Royal Knights Forced to Open

Chapter 316 Pure Treasure

Chapter 316 Pure Treasure
Bai Ning continued to face the stone wall, thinking about it.

Is it 9, 10, or 1?

His scalp was about to be scratched by himself.

That bastard, K, asked himself to think from the point of view of the question.

Think about your sister.

How do I know what bad water is in your heart.


Gas to gas.

After calming down again, Bai Ning didn't want to speculate on this man's psychology, but he could only give it a try.

That bastard, the first level tests your basic physical fitness.This is because he doesn't want his knife to fall into the hands of someone who is too weak.

The second hurdle, the test is whether there is love in the heart, this is not wanting one's own knife to fall into the hands of a ruthless man.

And this third pass, what is the test?

Is it true, kind and beautiful?

Bai Ning thought ironically.


at this time!

He felt himself sweating and goosebumps.

Yes, that's the taste!

Asshole, asshole.

You are so flirtatious.

You have read too many novels, and you still pursue this kind of plot?

Dry.Bai Ning cursed secretly.

The answer must be 10.

There is only one reason.

When I asked the question, I didn't specifically say, "If you were to shoot the gun, how many birds would be left?"

Why should you shoot the gun?This is considering your quality.

If you were kind, you would have intentionally shot the gun crooked.

Because you are reluctant to kill, you cannot bear to hurt even the birds in the trees.

If you think about it from this perspective, there were originally 10 birds in the tree. The shot was deliberately deflected. Of course, there are still 10 birds in the tree.

Although this idiot-like K didn't even consider the realistic possibility that all 10 birds were scared away.

However, since he is the one who made the question, it doesn't matter whether his idea is right or not. Since we are test takers, if we can answer the questions correctly and get the treasured sword, that is the most fatal thing.

After thinking about it for a while.

That's right, just choose 10, and the remaining 10 silly birds will still stay on the tree when they hear the gunshot!

Besides, how about a classic saying?

When in doubt, choose C!

There are only 10 options, which happens to be the third option, which is C.

Even if it is fooled, I will also fool the answer of C.

Bai Ning came to the small grid of 10.

Feeling a little excited.

So many things have been spent before, if there is a mistake here, it will be in vain.

Take off the kitten on this grid.

Then, comes the exciting waiting period.


1 seconds.

2 seconds.

3 seconds.

Every second of waiting is like a day in Bai Ning's eyes.

Is it wrong?

Such doubts arose in Bai Ning's heart.

At this moment, the lattice board opened.

The hidden compartment at the back is revealed.

dark cell.It is a knife.

There is also a treasure book, which is actually a thin book.

Finally, as usual, there is a long paragraph.

This passage is carved on the stone wall and is very long-winded.

"Congratulations, predestined one, you have passed all the tests."

"This is the knife I left for you. Its name is 'Short Knife'. If you can master its power, it should be of great help to your adventurous life."

"The other book is the book of power that I have learned. I named it the 'Book of Purity'. The book records the method of obtaining the purest power."

"If you want to be like me, be a pure person and do pure things, then learn it."

"Trust me, it's a price to pay to learn it. But I think it's worth it."

"There are many different ways to become stronger. This is my own unique understanding."

"I can't guarantee anything else, but it must be the most unique skill in this different world."

I will stop writing here, and K will stop writing.

He put the focus of the article on the "unique unique skill".

It's so exciting.

Bai Ning held the treasure book in one hand and the precious sword in the other.

I am very excited.


It must be very fierce.

Bai Ning first looked at this "short knife".

Very unique, the sheath on the blade is transparent.

Although he didn't pull out the knife, Bai Ning could already see the blade in the sheath.


It's really short.

Probably only 10 cm.


Such a short knife looks very embarrassing.

Do you really dare to pull it out in front of the enemy?
You will be laughed at by your enemies.

Bai Ning even felt ashamed.


He tried to draw the knife.

But found that the blade is very tight.

Exhausted the strength of nine bulls and two tigers, but still did not move.

"Damn, is this glued on?"

Bai Ning used the infinite battery life function to regain his physical strength.

Then, pull hard again.

Pull hard.

Still nothing works.

Is this unscientific?

With such a short knife, why do you have the nerve to make it so difficult to pull it out?

Or is it rusty?

There was really no other way, so Bai Ning had to read the book first.

This collection is actually just a beautifully bound book.

It seems that although the paper is thick, there are not many pages.

Bai Ning turned to the first page.

Then, it couldn't go any further.

Currently I can only read the title page and the first few pages.The following pages seemed to be sealed by some force.

Very strange.

Bai Ning first read the words on the title page.

"Pure tome."

Well, that's the name of the book, there's nothing wrong with it.

Bai Ning turned a page and continued to read.

He saw a very familiar sentence, which shocked him.

"If you practice this skill, you must first do it yourself."

I go.

What the hell is this!

Bai Ning felt his face go stiff.

I am a man, a real man, how can I sacrifice my penis for the sake of strength?
Bai Ning thought firmly.

Unless... the power you give me is really powerful.

Otherwise, it is impossible.

Bai Ning continued to turn to the second page.

What is written above is also a very familiar sentence.

"If you don't work on your own, you can succeed."


Fortunately, I am not a person with strong mobility, otherwise... it would be too late now.

It seems that you have to read the contents of the next few pages in one go.Don't be misled again.

He turned to the third page.

There is a lot of text on this page.

"Dear destined person, when you see this book, it means that you have passed my test."

"Just like what was written on the previous two pages, to practice my pure power, although you don't need your own palace, you have to give up as much as your own palace."

The words are written here, and there is no more.

Bai Ning turned to the fourth page.

"The condition for learning the pure tome is..."

"You need to give up your spiritual power."

"What you lose is what you gain."

The words are written here, and there is no more.

Bai Ning turned to the fifth page again.

"Until you gain pure power, you cannot open the sword."

"Are you willing to pursue this pure power?"

"Please make your choice?"

It was clearly a matter that could be written on one page, but for some reason or other, it had to be written in four or five sheets.

Bai Ning felt that it was more verbose and trivial.

(End of this chapter)

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