Goldfinger turned out to be the villain

Chapter 56 The Enemy Appears

Chapter 56 The Enemy Appears
The builder of the pink enchantment was Li Fei, who seemed to have expected that Zhang Yan would be shocked by what she did, so at this moment she was looking at Zhang Yan with a proud face through the pink.

Are you envious?Sister just doesn't cover you, hehehe
However, Zhang Yan didn't have time to fight and cough with her, because at this moment, he heard the rustling sound from the bushes not far away, followed by a grass-green thing jumping out of the bushes He came out, holding a shining big knife in his hand, and rushed towards them with a grin.

Brother Goblin.
If Zhang Yan had checked Hoshino's recent book list, he wouldn't be surprised that there were goblins in the enchantment right now.

Fortunately, although the little green monster in front of him looks fierce and screams loudly, his movements are really a bit slow. If Zhang Yan's judgment is correct, this guy is at the fifth level at most.

Suddenly, I feel that the appearance of this little goblin can be regarded as fierce at best.
Monsters of this level don't need Zhang Yan and the others to do anything at all. In a short time, Tatsumi quickly summoned his shikigami. Erha pounced on it with a bang, and directly pushed the milky goblin to the ground.

The sharp blade dropped his hand and got stuck in the sand. Goblin the Milky Goblin let out a series of strange screams, and Erha had torn his neck open.

Green blood trickled down Goblin's neck and flowed on the sand, forming a disgusting green.

More goblins yelled and killed them from all directions. Without saying a word, Zhang Yan picked up the big knife left by goblins from the ground and charged towards the enemy.

From the appearance of the bloody goblins to the hand-to-hand confrontation between the three of Zhang Yan and a group of bloody goblins, the investigation team has been waiting and watching, without any plans to take action.Of course, Zhang Yan and Ye Xiao didn't care about these things. They were originally two sides that were secretly opposed, so it was only natural to stand on the sidelines.

Fortunately, no matter how many level [-] monsters there are, they cannot be the opponents of the three of them. With the support of Tatsumi's many shikigami, the three of them killed hundreds of goblins in an instant. An oasis of dead goblins is a sight to behold.

Having dealt with the last goblin milk on a sand dune, Zhang Yan estimated the distance to the palace with the help of a wide view from a high place.

About 2000 meters.

It seems that after entering the enchantment, even the distance has changed.

"In the enchantment, there is another small world, and all four dimensions will change." Ye Xiao said, setting up an awning and looking into the distance.

The four dimensions are length, quantity, temperature, and time.

"As long as Hoshino is willing, 500 meters can be turned into one hundred and eight thousand miles?" Zhang Yan wondered.

"It's still within his ability." Ye Xiao explained.

Standing on the sand dune, Zhang Yan looked around again, and found that apart from the palace in the oasis in the distance, the sight was no different from the real desert.

Endless, lifeless.

The sun in the sky was emitting vicious heat, and Zhang Yan felt that the temperature in the desert was rising sharply.

Although I don't wear much, it seems a bit hot.

There was no other way, so I had to take off the long johns inside and just put on my coat.

From a distance, the investigation team members in the pink defensive barrier are also changing clothes, all of them are men, only Li Fei is a woman, and they are in the same small airtight space, which is indeed a bit difficult.

Across the barrier, Zhang Yan felt Li Fei's embarrassment.

It has always been Zhang Yan's creed to be revenged, so when Li Fei looked up again, she saw Zhang Yan who was gloating outside the barrier.

"Stop making trouble, it's coming again." Ye Xiao's voice came, and Zhang Yan hurriedly turned his head to look, only to see that the bush just now had started to tremble violently again.

This seems to be the prelude to the appearance of the fierce goblin!
"Crap!" Ye Xiao yelled, and jumped off the sand dune with Chen Si, and ran towards the palace without saying a word.

Zhang Yan also followed like flying. Although the sense of force on the sand was a bit strange, it didn't delay the speed. After a few ups and downs, Zhang Yan had already rushed behind Ye Xiao.

Without any suspense, this wave of newly-appeared goblins jumped directly in front of the pink enchantment, waved the big blade in their hands, and grinned at the investigation team members inside.

After running for a while, no new enemies appeared, and the three of them involuntarily slowed down. Today's battle is destined to last forever, and even if they get to that palace, it may not be the key to the enchantment.

That guy Hoshino is very cunning, maybe he is using this method to waste their energy, and then come out to reap the benefits when they are exhausted, so even if this is the case, let the investigation team be exhausted first up.

Ye Xiao is more cunning than Hoshino.

Fortunately, here is not an endless desert, and there is a huge palace for them to target. There is no such thing as losing direction. Ye Xiao is wearing a small vest at this moment, and he simply took off his lower body to only his underwear. The sleeves of the coat were tied at the top, covering everything that should be covered.

No goblins or other things came out of the place they passed, and the journey was very peaceful, except that the sun was a bit poisonous.

It's unbelievable that the virtual scene is so real.

Zhang Yan looked up at the sun above his head that seemed to never set, and sighed.

"Captain Night Owl!"

Suddenly, a human voice came from a distance, and the three of them turned their heads to see that a group of about fifteen or sixteen people were running towards them madly.

As Zhang Yan got closer, he discovered that the leader was actually the masked ninja Chen Nan who had reported to work.

Chen Nan's running appearance was normal, not like the running style in the anime with his arms behind his back. Behind him were fourteen or five people in different clothes, all of them were sweating profusely.

Zhang Yan was surprised to find that among the crowd, some of the people who were left behind were already covered with scars, and there were three or two who barely moved without the support of others.

What happened to them?
The small-scale battle just now did not arouse Zhang Yan's interest, or it can be said that he did not feel any threat at all. Although he knew that casualties were inevitable along the way today, when he faced it head-on, he would inevitably have some strange emotions. .

The group of people ran closer, and Zhang Yan could see clearly that even Chen Nan had several scars on his body, especially the one on his right shoulder, which was as deep as the bone.

The bright red blood has scabbed at the wound, and it seems that some simple hemostasis has been done in a hurry, but obviously this has not had much effect. At this time, Chen Nan's right half of his clothes are almost covered with blood stains, which is shocking .

It is estimated that if he was not a fellow practitioner, he would have collapsed due to excessive blood loss.

I thought that Chen Nan and the others would stop for a while after seeing Ye Xiao and make some brief reports, but the result was beyond Zhang Yan's expectation again, and Chen Nan yelled out:
"Leader Ye Xiao, run, don't stop!"

And at this moment, Zhang Yan saw the direction where Chen Nan and the others were running, and the dust had already risen into the sky.

Under the dust, a dense mass just crossed a small hill and appeared in the sight of everyone in Zhang Yan.

It was a group of black kobolds holding double-headed long knives. The blades in their hands and the black armor on their bodies were shining brightly under the reflection of the sun.

(End of this chapter)

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