Legend of Fengshen

Chapter 8 Special Rewards

Chapter 8 Special Rewards

The football game is still the next hot topic among them, but Zhang Yuan put all his energy on reviewing his homework. There is only one week until the final exam. In fact, he is almost ready. What negligence, I didn’t go to play football every afternoon. I just went to the school gate with Gu Lin for a stroll for a while and then returned to the classroom to continue studying. Chinese education is exam-oriented education. If you are not a gifted child, then you must Only by taking more time to study can you guarantee your grades. Zhang Yuan is not a gifted child, so he can only fly stupidly.

In the middle, I met Mr. Xie, the head teacher, and his family of three for a walk. Mr. Xie finally saw that Zhang Yuan and Gu Lin hadn’t played football. He prepared for the exam well, and asked at the end: "I heard you won the game?" I'm afraid he should have known about this kind of thing long ago. After all, it was the first time in Taixing Middle School's history that it won a foreign school. Their school team has only been established for two years, and there are not many other schools playing, but the word spread in the school, and even the enthusiasm of the teenagers to play football has increased. Zhang Yuan has become an idol. This time it is not because of him. Grades but because of football.Zhang Yuan didn't believe Mr. Xie didn't know, what did he mean by asking him now?
"Well, I won by luck!" Zhang Yuan could only reply.

"Is the defensive counterattack tactic okay?"

Don’t you understand, Mr. Xie dares to flatter us, “We need it, it’s especially suitable for us, and we scored 3 goals in counterattack! Thank you, Mr. Xie, for giving us a trick before the game!” Zhang Yuan immediately started flattering , who wouldn't be joking and flattering? !
"That's right, I think I've learned a lot about tactics after watching football all these years. My understanding of tactics is still quite deep. You guys are too weak in personal skills, so you need to practice hard..."

"You're not finished, old Xie, you're walking home! Zhang Yuan, Gu Lin, and Ran Wa'er are going to take a shower and do their homework, so let's go back first!" Dr. Zeng, the teacher's wife, interrupted Teacher Xie's conversation.

"Then let's go back first! I'll tell you next time, and I'll tell you two after the exam is over!" Teacher Xie still has something to say, I haven't shown enough yet!

"Haha, I didn't expect Mr. Xie to like football so much. He seems to know a lot! I didn't know it before!" Gu Lin said.

"That's right, it would be much better if we called him to be the coach!" Zhang Yuan also thought that Mr. Xie still had something in his stomach.

"Forget it. I'm going to be in my third year of high school soon. I don't have the energy to study football like I did in my first and second year of high school! Going to college is my kingly way. Let's go, go back and read!" Gu Lin sighed.

A week later, the final exam was over. Zhang Yuan didn't know how he would do in the exam. He still felt good about himself. It took a few days to know the result.

The end of the exam is the holiday. This holiday lasts for more than a month. Zhang Yuan has no plans. It is not a busy season at home, and there is not much farm work. Besides, his parents rarely let him do the work on his shoulders. At most, he just helps out. Cooking, I have a lot of free time. This year is the World Cup year, there are football games to watch, and Gu Lin and him have made an appointment to come to his house to play during the holidays, to review homework, practice football, and watch football games. This day is really beautiful and adventurous Soak!
Zhang Yuan's father is Zhang Shiqing, and his mother is Zhao Ju. They are both honest farmers. In fact, life in the countryside has become better and better in the past few years. It stands to reason that Zhang Yuan's life is not difficult, but these two years have happened His family was not very lucky. His grandparents fell ill and died one after another. His father injured his waist when he went out to work. The burden was all on his mother and sister, and he still owed money. This was one of the reasons why his parents were unwilling to let Zhang Yuan continue to go to school. First, it is their idea to be born in society earlier to earn money, build a house earlier and marry a wife.Now that Zhang Yuan is studying, he still wins the first place every time, which makes them feel very gratified, so they are very relaxed about Zhang Yuan, playing football or watching football is fine, as long as the study is not delayed!

A few days later, Gu Lin came to play at Zhang Yuan's house, and brought good news along the way. When he came, he went to the school and checked the results of the unified examination. Zhang Yuan was the first in grade and 42 in the county. According to the teacher's promise, Gu Lin also did well in the exam. He is sixth in grade and has made great progress. Naturally, Zhang Shiqing and Zhao Ju were delighted from ear to ear, and warmly received Gu Lin.When Zhang Yuan heard the news, he couldn't wait to tell his sister, and told Gu Lin to watch TV by himself, so he ran to find his mother and asked for a mobile phone to call his sister. Zhang Caiying paid for this phone and forced Zhang Shiqing to buy it. In order to facilitate contact, it is basically useless at ordinary times, and it is used by Zhao Ju as an alarm clock. Zhang Yuan dialed the phone, and the familiar and unfamiliar voice of his sister came through the phone. Zhang Yuan hurriedly told his sister the result of the exam, and Zhang Caiying was very happy , praised her younger brother again and again, and Zhang Yuan suddenly felt that her sister was happier than herself, so it was no wonder that Zhang Caiying tried her best to persuade her parents to let Zhang Yuan continue to study in high school. Zhang Yuan's future, now that her younger brother is so upbeat and has no problem getting into college, she feels that her hard work has paid off, so she is naturally very happy, and promises that she will definitely come back after Zhang Yuan is admitted to college, since Zhang Caiying graduated from technical secondary school four years ago It’s been four years since I went out to work and haven’t returned home. I just want to save money. The fare is not cheap to go back and forth, not to mention that visiting relatives and friends is a big expense.

