The Life of a Salted Fish After I Killed Hokage

Chapter 109 Three Abandoned Stupid Flags

Chapter 109 Three Abandoned Silly Flags
Fei Yu interrupted Tsunade, which annoyed her for a while.

"Even Tsunade knows that interests must be fought for, so Konoha and Sayin will just stop like this, wasting a lot of life and resources, so why don't they just go home and eat?"

"Jiraiya, if you took off your pants, then looked at the sexy beauty in front of you, and just about to go further, it turned out that it was a man, what would you do, would you like it or not?"

Fei Yu looked at the silly Jiraiya, and knew the answer.

"Still putting on your pants? Don't you feel uncomfortable?"


I said something without going through my brain.

After he finished speaking, he touched the back of his head a little embarrassedly, as if he was also wondering just now, who answered just now?
"Next, I don't need to say anything, you can all think of it."

Feiyu stood up and looked at Orochimaru. Among the disciples of the third generation of Hokage, he can be used as a sharp knife, and he can be regarded as a shield.

As for Tsunade, as long as she doesn't cause trouble, the third generation didn't expect her to create great benefits.

"Let's go. Now that we know that the war will continue, you should take good care of your wounds. Let's go back to the Land of Grass first."

Fei Yu also pulled Tsunade up, packed up his things, and was about to leave, but he glanced at Orochimaru and saw that he was still a little uncomfortable.

"If you want to know, why did you appear in the Land of Earth? I can continue to share some insights, but once you know, then you have to make a choice."

After saying this, Feiyu found that Dashemaru's face was relaxed, compared to the fact that he had been tense just now, anyone who was regarded as an abandoned child but couldn't speak out would be panicked.

When someone can speak out for him, it's really as sour as if you didn't pull for seven days, and then stretched for three days.

"Fei Yu, tell me, I'm listening."

"Tsunade, I will tell you in detail about what happened after you left Konoha, including things I don't want you to know."

Speaking of this, Feiyu also took a look at Dashemaru. In this team, he is the only one who can know any information.

Although Jiraiya will continue to collect information for Konoha in the future, but now he does not have this ability.

It is also possible that you have suffered a loss in intelligence and realized that if you want information, it is more accurate to collect it yourself.

"Feiyu, you can tell me, if you say it out of your mouth, my heart will be relieved."

"Oshemaru, do we have any secrets for this mission?"

Orochimaru looked at Feiyu, and ignored Jiraiya who was asking questions beside him.

Feiyu looked at the future Sannin with a smile, and jumped onto a rock. Since the three generations of Tukage all came out to chase and failed, no other Iwanin would come to chase them.

And the direction they were headed towards was the country of grass. Seeing that dwarf of the third generation of Tsuchikage, they knew that there was nothing they could do about it, so they could only swallow their bad breath and let them leave the country.

There are some things that can be understood without saying anything. Orochimaru and Feiyu are such people.

In the analysis of the war just now, Orochimaru did not say a word from the beginning to the end, until Feiyu wanted to tell the story of them being abandoned by the third generation. The chill inside speaks out.

If you hide too many secrets, your heart will be very tired.

"The three proud disciples of the third generation of Hokage can also make a name for themselves in this battlefield, but they are regarded as abandoned children like this. Will you be disappointed when you know?"

"What? Orochimaru, is what Feiyu said true?"

"Abandoned son?"

Jiraiya's reaction was very strong, he didn't dare to do anything to Feiyu, but he was not polite to Dashemaru, he directly grabbed Dashemaru by the collar, and pulled him to the front to question.

After Tsunade heard it, his body shook a little, he raised his head and looked at Fei Yu, with tears in his eyes.

After saying that, Fei Yu also looked at Tsunade, and pulled her to his side. Although she was punched by her just now, this is the real Tsunade. He gave her a reassuring smile, reassuring her, There he is.

"It's not true."

Orochimaru seemed to have said something to Jiraiya before being let go.

He untied his clothes lonely, then sat aside without any words of explanation.

"Feiyu, tell me why we became abandoned sons, Sarutobi and his ghosts"

"War is so cruel. Whether it is a doctor or a patient, there must be a reason to go to the doctor, and the doctor can treat the patient."

Feiyu, who is very aware of the warmth and coldness of people, was a top student back then, and his relatives and friends broke through the threshold of their family, but after the college entrance examination, his grades were stolen, the family was deserted, and he was accused and abused innocently.

The three generations of Hokage have put in so much sweat and sacrificed so much profit over the years, in exchange for a chance to assault Yuren and harvest war resources.

As a result, he passed away like this, is he willing?

If Urenin had given up the war to annex neighboring countries, would it still make sense for the Konoha troops stationed in the Country of Grass to stay in Konoha?
When Konoha was attacked, the third Hokage was not in Konoha, the loss in the village and the ninja lost due to the war, how to make up for these?
Depending on the war in the Kingdom of Grass alone, it will take until the Year of the Monkey to fully control Konoha's rights.

When sadness turns to anger, either continue to fight under the leadership of the third generation, and perhaps get more benefits.

At the same time, those sad people are also boiled to death, otherwise the third Hokage can only take the blame and resign.

If his favorite disciple died in the Land of Earth, no matter what the reason was, he would have an excuse to pull the Land of Earth into the water and set off a bigger war, then he could still continue to be the Hokage.

Even if it is the Rain and Earth Alliance, Konoha has to go on fighting, because if it goes on, the benefits will come out.Regardless of whether it is outside Konoha or within Konoha, this is the horror of politicians. For the sake of profit, they can sacrifice everything.

"Understood, for the third Hokage, you are the best abandoned children, but don't blame the third generation, only the Nara clan can come up with such a plan B."

"Teacher, is he really such a person?"

Tsunade's trembling words made Feiyu a little distressed, and she hurriedly jumped to her side. Just letting her know about it just now, her heart was hit hard.

This is a blow to trust. The superficial violence is actually just to hide the fragility of the heart.

In the previous life anime, after Tsunade's long-term proposal was rejected, his aggrieved heart was easily stolen.

Today, Fei Yu is the same. She is facing a teammate who is seriously injured and dying, but another teammate wants to kill her teammate, cold-bloodedly wanting to protect herself.

But she still persisted, wanting to treat her seriously injured companion, and also wanted to prevent her companion from killing.

In such a difficult and decisive situation, she also knew that she could not back down, but she was also very wronged in her heart.

However, in that critical situation, Fei Yu appeared like a god, and immediately swept away her grievances, solved her problems, and even vented her anger for her.

"With me, be strong, cry at home, don't make fun of others outside."

(End of this chapter)

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