Royal Knights Forced to Open

Chapter 4 Skill Comprehension 1000!

Chapter 4 Skill Comprehension 1000!

Bai Ning and An Qi asked the girl to stay in the room, and the two walked to the gate of the community.

As soon as Young Master Liu saw Bai Ning, he cursed several times in succession.

He really hates this guy.

He, Young Master Liu, has never suffered such a big loss in all these years.He couldn't bear the thought of not avenging this revenge.

"Boy, I tell you. I'm going to step over your dead body today."

"That chick, I'm going to order her today."

This speech was very domineering.

It is very inconsistent with the core socialist values.

It also made Bai Ning look down upon.

He rubbed his forehead, seemed a little embarrassed, and said:

"If you leave now, there is still time."

"Otherwise, you will regret it later."

However, Young Master Liu didn't pay attention to this warning at all. He gritted his teeth and said, "Let me tell you, there are 100 people here today, and I am the 100th. I will come up to deal with you in a while."

If he doesn't get this kid in order today, how can he be convinced.

Even if it's a wheel battle, even if it takes physical strength, 100 people can still consume Bai Ning to death.

"Brothers, give it to me."

"Today I'll give you 50 for a punch, and 100 for a kick. Let's kill this little bastard."

In the eyes of this group of gangsters, Bai Ning at this time is simply a money bag.

Just when they were about to come up to pick up money...

Oh, no, just when they were about to come up to fight...

Bai Ning put a hand in front of his chest and made a pause gesture.

He said: "It's too conspicuous to play here, let's go to the next door, shall we?"

There is a tennis court next to the roadside of the community, surrounded by iron nets.There was only one door open and that was the only entrance and exit.

Young Master Liu happily said:
"Haha, this guy seems to want to go to a remote place to fight, because he is afraid that he will lose face if he is seen."

"Okay, let's fulfill him. Anyway, I will record and video the whole process."

"Tomorrow, I will post this wonderful video on Moments."

Bai Ning, An Qi, Young Master Liu and his 99 thugs all entered the tennis court.

For a while, the scene was quite lively.

100 people, including Young Master Liu, stared at Bai Ning angrily.

This fight is on the verge of breaking out.

"Boy, today, I'm going to kill you. Even if you kneel on the floor and call me daddy, I won't let you go."

Young Master Liu felt that the victory was within his grasp, so he quickly spoke harsh words.

At this moment, An Qi let out a long sigh.

Seeing her leisurely look, Bai Ning said in surprise, "Princess, aren't you worried about my safety? I'm your knight anyway."

An Qi said leisurely: "If you can't even handle these earthlings, then you are too useless."

Hurry up, I, Princess Angel, have to go back and catch up on sleep.


Both sides moved.

Bai Ning ran directly towards the entrance of the tennis court, and immediately occupied the only exit of the tennis court.

Young Master Liu asked a large group of his thugs to surround him.

"Hurry up, don't let this little beast get away."

Unexpectedly, this guy led us to the tennis court just to facilitate our escape.

This cunning mouse.

Unexpectedly, Bai Ning turned around and faced the 99 gangsters in front of him.

His finger pointed to the one in front, who seemed to be the strongest, most ruthless, and most prestigious elder brother.


The command is shouted.

A powerful stream of electric bullets shot out quickly and hit the old man.

"Ah... ah ah... don't... I can't..."

The old man delivered a sour line and fell to the ground.

Lightning Bullet Comprehension: 4/1000.

When these gangsters saw this inexplicable scene, they were all too frightened to come forward.

At this moment, Bai Ning continued to shout:




A sound of screaming came out one after another.The dazzling white lights, like life-seeking missiles, precisely hit the underworld thugs one by one.

People also fell down one by one.

Some people are afraid that their knives will conduct electricity, so they quickly throw their weapons on the ground.

However, it still didn't work.




Sizzle sizzle.

Accompanied by the sound of people being hit by electric current, they all fell down one by one.

It took about three to four minutes, and all 4 thugs passed out on the ground.

At this time, Bai Ning said to Young Master Liu, "How about it? Didn't you just become the 100th person to hit me? Now, it's your turn."

Young Master Liu was trembling, his legs were weak, and he was about to pee out of fear.


Bai Ning didn't give him a chance to talk nonsense, and directly ordered: "Go over here and help me water those who have fainted to wake up!"

In one corner of the tennis court, there happened to be a faucet and a bucket on the ground.

Young Master Liu didn't understand what this meant, so he had to follow suit.

He fetched a bucket of water and took turns waking up several thugs who had been stunned to the ground.

Then those who woke up went to fetch water to wake up more people.

Bai Ning was very satisfied with the efficiency, seeing that it was almost dawn, he hurriedly continued to work.




None of these people thought that the purpose of Bai Ning to wake them up was to stun them again.

And after being drenched all over, being electrocuted again is simply double the sourness and double the happiness!


The more electricity Bai Ning gets, the more pleasure he feels.

Today, I will electrocute each of these guys 10 times here and raise the understanding of lightning bombs to 1000!




Sizzle sizzle.

Bai Ning brushed up his skills, it was a joy to brush up.

Master Liu and his 99 thugs were not so lucky.

They were all stunned several times.

At first, everyone wanted to resist, but later found that it was futile.They couldn't even get close to Bai Ning, and the only exit was blocked.

Later, the group wanted to numb themselves, thinking: As long as they are electrocuted a few more times, they should be able to get used to the electric current, and it won't be so painful.


This is simply nonsense!

Just like 220V mains electricity, no matter how many times you are charged, the pain will not diminish.

What's more, his whole body was wet and shocked.


After an unknown amount of time, Bai Ning finally got 1000 points of skill comprehension.

Satisfied, he followed Princess Angel and left.

Only Young Master Liu, whose whole body was scorched black from the electric shock, and whose clothes already smelled of stinky glue, and his thugs were left lying blankly on the floor of the tennis court.

Looking at the setting sun rising in the distance, they are a little suspicious of life.

Nima, even if you go to the police, they will feel that you are talking in your sleep, right?

(End of this chapter)

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