Royal Knights Forced to Open

Chapter 482 The meeting is not long enough

Chapter 482 The meeting is not long enough
The day when the squad leader was officially selected.

Bai Ning stood with a group of people who wanted to compete. He looked around and looked at the people next to him, looking a little out of place.

These people are all older than me, and the youngest looks to be 35 years old.

Among these "old guys", Bai Ning is indeed an alternative.

More importantly, he was recommended by the soldier commander Kuang Mingjie to run for the election.After so many years, there is no special case recommended by the captain in the new barracks.Generally speaking, if the superior directly recommends a candidate, if the person is not strong enough to shake the scene, it will definitely make people think that you are "employing nepotism", and thus lose the support of most of your subordinates.

Ordinary leaders will not do this kind of thing where they only support one person but hit a large number of people.

The common practice of leaders is to make peace with each other.

It doesn't matter whether you suffer a small loss or a big loss, as long as the whole team has no problems and can get by, it's OK.

So, now, Bai Ning is feeling the hostility from everyone all the time.

Everyone is watching, what is so special about this candidate recommended by the captain of the soldier.

No, Bai Ning and 8 other candidates formed a 2-person team for the 9 team leader positions.Of these 9 people, 7 of them will definitely be eliminated.

No one knows who will be the ultimate lucky one.

But everyone thinks they have a chance.

That's the magic of things like fair competition.

The time came to 10 o'clock in the morning.

Bai Ning and others stood on a simple stage, with a row of leaders sitting in front of the stage.These are the middle-level leaders of the new military camp and above.

Kuang Mingjie naturally sat in the top position in the middle.

She seemed to be a different person today, and her attitude was different from that night when she insisted on running for the election. Today, she didn't seem to have even glanced at herself.

It was as if she didn't know herself at all.

If she hadn't recommended him to be the team leader, Bai Ning would have thought that his previous memories with her were all false.

A man with some white hair but who looked to be in his 40s stood up.He held a document and read it mechanically.

"In this election, the selectors must abide by the attitude of fairness, justice, and friendly competition..."

"But campaigning is dangerous, just like a battlefield. All candidates must sign a life-and-death certificate. Although we do not encourage ruthless tactics, if you die, only the army will provide your family with compensation. Those who seek revenge..."

I have to say, this speech is quite long.

It seems that every meeting is the same. Before the leader who can finally speak can speak, a deputy in charge has to speak.Generally speaking, although deputy ministers' speeches are more informative, they are also very long.

It seems that if the length is not enough, it cannot show the importance of this work.

Bai Ning couldn't help being distracted.

Well, judging by the appearance of this deputy, he has gray hair at a young age, so he should have put a lot of effort into his work.

But what's the point of such a life?Spend so much time and energy on things that don't interest you.Even if he was finally promoted and became a successful person, Bai Ning really wanted to ask him:
"Friend, are you happy?"

While Bai Ning was thinking wildly, the gray-haired middle-aged man finished his speech.

It was Kuang Mingjie's turn to speak.

As a warrior, if you want to speak to so many people, you naturally don't need a microphone.

Kuang Mingjie concentrated his spiritual power in his dantian, and the words he spoke were powerful and easily reached the eyes of everyone present.

"I'll just say a few points."

"First, the office wrote me a manuscript. Because of time constraints, I won't read it long-windedly. I can read the title. We must attach great importance to it... to play the best competitive state, be responsible to the organization, and be responsible to the organization. Be responsible for love your comrades in arms..."

After briefly reading for a while, Kuang Mingjie said again:

"Next, I will say what I want to say."

"Of course, I agree with all the manuscripts in the office. On this basis, I only have a few opinions."

"Everyone must have noticed it. This time, I have recommended new people to participate in the selection. I know that this is very unfair to many people. You have been waiting for this position for so many years, and now you suddenly drop in a few days after joining the camp. The newcomers in heaven are competing with you, and to be honest, if it were me, I wouldn’t accept it either.”

The words of the soldier captain immediately sparked heated discussions among the people below.It seems that this has reached everyone's heart.

Kuang Mingjie added: "So, when making a mobilization speech, I want to emphasize one point."

"Since I recommended him to run for office, to be honest, I only have one thought, that is, he is stronger than all of you. And, much stronger."

"I hope that you can slap me in the face with practical actions. If you can prove me wrong, I will definitely not use this person. At least, not this time."

"So, after a while, I think you can even encircle 8 person with 1 people. This will ensure that he is eliminated."

"I have no objection to your use of such a strategy, and I think it is a good strategy in a critical situation. I assure you that afterwards, I will not embarrass or even retaliate against you because of such a thing."

"Of course, I hope you know. If eight of you join forces, you can't deal with him alone. Then, my prediction is correct. He deserves the position of squad leader."

"My speech is over. It may be a bit long-winded, but I think you should have understood what I mean."

After Kuang Mingjie finished speaking, he didn't say another word.

Her speech, far from being long-winded, was extremely brief.Except for saying what she wanted to say, she hardly read the speech drafted by the office.

So at this meeting, she was originally given one hour to give a mobilization speech. Now, at only 1 o'clock, her speech is over.

One or two of the people in charge of the meeting panicked.

"Hurry up... go and inform the chefs that the meal is going to be served earlier. If you haven't fried the dishes, hurry up..."

"Get the table, tablecloth, etc. ready, and put the dishes and chopsticks right away."

One or two of the food soldiers who were in charge of lunch became flustered.

The original plan was to eat at twelve noon.

It's a full hour ahead now, which is a bit troublesome.

It seems that it is the same everywhere, and a slight change in the leadership will make it difficult for the subordinates to follow suit.

Therefore, it is also beneficial for leaders to talk nonsense.

Otherwise, the meeting is not long enough, and it is a bit harmful.

(End of this chapter)

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