Chapter 51

Five of Sima's best carriages transported 5 people including Bai Ning to the gate of Jinhua Prison.

It can be regarded as sending them on the road in style.


Jinhua Prison, this is a name reminiscent of ham.

Standing in front of the prison, Bai Ning felt somewhat hungry.His saliva couldn't help but began to secrete.

Different from his travel mentality, the other 11 prisoners who accompanied him all had sad faces, as if someone had died at home.

"Ah... no... my stomach hurts..."

"My migraines are..."

"I... I... seem to be on my period..."

"Bah, you're not a woman!"

In short, this group of prisoners who were suffering all over their bodies was led into the prison by a prison officer with a scar on his face.

Behind them, the iron gate slammed shut.It also means that the free and easy life is over.

Jinhua Prison was built like a big football field.In the middle is a very wide open space surrounded by stands.Of course, there is a ten-meter-high iron net between the two, and if the prisoners want to escape, it is purely overthinking.

The place where the prisoners live is under the stands. There are no windows in the room. The sun does not shine all the year round, and it is cold and cold.

In addition to the prisoners from the Sima family, other prisoners from other families were also transported here.

After the crowd was almost gathered, Bai Ning counted, my good guy, there are about 200 strong men.

Some are hulking, with a murderous gleam in their eyes.These are violent criminals who murder, set fire, rob and rape civilian women.

Some are short-sighted and look wretched, but are actually werewolves.These are intellectuals who steal and cheat.

And those with dejected faces and innocent faces are probably just pretending to be a fool, catching lambs waiting to be slaughtered who were thrown in for a petty crime.

The smallest group, like Bai Ning, kept looking at other people.These are innocent people sent in without any criminal facts using special quotas for each family.

The reason why innocent people come to prison is to show their power in the group arena, kill all directions, and earn huge profits for themselves and their families.

In their eyes, which prison here is clearly a stepping stone to the pinnacle of life, to win Bai Fumei, and to write their own life myths!

They are excited, they are excited, they can't wait to start cleaning up other scumbags now.


In front of this group of freshmen, a handsome middle-aged man about 40 years old walked up.

This man had good features and a tall and straight figure. He didn't look like a prison officer who managed prisoners at all.

But he spoke harshly.

"Everyone, I don't care whether you have committed a crime or not. Since you are here, you are all criminals."

It feels like brothers from all corners of the world...

"Jinhua Prison doesn't have so many resources for classified management. So, after a while, everyone went to get uniforms and put them on obediently."

"All personal belongings shall be turned in and confiscated."

"From now on, freedom no longer belongs to you."

"Unless you become famous in the group arena, otherwise, your life will never have a future."

Every word he said was engraved in the hearts of everyone like a knife.

Two of the inmates who were already suffering from heart disease, migraine, and stomach pain couldn't help it for a while, and even burst into tears.

After the two of them cried, the sadness also brought other men along.

More men cried.


Above everyone's heads, there are clearly blue sky and white clouds, and the birds flying freely, as if freedom is so close that you can touch it with your hands.

But they know that from then on, basking in the sun is a luxury.

So these men cried more and more.

It really proved that sentence.

After a man gets up, there will be nothing for a woman.

The handsome prison officer didn't care about these crying men, he just left after finishing his last sentence.

"My last advice to everyone is that this is a prison, not a police station. If you are bullied here, it is useless to ask the prison officer for help."

Well, it turns out that the government also encourages "healthy competition" among criminals.

Bai Ning learned from the side that this prison officer is the warden of Jinhua Prison, surnamed Zhang, known as "Zhang Jiaozhu".

Master Zhang is indeed mighty.


After the general meeting of the dismounted Mawei, a group of newcomers were taken to change into their own "uniforms".

The so-called uniforms are the prisoner clothes that are often seen in movies and TV shows.

Like a zebra, it has black and white stripes. After people wear it, it has a cute feeling.

Among other things, the clothes are quite comfortable to wear, and it feels like a spirited guy.

The only inconvenience is that everything from tops, trousers to underpants and socks are distributed uniformly here, and of course the shoes are the same, so Bai Ning hurriedly found a space where no one was paying attention, and put the Wusu shoes into storage. in object space.

It seems that you have to be more careful here, without the blessing of Wusu shoes, it will be difficult to save your life in danger.

Everyone was unfamiliar with each other, but after changing into the same clothes, everyone looked the same.It feels like there is no distinction between humans and animals two meters away.

But the prison officers were very clever to solve this problem.

Every newcomer was stamped with a stamp on the back of his right hand in sequence.I don't know what kind of ink was used to cover this chapter, but it couldn't be washed off no matter how much I washed it.

"Every two weeks, come to me in groups to refill this code stamp."

The prison officer who stamped the seal was expressionless.

"Don't wash your hands during the period, and don't cause trouble for me. Who the hell is fading badly, kick his ass next time."

Bai Ning received the number 7503.

Then he left with a group of men who were holding their buttocks for fear of being kicked.


Everyone has allocated a "dormitory".

There are 12 people in each cell, a standard "multiple room".

Bunk beds.There are three double-layer iron frame beds on the left and right sides.In addition to the lack of freedom, it feels a bit like returning to the student days.

Everyone greeted each other, and it turned out that they were all newcomers in the same period.

There is a large passageway at the door of the cell.

Therefore, the bed near the door is the best, which is more ventilated and cooler.After all, there were no windows in the room.

Bai Ning was the last to walk in, the small iron door of the room was closed, and the prison officer left.

But everyone had already occupied all the beds, leaving only the uppermost bunk on the innermost side for him.

That's the position nobody wants.

The room was very short, and I slept on the upper bunk, and I couldn't even stand up when I was sitting. It was a bit like the upper bunk on a train.

A group of men laughed and looked at Bai Ning and the last boy who came in.

Both of them are fine-skinned and tender-skinned, white and clean.

This kind of guy is best ordered.

"That's what, you two, yes, I'm talking about you two... You sleep in Lige, on the upper bunk! From now on, you will take turns to be responsible for the logistics of our prison."

At this time, a 1.9-meter tall thin man stood up from the most comfortable position on the lower bunk at the door.

The room was not high, and this guy was so long that he could almost touch the ceiling with his hands.

It looks like a prison tyrant.

The white and thin boy shivered and said with a smile:
"Ha, haha, how are you guys, from now on... please take care of me."

It was as if he was used to being bullied.

But Bai Ning raised a very constructive question.

"Several brothers, I want to know, what rules are these beds allocated for?"

As if to find fault.

(End of this chapter)

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