian, come on!"

"Shina wants to work hard too!"

While shouting slogans, Li Nuoke moved his feet sideways, leaning over like a crab.

The corner of Otonin's mouth twitched.

It hurts.

Regardless of whether it is bone, flesh or head, the soul has not been transferred, and the physical body remains active. A living person weighing more than 100 kilograms is forcibly beaten into meat. Forced to be resurrected in the curse seal.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at Li Nock, and all the muscles in his body trembled like a conditioned reflex.

The hatred for Li Nuoke has surpassed Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Damn, this Mr. Otonin is very unfamiliar."

Looking at the oily girl Shino who used physical skills to deal with every day, Li Nuoke said softly.

look unfamiliar?

Nima almost wrote the words Dashewan on her face.

Li Nuoke doubts that Konoha's people are all face blind.

This sound ninja is five points similar to Orochimaru's deity in spirit and shape, and together they are very Orochimaru; no one doubts it, don't you think it's strange?
"My name is Yaqi."

"Oh, see you again, please take care of me."


"In my opinion, it is better to resolve enemies than to end them; we should forget the past, focus on the future, and work hard to create a beautiful world where all people live forever."

"Baqi" Jonin finally turned his head, "Mr. Li really knows a lot."

It has been recognized, and it is not the character of Orochimaru to pretend to be.

Li Nuoke laughed.

I know how you didn't exist, and I also know how you got here.

"What's the matter, just tell me."

"Uh, Toss, Sack, and Kim, why aren't you here?"


Orochimaru took another look.

Is the Sage of the Six Paths so talkative that he will tell him all this shit?
"Waste that can't complete the task, of course, is not qualified to appear here." Orochimaru said coldly, "However, thanks to Mr. Li."

Li Nuoke frowned, thanks to me?
Orochimaru has turned around and walked towards the exit.

"Mr. Yaki!"

Li Nuoke hurriedly stopped.

"Any thing else?"

Orochimaru didn't look back.

He knew that Li Nuoke would not say anything, because this was the promise of the undead witch.

Li Nuoke hesitated, and said pitifully, "Actually, you are really my idol."


Orochimaru took a sharp breath and couldn't help but turn around, "Fuck you!"

Go straight downstairs.

Li Nuoke had a bitter face.

It seems that this beam cannot be untied.

At this point, the field has changed.

Every day...crying.

 Thank you book friend 201701130 (I didn’t remember it later) for voting for the monthly ticket, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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