Royal Knights Forced to Open

Chapter 359 10 pills

Chapter 359 10 pills

"At sea, we meet many different people."

"They will teach us different principles of life."

Hai Huan, the "Sea Dragon King", was like a life mentor, actually talking to Bai Ning about great principles.

This made Bai Ning very unhappy.

"Don't be in a hurry, we'll get to the point soon."

Hai Huan said: "You know, there are no police at sea, so personal safety must be taken care of by yourself. In such a special environment, and in the context of our pirates being so prevalent, most people choose to spend less time with others. Make contact and be wise to protect yourself.”

As if applauding Bai Ning, he said, "So, you, little brother, who choose to take the initiative to save people, can definitely be regarded as a minority in the crowd."

He looked at Bai Ning proudly, and said, "This kind of behavior is often accompanied by high risks and high rewards. I think you, little brother, must be an extraordinary person."

In the words, apart from the color of approval, there is actually a bit of irony.

"How dare you satirize me!" Bai Ning immediately grasped the emotion, "See if I don't pull your muscles and skin your skin!"

"Little brother, let's not talk dark words anymore. When you see the pirate ship is so dangerous, you still rush up, just to see what you can take for yourself. Let me be blunt, like this The situation, those of us who have lived at sea all year round, have actually imagined it."

"So you might as well go to room 501, in the cabinet on the right, the third box from top to bottom, and take that box down."

"By the way, the key is under the coffee table on the left side of the door, and it's attached to the bottom of the coffee table."

Bai Ning just wanted to make a trick of torture, but he didn't expect the other party to do it just like that.

Hey, that's good, saves trouble.

Continuing to leave this crazy Hai Huan on the deck, Bai Ning entered the boat again.These 5 floors are the highest floors of the ship.It is said to be room 501, but it is actually just a room like a warehouse. Perhaps because of the fear of the sun, the room on the top floor is not inhabited.

The door was ajar, looking miserable. Who would have thought that this would be a good place to hide treasure?
After Bai Ning entered, he found a key under the coffee table on the left.

When Bai Ning saw this key, he was so excited.Because the shape of this key is very modern, it is the most common key we can see every day.

In the past, all Bai Ning encountered were ancient keys.This shows that this group of pirates is very likely to come from a more scientific and civilized place.If he could return to the modern life with refrigerators, air conditioners, hotels, and airplanes, Bai Ning felt that it would be so comfortable.

Putting this little lucky feeling aside, Bai Ning took the key and opened the cabinet. Sure enough, he found this small box in the third row from top to bottom.

This small box is quite heavy, if it is not a martial artist, maybe no one can lift it.

At any rate, Bai Ning has 160 points of strength, so it's no problem to lift this thing.

He was about to open it to see what treasures were inside, but saw a combination lock on the front position.


It looks like it should be a 4-digit password.

Bai Ning tried it, "0000", twisted the handle, the password was wrong.

Try "1234" again, twist the handle, the code is wrong.


It seems that his code-breaking method has no effect, Bai Ning can only lift the box and go to the deck.

After a while, Bai Ning came to the deck.

With a bang, the cipher box was thrown to the ground.It's quite loud.

"If you don't tell me the password, let me take this treasure away, and I will kill you."

Since the other party is a mature pirate, and since the other party has already guessed what he wants to do, there is no need to pretend.

Regarding this, Hai Huan said with a smile: "Little brother, may I ask why I want to tell you the password?"

"Because you want me to save your life. If you don't tell me the password, I will kill you."

"But, since you didn't cover your face, and since you let me see your face on purpose, do you still plan to let me go?" Hai Huan sneered.

Bai Ning thought about this question.

Can't help but startled.

That's right, I originally planned, if this guy is really a pirate leader, then take his treasure away, and there is no need to save anyone, just let him sink to the bottom of the sea on this broken ship.

But I didn't expect that I didn't think of the things in my subconscious mind, so why did the other party think of it?
"Little brother, you don't have to be surprised. If you are like me, a person who lives on the sea and on the edge of a knife, you will definitely be like me, trying to imagine various possibilities and plans. As long as you have imagined this situation , you will become familiar with it a lot.”

Bai Ning felt like he was trapped in a dilemma of which came first, the chicken or the egg.

The other party will definitely not tell me the password, otherwise I will kill him.

But it's not an option to stay in a stalemate like this.

"Well, it seems that I have to take this treasure away and find a way to find a good locksmith to open the lock."

"Hahaha," Hai Huan laughed again, "You too underestimate the wealth of our pirates. Let me tell you, this lockbox is a custom-made one, and there is only one in the world. Its unlocking method is unique in the world. And... will self-destruct as soon as you try to open it with any other means than the password."

Hai Huan's tone was mischievous and relaxed, and Bai Ning felt that he was not lying.

"It's okay, little brother, don't panic. All the situations are now within our estimation range." Hai Huan said again, "If you go to room 401 again, you should find it in the cabinet on the right side of the door from top to bottom. The treasure in the third compartment. After you get it, come back to me here."

Bai Ning was a little upset.

What are you doing? This is it!
Obviously you have to run errands to get things, can't you tell me all at once?

play me?
Now, should you play with me, or should I play with you?

Bai Ning felt that his role was a little mixed up, but although he was angry, he didn't stay idle. After a while, he came to room 401.

401 is much more luxurious than 501. It seems that this is Hai Huan's usual office.In the cabinet on the right, Bai Ning found the box that Hai Huan mentioned.

The box is not locked.

But when you open it, look, hey, there are 10 golden pills in it, which are exactly the same.

It looks like it is beautifully made and well kept, and it looks like a high-end product.

"Hahaha, it must be a good thing, don't worry about it, just take one first."

Bai Ning picked up one of them and threw it directly into his mouth.

When you chew it, it is colorless and tasteless. Once you bite it, there are some powders inside, which will melt when it touches the saliva.

This thing is really interesting.Eating is the same as not eating.

Picking up the box again, Bai Ning felt something different.

Hey, why does this box seem to weigh a hundred catties.

With great difficulty, I almost used all my strength to lift it up.

(End of this chapter)

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