First Elf Trainer

Chapter 281. 264. Team up to deal with Giratina

Chapter 281. 264. Team up to deal with Giratina
Fang Ning had only rested at home for a day when Miss Jun Sha came over and saw him lying on the nearby grass: "I really envy you, lying here leisurely."

Fang Ning, who was lying on the grass, looked at Miss Junsha next to him and asked curiously, "Why, there is progress."

"That guy has a tight mouth, and he can't ask anything." He got a little angry at this point, picked up a stone from the ground and threw it out, lying on the grass.

"It's fine recently, take the frozen bird out for a stroll." He took out the elf from his side, and immediately released the frozen bird inside,

Fang Ning didn't believe it: "Is there really nothing else?"

"Okay." Miss Junsha took out an invitation to the Elven Ninja Village from the inside, and handed it to Fang Ning, letting him see the contents.

"Ninja Village?" After seeing the content above, Fang Ning looked up at Miss Junsha with some doubts, and asked curiously, "You don't want to take me with you, do you?"

Miss Junsha: "That's what I mean."

"No, I just came back from outside and need to rest." Facing Miss Junsha's request, without any hesitation, she rejected the invitation categorically.

Miss Junsha stood up, put the Frozen Bird back into the elf ball, greeted Fang Ning, and left without further interruption.

An hour later, a black shadow of an elf flew past. He didn't care much at first, but the black computer issued a warning prompt.

"Warning! Warning, a mysterious mystery is coming, forcibly triggering the highest reward: challenge to God."

"The reward is triggered and cannot be refused!"

After hearing this, he immediately chased after him, but another elf appeared behind him, and flew over to the one in front, which made him a little bit strenuous.

Fang Ning: "Fuck me, two elves appear at the same time!"

Released the fossilized pterosaur from the poke ball, sat on it and flew after it, and quickly flew up to the black elf, and saw that it was an elf, and this was Darkley from the evil department.

Fang Ning looked at it: "Darkley?"

Elf: Darkrai.

Attribute: evil.

Alias: Nightmare God.

Hearing that the task information given by the computer is only three sentences, it is usually very detailed, but this time it is different, which means that he is a scary guy.

"Go back, you are not welcome here." Darkley said to the elf flying in front, and at the same time he used his unique skills to attack the elf.

The elf knocked off Darkley's attack and counterattacked back, and let it fall directly to the ground, Fang Ning flew towards the ground.

Landed on the ground and ran towards it, but Darkrai glanced at Fang Ning, and then disappeared using teleportation.

After Fang Ning was stared at by Darkley, he immediately closed his eyes and fell into sleep, and soon began to have a nightmare, and it was terrible.

In the dream, the sky in the entire Kanto region will be plunged into darkness, and at the same time, an elf will appear in the sky. Its appearance will make everything here begin to disappear...

"Get hints from Darkrai."

This nightmare was so frightening that it woke Fang up in fright. After waking up, he stood up and wiped the sweat from his head with his hand: "My God, this dream is really scary!"

Immediately reacting, I suddenly thought of this and wanted to tell myself that I sat on the fossil pterosaur again and flew into the sky to see if there would be any abnormalities.

The fossilized pterosaur felt an inexplicable hostility toward a certain place in the sky, and directly attacked there with Dragon's Fury, and the attack hit there. After the elf opened its eyes, it revealed its real body.

A golden half-ring encircles its neck from its back.Black and red stripes are distributed horizontally on the front of the neck.

Riding on it has two large ghost-like wings.

"Giratina!" Fang Ning was startled. He didn't expect that the legendary ferocious beast would actually appear in front of his eyes. He was so shocked.

It directly attacked Fang Ning. The fossil pterosaur led him to avoid the attack, took out the poke ball and released Lucario: "Lucario, the evolution of the monster form!"

After Lucario evolved, he directly used the Z-movement to attack. After receiving the attack, Giratina counterattacked back even harder. Darkrai saw that he helped Fang Ning block the attack.

It said to Fang Ning hastily, and he hurriedly left just now: "Hurry up, you are no match for it at all."

Fang Ning left immediately with the elf and landed in a forest. At the same time, a stone fell out of his body. He picked it up and looked at it: "By the way, try using this primitive stone."

After evolution, it is in the original form, and it also has the strength close to the beast. Maybe it can beat the Giratina away directly and let it return to its original place.

After a long time, it appeared in front of Fang Ning and said: "The power of a monster alone is not enough, we cannot defeat that guy alone."

"What about this?" Fang Ning showed the stone to Darkley.

"The original stone!" Looking at this stone, he was a little surprised, then looked at Fang Ning and thought about it: "We have this stone, maybe it is still possible."

He took out the only piece of sixth-level elf food, Shaqima, from his backpack, and gave it to Darkley and Lucario separately. He said, "Eat something first, and recover your exhausted energy first."

Pieces of black color suddenly appeared in the sky, this is Giratina began to slowly entrust this place into the reverse time, Darkrai looked up and saw: "It has already started, we are running out of time."

"Lucario, primitive evolution!" Fang Ning yelled while holding the primitive stone, but there was no response. He didn't know what was going on.

"Evolve, why not evolve?"

Seeing that Fang Ning didn't move at all, it couldn't wait to say to him: "I'll go over and hold it back first, you have to seize the time, I won't last long."

Fang Ning said, "Don't worry, I'll be there right away."

Darkrai and Giratella fought in the past, and Fang Ning did not know how many times he called primitive evolution, but there was no response at all.

Fang Ning looked at the stone in his hand: "Computer, this stone is fake." No matter how many times he shouted, it was useless, Lucario remained the same.

"What are you afraid of, because your fear prevents Lucario from primitive evolution, and the idea of ​​evolution is not firm enough."

Fang Ning heard the black computer saying that he was afraid, and that after evolution in the original secret realm, it might lead to a state of out-of-control and out of control.

Although I was afraid, I couldn't let Giratella succeed, coughed a few times, and shouted again: "Come on, Lucario's primitive evolution!"

(End of this chapter)

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