Royal Knights Forced to Open

Chapter 133 The Opponent Is Always Right

Chapter 133 The Opponent Is Always Right

The onlookers laughed when they heard this.

"Hahaha... They want to arrest Brother Ning..."

"It's so ridiculous..."

The crew cut and the afro face had no place to put their faces, so they said anxiously, "What can't be done! Let me tell you, if you can do it today, you can do it, and if you can't do it, you have to do it!"

Under Bai Ning's winking signal, a prisoner shouted: "Let me tell you, why don't you make a bet. I bet you take this... This manager Bai has nothing to do. If I lose, I will follow suit." Dogs run ten laps in this playground."

"Yes! I'll climb ten laps too. Do you dare to bet?"

The crew-cut and afro-headed brothers don't know where these people's confidence comes from.

The two of them looked at Bai Ning, and saw that this young man had an ordinary appearance, ordinary muscles, and an unremarkable appearance, he didn't look like an extraordinary person.

Faced with embarrassment for a moment, he cut his hair and shouted: "The bet is the bet! If I lose, not only will I climb by myself, but all the people in black in our company today will learn how dogs climb the playground ten laps!"

"The same goes for our company. I will lead them to climb then!" Afro shouted.

The two middle-level officers swore excitedly, and the men in black who were passers-by under them felt a little embarrassed.

Brother, if you want to gamble, you can gamble, if you want to crawl, you can crawl. How can you drag us along?Are you so indifferent to the interests of our people?
But in fact, anyone who has been in this business for a long time knows that all these leaders are so disgusting, and they will never fight alone if something goes wrong.If he wants to be embarrassed, he must find a group of people to accompany him.

But right now, those people in black don’t dare to come out and say they don’t want to.

Who dares to offend his own leader?
In this way, this happy bet was concluded so smoothly.

The people in black escorted Bai Ning and continued to walk towards the accommodation of the Four Heavenly Kings.

Behind them, there are many prisoners who are dressed in sloppy clothes, but have a very personal style.

Although the prisoners have different looks, the expressions on their faces are the same.Everyone smiled badly, raised their eyebrows from time to time, and the corners of their mouths turned up slightly.

It's that "watching the show" look.

The guys with the crew cut and the afro didn’t understand where their confidence came from. They themselves felt guilty, and they turned around and shouted from time to time:
"Why are you laughing? Just don't cry when you learn to crawl like a dog!"

"Yes, you will climb a little more handsomely than dogs in a while..."

A group of people made noise and came to the place where the four heavenly kings lived.

This is a small building for long-term rentals, and the people living in this small building are all subordinates of the Four Heavenly Kings.It stands to reason that the four big bosses, Iron Head, Giant Palm, Fat Belly, and Shadow Foot, are richer, so they can live in a better place.But considering it would be convenient for them to take care of their little brother, they chose a few better single rooms among them, made luxurious decorations, and stayed here as well.

Arriving in front of this small building, the crew cut man shouted excitedly like a wanderer who had been away from home for many years and was about to see his biological father:

"Boss Iron Head, Boss Iron Head, we have captured the damned opponent!"

The afro also shouted excitedly: "Yes, Boss Yingzu, Boss Yingzu, come out and see!"

The two people called a few times, and saw a burly man walking out of the small building first.Who is this person if he is not a giant palm?He took a closer look and saw a large group of men in black, surrounding Bai Ning in the middle, seeming to be clamoring to give him a good look. Hey, this thing is quite new.

"Tietou, Yingzu, come out quickly, come out and watch! It's fun!"

He proudly called into the small building.Then, his face also turned into the mood of the melon-eating crowd watching a good show.

Iron Head, Fat Belly, and Shadow Foot all came out of the small building one after another.

Of course Tietou and Yingzu recognized the officers of their company. Seeing that the current situation was inappropriate, they shouted sternly: "Tell me what is going on!"

The two officers with the crew cut and the afro head were just about to report, but Bai Ning had already snatched their talk.

"To put it simply, people in your company feel that I have blocked their way of making money. So, I am here to apologize to the two bosses."

When Tietou and Yingzu heard this, they felt chills in their hearts.

Bai Ning took a step forward and said: "I am also a reasonable person. Since so many brothers in black think that I am wrong, then I must be wrong too. I came here specifically to say this to the two 'bosses' Sorry."

Bai Ning said the word "boss" so emphatically that Tietou and Yingzu felt as if thousands of thorns were piercing their backs.

"As for me, let me just bow to the two bosses here to express my sincere apologies."

When Bai Ning said this, he bowed forward.

But he obviously wanted to bow, but he bowed very slowly... as if he was about to bow or not.

Tie Tou and Ying Zu were so frightened that they lost their souls, they hurried forward to support Bai Ning.

"It can't be done."

"Yes, absolutely not."

Bai Ning said seriously: "But I was really wrong, and I should apologize for my mistakes."

"What's wrong! Brother Bai, you are absolutely impossible to be wrong."

"No, I was just wrong."

"No, you are right, it is us who are wrong."

Iron head and shadow foot two guys, if Bai Ning goes down a little, their bodies will go down a little.Now they would never dare to let Bai Ning stand lower than them. Maintaining this low profile now is the capital to keep the other party from getting angry.

Seeing that Bai Ning did not kneel on the ground, the two brothers Tietou and Yingzu were about to kneel on the ground.

The two officers with a flat head and an afro have never seen such a strange situation.That's the boss of his own company, how could he kneel down so despicably.

Then he sang and drank again and said:

"Boss, it is indeed this guy's fault..."

"That's right, he's so cheap..."

Before the two of them could finish their words, Tietou and Yingzu rushed in front of them, and each of them slapped them in the face.These two slaps were so hard that blood spurted out.

The two walked back and were knocked down to the ground. While covering their burning faces, they said puzzledly: "Boss, we haven't been able to explain yet..."

"What an explanation! What is there to explain!"

There is no need to explain this matter at all.

Some things are not about your right or wrong.

It depends on who your opponent is.

As long as the opponent is someone like Bai Ning, he should always be right.

Tietou and Yingzu felt numb when they thought of the terrifying time when they were dominated by each other during sparring.After finally escaping from that kind of suffering, they didn't want to offend Bai Ning for anything again.


Just like that, this matter came to an end.

Moreover, Leiming Company became very famous because of this incident. Everyone began to know that Princess Angel was still running this drinking water company.This event was tantamount to free publicity, and Lei Ming's orders suddenly began to explode.

The only small episode was that on the playground that night, a large group of men in black crawled forward slowly like dogs, and imitated barking from time to time:


"Wang Wang..."

(End of this chapter)

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