Chapter 1
Snow-capped, Jiangcheng in December is covered in silver.

This place is called Snow Township, and it is a famous winter tourist resort in the north.

In the afternoon, two people walked on the mountain road leading to the back mountain, one in blue and one black in thick down jackets, which stood out especially in the snow.

"Brother, I'm a little embarrassed today." Chen Xiong, who was wearing a blue down jacket, said to Zhang Yan who was next to him while walking.

"Be sour, be more sour." Zhang Yan said with a look of disgust.

Today was a small party organized by the two classes. Originally, Zhang Yan didn't plan to come, but it was Chen Xiong who coaxed Zhang Yan to come by inviting his classmate Lin Xiaoxu to attend.

As a result, it was only here that I discovered that Lin Xiaoxu, whom Zhang Yan had been thinking about all the time, had actually been with the tall and handsome squad leader for a long time. This gathering was also specially organized by the squad leader, and it was full of the smell of declaring sovereignty.

So from the beginning of the assembly, Zhang Yan was always full of sourness. A group of people chatted in the house in full swing, but he dragged Chen Xiong out to have a snowball fight.

At this time, it was still early for dinner, and there was an endless stream of tourists in the scenic area. Zhang Yan and Zhang Yan walked along the mountain road chatting and strolling, but they were happy.

"To be honest, if I were Lin Xiaoxu, I would also choose the squad leader. He is handsome and rich, not much better than the two of us." Chen Xiong said.

"Don't be old with us, who are you with, are you worthy of being compared with me?" Zhang Yan continued to complain.

The number of tourists in the back mountain of the scenic area has obviously decreased, and the mountain road has become more and more difficult to walk. In addition to the darkening sky, the visibility in the mountain has begun to decrease rapidly.

"Go back, if you go any further, you will really go into the mountain, be careful that the blind man will pick you up." Chen Xiong stopped before he spoke.

"Walk again." Zhang Yan continued to keep walking, "I have been here several times and have never been inside. This time I just went to have a look."

"Go on your own, I can't walk anymore." Chen Xiong shamelessly sat down on the snowdrift beside him, saying that he couldn't move anymore.

"You bastard!" Zhang Yan cursed, and walked into the depths.

Going around a mountain road, there are no tourists here at all, the mountain wind is blowing, the snow and fog are blowing, and the pine branches are swaying.

In normal times, Zhang Yan would not be too idle to go deep into the mountains, but today he was in such a bad mood, and with resentment in his heart, he actually walked deep into the pine forest alone.

"Zhang Yan, be careful!" Chen Xiong shouted from a distance, Zhang Yan didn't turn his head, but just waved.

After taking a few deep breaths of the cold air in the back mountain, Zhang Yan's mind cleared up a lot, and the resentment in his chest seemed to be resolved a little, and he followed the same pace, and actually climbed a cliff.

"Chen Xiong, come up, the scenery here is amazing!" Zhang Yan yelled towards the foot of the mountain, but Chen Xiong didn't seem to hear it, and Zhang Yan didn't hear the answer after waiting for a long time.

Facing the pure white in front of him, Zhang Yan felt a lot more comfortable. Due to his emotions, he shouted loudly towards the distant mountains, and the shouts echoed in the mountains, layer upon layer.

"It won't cause an avalanche, right?" Zhang Yan remembered after shouting, and waited for a long time with his eyes wandering. Seeing that there was no intention of avalanche, he stuck out his tongue, turned around and prepared to go down the mountain.

Suddenly, a strange feeling suddenly rose in his heart, and the sudden chest tightness made Zhang Yan subconsciously cover his chest with his hands.

Altitude sickness?Zhang Yan was puzzled.

It shouldn't be, it's only so high, and it's over a few hundred meters, how can there be such a big reaction.

Feeling uncomfortable and thinking wildly, Zhang Yan, who was walking on the side of the mountain, suddenly slipped and turned sideways.

The mountain was steep and the road was slippery, and Zhang Yan, who fell down, slid directly down the slope.

The body has completely lost control, and the hands can only instinctively grab at the side. However, the hillside is completely covered with ice and snow, and there is no point of force at all.


Zhang Yan fell heavily to the ground again, and the violent shock made him feel dizzy for a while. Fortunately, the snow under his body was thick enough, so he didn't feel too much pain in his body.

After lying on the spot for a long time, Zhang Yan felt that he had some strength, turned over and sat up.

Looking around, there was a [-]-meter cliff in front of him. He slid another five meters just now, and by now he must have reported to Lord Yan.

Looking up again at the place where I slid down, I couldn't help feeling scared for a while.

"Survivors will be blessed..." Zhang Yan comforted himself and stood up with one hand, wanting to see if there was a way back to the top of the mountain.

Behind a piece of withered shrubs, Zhang Yan found a trail that couldn't be called a road at all. After visual inspection, it seemed that relying on his own strange strength, he could climb the surrounding plants back to the top of the mountain.

However, Zhang Yan was still naive, holding on to the plants and walking hard for a hundred and 80 meters, only then did he realize that the trail began to go downhill, extending down the mountain.

He took out his mobile phone to check, and there was no signal. He tried to make an emergency call, but the busy signal came out.

"It's okay if you can go down the mountain." Seeing that the sun was setting, it was no joke to be trapped in the mountains at night, so Zhang Yan had to continue walking along the path.

