Chapter 194 Admissions
Dagou and Tiewan kept circling in front of Kushina without saying a word, and Kushina was also puzzled, stopped holding the flyer in his hand, and looked at what Dagou and the others wanted to do.

Just wandering around endlessly for a while, Kushina.I couldn't help but directly came up to ask Dagou, saying:

"Dagou and Tiewan, why did you two come here when you have time? Why didn't you go for a walk and pee?"

With the usual bewildered expression, Dagou just touched the iron pill beside him, and replied to Jiuxinna, saying:
"I heard that you are recruiting medical ninjas here."

Kushina opened her eyes wide in doubt, and replied:
"Yeah, that's right, don't you...?" Kushina hesitated and didn't continue.

Dagou's next response shocked Kushina with disbelief.Just listen to Dagou say:

"Oh, that's great, I want to be a medical ninja, take me one."

Kushina couldn't believe it, her eyes were blank, she checked repeatedly, and asked, "What?"

Dagou was still in a daze, wondering if Jiu Xinnai's lack of food affected his intelligence?Why did you stay in a daze for so long and couldn't understand what you said.

Afterwards, Jiu Xinnai quickly calmed down. She thought that Dagou must have just been on a whim and had nothing to do, so she quickly rejected Dagou's words without even thinking about it, saying:


Dagou turned around to question, but asked Jiu Xinnai in a calm tone, saying:

"No? Why not? I made it very clear, I want to be a medical ninja."

Jiu Xinna waved his hand, and asked Dagou back:

"Medical ninja is not what you want to be, do you know, what does medical ninja do, do you know?"

Dagou answered seriously, saying:
"Of course I know what a medical ninja does, why do you think I don't know what a medical ninja does? If you're not recruiting a medical ninja, then why are you here? You're already a medical ninja, why stop I should"

Kushina rolled her eyes and continued:
"I didn't say that I was working as a medical ninja. I was just helping the real medical ninja Tsunade sister and distributing leaflets about the medical ninja reform enrollment plan."

"Then you are not her apprentice who inherited medical ninjutsu, why are you distributing leaflets here, and more! Why do you reject my decision to be Tsunade's apprentice."

Jiu Xinnai was stunned by Dagou's rare serious words and had nothing to say.Kushina recognized Dagou's words, his words were rough but not rough, and his logical thinking was very clear. Kushina even wavered a little bit in his understanding of Dagou.

Tie Wan, who had been circling in front of the booth, suddenly stopped obediently and started humming in a low voice, as if responding to what Tong Dagou said to Kushina.

Dagou looked at Kushina who was silent, and knew that she regarded it as acquiescing to his words, so he said to Jiushina in a more affirmative tone:

"Hurry up, you take me to see Tsunade, I want to be her apprentice."

At this time, Jiu Xinnai was a little embarrassed, and continued to reject the big hook with a gulp.

Kushina stuck her waist and said angrily:

"No, I don't want it, I can't if I say no."

Dagou suddenly became a little angry, stuck his waist in the same posture, faced Kushina in front of him, and continued to say seriously:
"Jushinna, if you refuse me like this again, I will tear down your booth. Even if the two of us have a fight today, I will still see Tsunade and persuade her to let me become her apprentice."

After hearing Dagou's words, Jiu Xinnai was taken aback for a moment, then couldn't help laughing, and said in a teasing tone:
"What? Just you? You still want to fight me? Just to become a medical ninja?"

Dagou raised his fist, responding patiently to Kushina:
"That's right, if you don't take me there, I will tear down your booth."

With three hahaha sounds, Jiuxinna quickly calmed down, lowered his head slowly, and while waiting for the small universe in his heart to explode, the red hair on his head rose slightly in the air, and his eyes began to fill with anger.

It's true that Jiu Xinnai hasn't seen Dagou have such an obsession with one thing for a long time, but he can't let him call around easily, and use this firepower as a test of Dagou's fighting spirit, so he defaults to Dagou by the way. Play with Tetsumaru.

Dagou saw that the picture in front of him was not good, and retreated, but he pulled the iron pill beside him without stage fright, and said to his pet dog:

"Tiewan, this is a rare battle for us. We can't lose. If we win this battle by chance, we will be medical ninjas afterwards, and you will be a one-in-a-kind ninja dog."

After hearing Dagou's words, Tie Wan seemed to have been given a shot of stimulant, and he was full of energy, and he yelled 'Wow! ' with a big tick in response.

Jiu Xinnai seems to be in a fighting state. She gathered all the pressure and negative emotions of the past few days into one body at one time, and said silently:

"Do you know what a medical ninja is? Do you know how much energy and effort I have put in to help Tsunade implement this plan in the past few days? Miss Ben wants to break her head. You know that I have fought until today Didn’t you receive any apprenticeship? You don’t know all this at all, and even I myself don’t know whether I have the talent of medical ninja in the process of understanding these few days, but you came here out of thin air If you want to be a medical ninja, it sounds like you can be one if you want to, is it a child's play for you?"

Dagou and Tiewan listened to the cruel and heartless words in Kushina's mouth. Facing Kushina who was about to go crazy, Dagou and Tiewan felt a little scared and could only swallow their saliva.

The wind in Muye Village flutters gently across the street corners of every alley in the village. In such a seemingly peaceful village, a certain corner is about to stage an imminent fight. The tense atmosphere is in such a seemingly peaceful village. The small street corner gives the picture a spark of warmth.

At this time, Tsunade stretched tiredly after packing up bits and pieces in the classroom, looked at the already empty room, and glanced at the same empty door.

Tsunade wondered whether the plan of setting up a stall that Kushina's child didn't know was going well, thought about it for a while, and decided to take advantage of this free time to find her, check the progress, and relax himself by the way.

Just as he was thinking, he stepped out of the classroom door and closed the door by the way.

Just as he walked out of the door, he turned his head and saw three or two figures walking towards his classroom not far away.

Tsunade quickly recognized that one of them was Kushina, who was crossing his hands with a depressed face, walking vigorously step by step, looking at his posture as if he was angry.

Looking at the figure next to Kushina, there should be a boy following him, carrying the bracket that Kushina originally carried out on his shoulders.

And next to the boy, followed by a dog, wagging its tail unhurriedly, but looking carefully, it was holding a few fragments of leaflets in its mouth that was biting messily.

(End of this chapter)

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