Chapter 354

Lan Lihong cursed loudly: "You stinky boy."

Facing Lan Lihong, who was sweating and furious, Bai Ning just said leisurely:

"Do not worry."

As soon as this sentence came out, it immediately formed a very good deterrent effect.

Although the gun was completely blind just now, it was really bluffing when he said that, and he wore sunglasses to hide his expression.

After the performance of the shot just now, everyone in the ape-man clan is honest now.

Bai Ning said: "Chief ape, I'm not playing with your daughter's feelings. When I went up the mountain this time, I also asked the apes to help build a boat, in order to take my girlfriend out to sail. We are not from the island, but we were trapped by chance. On the island. For these days, I have been missing my hometown. Knowing that the apes have a talent for shipbuilding, I went up to the mountain to ask for help. I have never lied to your daughter, and I have never held her hand, let alone kissed her. , and doing that nasty thing.”

Bai Ning's words were just and righteous, and they had the flavor of a gentleman.

I don't know what others said, but An Qi and Xue Taozi felt a big sigh of relief.Lan Lihong scolded in his heart: You dirty bastard, now you are pretending to be a dog, I really didn't expect it, I didn't expect it...

Bai Ning raised the gun again.

This time, in order to look handsome, Bai Ning only used one hand.

His right hand firmly held the little black gun.

This black and short thing is completely different in the eyes of the ape-man race.

As expected, Bai Ning slowly moved the muzzle of the gun.When the guns were pointed at each ape-man, they either squatted down to adjust their shoes, or walked aside to talk to their brothers, or pretended to go to the side to watch the scenery, avoiding the direction of the guns.

Your sister, don't pretend to be smart now, if you shoot him in a while, you will have an extra chest on your body.

In the end, the gun fell in the direction of the patriarch Yuan Fenfei.

Yuan Fenfei also wants to dodge, but he has no choice but to be the head of the clan, and he is still a person with status and status.Some things are still inconvenient to do.

At this moment, he wished that he was also a little lao, that he could not take any responsibility and do whatever he liked.

There was even a big drop of cold sweat on the back of his head.

"You bastards," he cursed in his heart, "every one of you usually flatters like nothing, but at critical moments, none of you can be relied upon."

Bai Ning picked up the cigars on the ground.

Take out the lighter again and light it up.

I have to say that the quality of the things sent by the system is still good.The cigar was soaked in sea water just now, but now it can be lit again immediately.I don't know what magical material it is made of.

Curls of smoke rose from Bai Ning's face. He was wearing a pair of sunglasses, giving him the air of a peerless expert.

At this time, the sea breeze was blowing, and he was a little cold, so he couldn't help coughing twice.

But just two light coughs made everyone in the ape-man race panic.

I thought he was going to shoot.

This battle, but avoid it if you can.

The apes all had such an idea.

Yuan Fenfei took a long breath, and let it out again.

for a long time.

He asked, "Daughter, does he have feelings for bullying you?"

In fact, he was showing weakness to some extent by asking his daughter this sentence.Before seeing Bai Ning's strength just now, Yuan Fenfei had no intention of asking his daughter's opinion.He only has such an only daughter, no matter what, as long as the daughter frowns, it must be the other party's fault.

Yuan Qingqing also took a deep breath, and muttered something in her mouth, but she couldn't come up with anything for a long time.

To be honest, although I have confessed my love to the other party, designed ships for the other party, and even watched the sunrise and sunset with the other party, but...

What Bai Ning said is also correct.

He just said he would think about it.It was not said that the two would be together.

Moreover, the two did not hold hands, did not hug, and did not have any further intimacy.

This... is not really a relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend.

"Nothing happened..." When Qingqing said this, she was so wronged that she was about to cry.

She, Yuan Qingqing, was arrogant and arrogant since she was a child, when did she ever suffer this kind of grievance!

Although Bai Ning was upset, he couldn't care less now.

Continue to ask: "Mr. Yuan, your daughter has also made it clear." Bai Ning smiled and said, "Now I understand, all this is a misunderstanding."

Shrug again.

Yuan Fenfei didn't say anything.

He was afraid that Bai Ning would shoot.

"Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, I think my friend and I can leave." Bai Ning asked.

Yuan Fenfei looked at Qingqing.

Qingqing said anxiously: "Since I have nothing to do with you, you can't drive this boat away."

This ship was indeed built by the ape-man race, and it should not have been driven away by Bai Ning and others.

Regarding this, Bai Ning said: "Miss Qingqing, if you say this, you are not being righteous. When you built this boat, you said you would sell it to me at a good price. Now that the boat is built, why don't you Are you not selling it?"

When Qingqing heard it, it didn't make sense. When did we have such an agreement in private?But no one would believe what he said.How can there be a third person to testify about the private affairs of the two people and what they said?

In a fit of anger, he simply followed his words and said, "That's right, the price we agreed on back then was 5, no, it was 10. You just pay?"

I thought to myself, you are a poor boy, my mother has a crush on you, you don't know what is good and what is bad, this is good, I have to make it difficult for you!

Fight with me, you are still a little tender.

I have to say that even for such a well-built ship, it is a bit expensive to sell for 10 yuan.After all, it's just a thing made of wood.

Unexpectedly, Bai Ning grabbed it with his right hand like a magic trick, and grabbed out a big treasure box.

The treasure chest was placed on the ground, and with a bang, the contents inside made noises.

Quite heavy.

Yuan Fenfei quickly asked his subordinates to open it to check.

I saw that about one-third of the space in this treasure chest was filled with things, all of which were extremely precious gold ornaments.

Bai Ning said: "The ape patriarch is also a well-informed person. You should be able to see that this half box of treasures is worth 10 yuan, right?"

Yuan Fenfei quickly said: "It's worth it."

"Then use them to pay for the boat." Bai Ning said with a smile.

Yuan Fenfei really didn't know what to do at this time.

To be honest, my daughter originally offered a high price, but now these treasures, let alone 10 yuan, may be worth 15 yuan.From the perspective of currency transactions alone, the ape-man clan made a lot of money in this transaction.

However, when he thought of the grievances his daughter had suffered, he couldn't feel happy all the time.

(End of this chapter)

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