After walking another few hundred meters, Zhang Yan made a detour. Based on the completeness of the snow on the ground, Zhang Yan judged that this place was already an inaccessible place.

As the sun faded slowly, the temperature in the mountains began to drop rapidly. Zhang Yan was a little panicked, wondering if he could get out with his own ability.

After wading through the snow and walking forward for a while, Zhang Yan was surprised to find a cave, but he didn't rush in, but just lay down in the distance to observe for a while.

I have heard that there are wild animals in this mountain before. If this cave is the home of three little bears, I guess what awaits me will not be a full meal, or even kill the bears.

After lying on the stomach for 10 minutes, Zhang Yan felt that his body was a little stiff and his stomach was a little hungry.

Regardless, being eaten can be regarded as caring for wild animals and dying well.Thinking about it, Zhang Yan got up and staggered towards the entrance of the cave.

Fortunately, there was nothing unusual in the cave except for the black spots, and Zhang Yan didn't smell the fishy smell of animals. I used my mobile phone to illuminate the cave and found that the cave seemed to be quite deep.

"I can only take refuge here for a while, I hope Chen Xiong can find out that I was killed sooner."

In order to drive away the cold, Zhang Yan ran out of the cave to break a bunch of dead branches, preparing to start a fire in the cave.

When he was playing games before, he saw that the protagonist in the game was trapped in the mountains, and he survived by a fire and a simple tent built with branches.

This is probably the time he is most grateful for smoking, otherwise, he would have to dig a hole to make a fire.

After working for a long time, the fire was finally lit, and the cave was filled with warmth. The feeling of warmth made Zhang Yan's tense mood slightly relaxed.

"If you don't die, you won't die..." Zhang Yan smiled bitterly, listening to the dissatisfied voice from his stomach, imagining the beautiful scene of a pheasant crashing into a hole and being caught by himself.

Time passed silently, and the outside had been completely engulfed in darkness, and it was pitch black outside the entrance of the cave, which made people feel an inexplicable fear when they saw it.

At night, the mountain wind is getting stronger and stronger, pouring in from the cave entrance violently, and the bonfire blown by it is faltering.Zhang Yan was afraid of being alone in absolute darkness, so he hurriedly led the fire and moved more than ten meters into the cave.

Under the shadow of the fire, the light and shadow in the cave changed, full of strange colors.

After finally stabilizing a pile of fire, Zhang Yan exhaled whitely, and sat down a little tiredly.

"I don't know if these branches will last me through the night."

Looking at the branches piled up beside him, Zhang Yan was uncertain.


A short syllable full of doubts came out of Zhang Yan's nose, and he struggled to stand up right after him, polished the lighter with a "click", and walked towards the depths of the cave.

Under the light of the fire, Zhang Yan saw the corner on the side of the cave, and there seemed to be something reflecting light on the ground.

At first Zhang Yan thought it was a snake hibernating in the cave, if that was the case, wouldn't his dinner be settled.

However, upon closer inspection, it was not snake scales that reflected light on the ground, but a very strange red pattern, and in the middle of the pattern, there was a blooming flower.

There are a few strange leaves growing on the black stem. Zhang Yan brought the fire light closer and found that the veins on the leaves are like fierce eyes. Surrounded by these eyes, a blooming The strange flower is shaking its body slightly.

"What kind of ghost flower is this!" Zhang Yan looked at the delicate and beautiful flower in front of him, and the adverse reaction that suddenly appeared on the top of the mountain suddenly hit his heart again.

"Damn, what the hell!" After a while of dizziness, Zhang Yan fell to the ground, his body drove the surrounding air to flow, and the flowers shook even more, as if he was looking at Zhang Yan and laughing.

"Damn you!" Zhang Yan was born with a ruthless energy in his bones, and the more he was in crisis, the more thoroughly he could be aroused.Feeling uncomfortable at this moment, seeing the flowers swaying in front of his eyes, Zhang Yan cursed and stretched out his hand to grab the strange flower.

A veritable hot hand to destroy flowers, Zhang Yan uprooted the whole flower.And at the moment when the roots of the Yaoyi Flower were pulled out of the ground, the fire suddenly went out not far away.

The cave was suddenly plunged into absolute darkness.
When he woke up again, it was already bright outside, and the extinguished fire had already turned into a pile of cold black ash on the ground, and the unburned branches were scattered all over the ground like stumps.

It was Zhang Yan's first thought that he didn't freeze to death. While lamenting his fate, he also thought of the strange flower that he uprooted.

However, after searching for a long time, there was no trace of any flowers in front of him, not even a single fallen petal.

Moreover, the suspected magic circle painted on the ground has completely disappeared, and there is nothing on the ground except gravel and dust.

All hallucinations?

Zhang Yan was a little confused. I heard that people would have hallucinations when they were about to freeze to death, but shouldn't they have already frozen to death?

Am I already dead?
After running out of the cave, he took a few deep breaths of the cold mountain air for breakfast, and then urinated at the corner. Looking at the rising heat and the snow melted by the urine, Zhang Yan was sure that he was still alive.

Not only is he alive, but he seems to be in surprisingly good physical condition. After sleeping in the cave all night, he is now full of energy and doesn't even feel hungry.

Zhang Yan naturally attributed all this to his unique physique, without thinking too much, thinking that it is king to find the way out of the mountain as soon as possible while he still has physical strength.

(End of this chapter)

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