Chapter 50 Rules
Amidst the horrifying screams of Mushroom Head Xiao Cannian, the face of the owner of the barbecue stall changed completely in an instant.

From a little nervous and scared to crazy and fierce
The eyes were bulging, and a blood-red worm-like blood vessel grew out of the corner of the eye. Even the teeth seemed to grow a little longer. He picked up a meat carving knife from the chopping board and stabbed Ye Xiao.

But he was still naive, and super monsters didn't dare to be too arrogant in front of Ye Xiao, not to mention that he was just an ordinary person with the help of some ghosts and gods.

So before the tip of the knife touched the target, the fat body of the owner of the barbecue stall flew straight out and hit the wall behind him with a bang.

Witnessing this scene, the mushroom-headed little Cannian let out a strange squeaking sound again, but because the night owl strangled the back of fate's neck, he could only scratch his feet in vain.

"It's dealt with!" Ye Xiao waved his hand lightly, and the little Cannian screamed and flew towards Zhang Yan and the others.

Before Xiao Cannian landed, Zhang Yan had already poked a finger in the air, right on the top of the mushroom head Xiao Cannian's heart.

Infusing spiritual power into the fingertips, even though it is only a finger, one can already vaguely feel the surge of power lingering around the fingertips.

After being demonized, the boss of the barbecue stall's perception of this power has also increased, and the ferocity on his face has increased by three points.

He didn't understand what these people were doing, and he didn't understand why the good plot was suddenly reversed.

With his current ability, it is obviously impossible to save Zhang Yan before cleaning the mushroom head, so he can only shout in vain and rush towards this side frantically.

But unfortunately, as soon as he took two steps, his body was pushed against the wall again by Ye Xiao's powerful force, and the cold feeling climbed up his back, which made his cloudy head sober a lot.


In the distance, the mushroom-headed little Cannian has begun to dissipate under Zhang Yan's spiritual power, which is a sign before Cannian disappears.

He seemed to realize that he was about to leave completely, and the expression on Xiao Cannian's face was no longer the pain he had been before, but rather calm, with two big black eyes full of nostalgia, looking at the owner of the barbecue stall in the distance , smiled and waved his little hand.

"Stop it!" The owner of the barbecue stall grunted with difficulty as Ye Xiao held his throat.

It is his dark secret to raise Xiao Cannian.

Maybe he just doesn't want to lose the things he loves, including loved ones.

But there is such a saying-humans and ghosts have different paths, no matter what the original intention is, it will eventually become a problem.

After all, Cannian is Cannian. From the name, it can be seen that this thing still has certain thoughts about the world, but it is only a remnant.

Instead of waiting until the day when he violently hurts others, it is better to take precautions before he is formed.

This is the rule of night travel, and it is also the rule in the dark world.

The rules of the witcher.

Ye Xiao is the leader of the fourth group of Ye Xing, and in the west of the city, he is the emperor of the dark night world.

He said that if he wants to clean up, he will not consider other people's feelings.

Even Zhang Yan understands this basic theory.

So when he dealt with Xiao Cannian, he no longer had the sympathy he had when he saw Cannian for the first time in the abandoned building.

Cleaning as soon as possible is the real kindness.

Ye Xiao has been secretly observing Zhang Yan's every move, and sure enough, this kid's ability has not improved by a single bit, the one just now was clean and neat, very stylish!
The strength shown by Zhang Yan has even overwhelmed the Qixin in his body.

Xiao Cannian's body completely disappeared in the flash like a flash in the pan, and the alley became dark and quiet again, only the grunt of the barbecue stall owner remained.

After Ye Xiao retreated, the pressure relaxed, and the owner of the barbecue stall coughed in pain.

Ye Xiao lit a cigarette, turned around and beckoned Zhang Yanchen to leave.


An angry questioning sound from the owner of the barbecue stall came from behind.

"I just want to keep in mind, I didn't provoke anyone, why do you do this!"

He was very excited, but wisely he didn't pick up the knife on the ground, nor did he rush over to tear Ye Xiao up, but just knelt in the distance with his hands clenched into fists.

The demonized state on his face had disappeared, and Zhang Yan felt that after Xiao Cannian disappeared, some kind of magical power in him also disappeared.

"I'm sorry, give the child more money." Ye Xiao said leisurely.

The three of them ignored the crying of the barbecue stall owner, walked out of the alley, and returned to the entrance of the supermarket.

"Old guy, you're just trying to die!" Ye Xiao changed from being a big boss to being a hooligan leader, squatting on the steps of the subway entrance, with his face tilted, his brows frowning, and a cigarette dangling from his mouth.

"He wants that little mushroom head to absorb more yin energy here." Zhang Yan said.

"That's right, he didn't set up a stall here before." Ye Xiao said.

Zhang Yan shrugged, Ye Xiao was right, that boss was just trying to kill him.Let the Cannian he raised absorb more Yin Qi, and then shorten the time for Cannian to grow up, so that he can bite his throat and suck his own blood one day earlier.

But speaking of Yin Qi, Zhang Yan has actually felt it since he was on duty tonight.Whether it's on the street, the subway station, or the small alley just now, the entire west of the city seems to be shrouded in an extremely strong yin.

No wonder Yexing has recently added so many manpower in the west of the city. Presumably there are not a few ghosts like the owner of the barbecue stall.

I heard that the recent incidents of monsters attacking humans inevitably happened.

Ye Xiao once told Zhang Yan that if a higher-level monster breeds somewhere, abnormalities will start to appear in a few kilometers around. In the past, it would only appear once in ten days and a half months, or even a year and a half. The monsters will appear frequently like mushrooms after rain.

The last time there was a big outbreak of monsters was the time when Manns was involved in something. It is said that Ye Xing was mobilized, and even Wei Tongzhu, the general manager who had always been in charge at home, ended up in the end.

Chensi described that incident to Zhang Yan, using the adjective "Hundred Ghosts at Night".

It is said that the scene is extremely grand.

In that incident, Ye Xing lost a lot of hands, and even Ye Xiao almost got involved.

"Speak seriously." Ye Xiao snuffed out the cigarette butt, spit out the last puff of smoke from his mouth, and said, "It's almost Chinese New Year, and I decided to get rid of the monster's lair before New Year's Eve."

There are still three days before the Chinese New Year. Whether it is the pressure from above or my own responsibilities, this is something that must be done.

For Zhang Yan and Tatsumi, there was no reason to refute the group leader's instructions.

Ye Xiao looked at the time and said, "It's eight o'clock sharp now. I'll give you one hour to maneuver. In one hour, we will gather at the abandoned building on the western outskirts of the city."


Zhang Yan and Tatsumi replied in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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