The siblings hadn't chatted for a while, Zhao Ju snatched the phone in distress, and said into the phone: "Jing baby, are you at work? I'm fine with you old man, and your brother is fine too. Hang up if it’s important, you have to protect yourself! That’s it, hang up!” Before Zhang Caiying could respond, she hung up the phone.Zhang Yuan is very helpless, he still wants to chat with his sister for a while, it has been a long time since we met, and it is not a common thing to make phone calls.

Now that the test results are known, Zhang Yuan and Gu Lin are relieved. They will soon be in their third year of high school. This summer vacation must be fun and study well. I don't want to disappoint my family. Gu Lin still wants to go to a key medical university, so he must make good use of this vacation to review his homework and check for omissions. As for playing, of course they play football. From time to time, they can make appointments in advance and return to Taixing The middle school plays football, and usually they can practice on the small playground of the village primary school. Due to the problem of student resources, the village primary school has long stopped enrolling students, and it has been vacant for a long time. The small playground has also become a sunning field for nearby people, which is just right for Zhang Yuan and the others to practice. .

But the next day, my sister called at noon and gave Zhang Yuan a surprise. Zhang Caiying asked her parents to let Zhang Yuan go to her during the summer vacation.Going to Shanghai, Zhang Yuan naturally wanted to go, it was big Shanghai, he knew Shanghai since he was in primary school, such as the Huangpu River, and the Oriental Pearl. The final decision is not in his hands, but in the hands of his parents and elder sister. Needless to say, the elder sister will not object as she is the initiator, but her parents strongly oppose it. It's worth a few hundred yuan, but in the end it's my sister who has a way, and she gave several reasons. One is that the siblings haven't seen each other for four years. She misses her brother very much. During the long summer vacation, he just happens to be able to visit him. , it costs less than her trip back; second, my younger brother is already 16 years old and has got his ID card, but he has never been to Chengdu, let alone outside the province, so he can see the world when he goes out; third, this time My younger brother performed very well in the exam, and going out to play is a disguised reward; fourth, this time I have been out for a long time, and she has already found a part-time job for my brother in the summer. He can still work and study in the past, at least he can earn back the travel expenses!In terms of reasoning, Zhang Caiying's parents were far from being able to speak up, so they had to reluctantly agree that Zhang Yuan could go to Shanghai to visit his sister.

Of course Zhang Yuan is very excited, but he can't fight side by side with Gu Lin during this holiday. They had a good discussion yesterday about how to arrange the time for everyone to spend together during the summer vacation. Today, he has to change the plan. He is a little embarrassed, Gu Lin But he said generously: "What's the matter, we can still play in the summer vacation next year. We will all graduate and go to college next year. We don't need to study anymore in the summer vacation. We can play happily. The opportunity to go to Shanghai is not all the time. Yes, that’s Shanghai, the largest and most prosperous city in China! But don’t forget to bring me souvenirs when you go!”

"That's for sure!" Gu Lin was Zhang Yuan's best friend, so he had to bring something for his brother when he went out.

Packed up properly and left as soon as they said, Zhang Yuan couldn't wait any longer. He was worried that his parents would change their minds. When the time came, they would change what they said they would change. If they wanted to go to Shanghai, they would be in vain. It's useless for them to regret it.Early the next morning, fortunately, his parents did not change their minds. Zhang Yuan set off with Gu Lin and the big bag. The big bag was a special product from his hometown that his parents brought to his sister. It was full of food. The small bag was Zhang Yuan’s own change of clothes. With some books, Zhang Yuan left, so Gu Lin would naturally not stay as a guest, and set off with Zhang Yuan back to his home in the morning.Originally, Zhang Shiqing planned to send his son to Chengdu. After all, Zhang Yuan had never traveled far, but Zhang Yuan rejected him. He felt that he was an adult, and a dignified high school student could not cope with an unfamiliar environment.

When we arrived in Chengdu, we really had nothing to deal with. We got off the bus station, asked for directions, took a bus, and soon arrived at the train station. Zhang Yuan went to the ticket office to buy a ticket. What made him dissatisfied was that today’s ticket was No more, only the train ticket to Shanghai tomorrow night, Zhang Yuan can only buy it, although there is no seat, it is better than staying here all the time.After buying the ticket, Zhang Yuan took out his mobile phone from home and called his sister to report the situation. After making an appointment to pick up the train, he went to a food stand near the train station and bought four steamed buns. It was past noon, and Zhang Yuan was starving!
After eating steamed buns and drinking mineral water, Zhang Yuan didn’t know what to do next. He didn’t know where he was born, and he didn’t know where to go for a walk. The sun was very strong in July, and he had a lot of bags in his hands. It is not convenient to carry it in your hand. There is a place to store luggage at the train station, but he thinks it is expensive. It costs 7 yuan a bag, which is too expensive, and he is also afraid that his things will be lost, so he can only choose in the afternoon. The ticket office sees all kinds of passers-by.

(End of this chapter)

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