Chapter 208 Extraordinary
"You know him?"

Yazi was a little surprised, is Dong Yi's name so famous?She thought it was the noise from the police circle!

After all, Feng Jingye is the president of the real estate group. More importantly, under the current background of Hong Kong Island, all walks of life will inevitably have to deal with some people in the world.

He also heard about Dong Yi's riots in the city in order to save Xiaoling.

"Yes, except for him coming, otherwise I won't say anything. Telling him this matter is of great importance, and I must be the one who will say it!"

Meiko said: "You have seen that person before. He is the one who knocked you down with one punch and took you to the police station!"

"It's him?"

Feng Jingye's face was full of surprise. He really hated that policeman to death, but after thinking about it, the man didn't care about his identity and status on Hong Kong Island in order to arrest him, especially when he brought out the police chief. The other party was also unmoved.

At first he hated this man's arrogance, but after thinking about it, isn't this what he needs most now?In order to handle the case, he will spare no effort, defy the power, and fulfill his duty as a policeman!
Feng Jingye said urgently: "It's him, I wouldn't say a word to anyone else!"

Yazi sighed, quite helpless, she knew that the reason why Dong Yi entrusted her with the matter of the interrogation was actually because he didn't want to get involved with other things too deeply, but who made Mr. Dong's name so famous!
So Yazi left the interrogation room and closed the door. Looking at the corridor outside the interrogation room, Ade was waiting outside. Seeing Yazi coming out, he immediately asked in a low voice: "Captain Yazi, did the other party say anything?"

Yazi pouted: "No, go to your boss, he only trusts your boss, only tell him!"

Hearing this, Ade nodded, turned around and walked towards Dong Yi's office, while on the other side Dong Yi casually dismissed the policeman named A Tao, who was doing nothing.

Ade knocked on the door and came in: "Dong sir, Captain Yazi asked me to call you to the interrogation room!"


Dong Yi frowned. It was you, Yazi, who wanted to get clues about Roberts from Feng Jingye's mouth, so I asked you to interrogate him. Now you will come to me again, and there will be no end!
Dong Yi frowned helplessly. Apart from handling the case, he really didn't want to involve himself in the vortex of power struggle. As the so-called seeking power in his position, he would be happy to see Roberts, the commissioner of police appointed by the Queen of England, go away. , as preparations for the special moment nine years later.

But he really didn't want to get too involved, so he just had to be his own servant.

"It's Feng Jingye who has something to say and I'll just tell you!" Speaking of this, Ade was curious: "Dong sir, what is it? ?”

Dong Yi's face was serious when he heard the words: "Ade, I want you to keep this matter secret and not tell anyone, and you should also stay away from this matter.

By the way, I sent some of you to interrogate the mute, how is it going now? "

"Dumb, we have already followed your instructions, but we are still carrying it to death!"

"It's okay, he won't be able to carry it for long, you continue to lead someone to exhaust that person, telling him not to sleep, until he finds out where his accomplice is.

When the time comes, remember to notify me as soon as possible! "

Hearing that Ade said yes, he went to the interrogation room where the mute was, and "served" the man with several colleagues.

After a while, Dong Yi came to the interrogation room where Feng Jingye was interrogating. Before coming, Meazi outside the door had briefly told him what happened and gave him a voice recorder.

Dong Yi didn't talk nonsense, came to the interrogation room, sat opposite him, and said straight to the point: "Tell me, didn't you have something to do with me?"

"I need police protection!"

Hearing this, Dong Yi frowned: "Just now you said that a policeman wanted to kill you, I have already sent someone to investigate this matter.

But you need protection. It stands to reason that you directed and performed this bombing yourself. No one will kill you because of it, and I will not waste police resources for no reason! "

"It has nothing to do with the explosion!

This matter is of great importance, and it may involve many high-level police officers, especially British police officers! "

"I don't like those ghosts, if it wasn't for the limitation of my duties, I would have thought of punishing them a long time ago!

As long as you dare to say it, I dare to do it! "

Hearing this, Feng Jingye felt a little relieved, so he said: "I am willing to be a tainted witness for the police, but I need you to send someone to protect me 24 hours a day!"

"Tell me, as long as this matter is indeed as you said, and the matter is of great importance, I will definitely protect you!"

Then Dong Yi took out his voice recorder, pressed the button, and started recording.

Feng Jingye gritted his teeth, and said slowly: "On the surface, the Real Estate Group is a listed company, but in fact, it is also engaged in smuggling business behind the scenes.

And the person behind all this is Long Yao, who has just built the so-called first building on Hong Kong Island. This person is in his 60s.

And he has two adoptive sons, a son.

The business in Southeast Asia and other places was handed over to one of the adoptive sons, but I don't know who it is, and he rarely shows up, but I know his son. "

"Who is his son?" Dong Yi frowned.

"His son is in charge of overseas business, his name is Liu Jinghan, and his other adopted son is assisting him!"

"Wait, his surname is Long, and his son's surname is Liu. Is it his own?" Dong Yi immediately interrupted.

"Yes, because Long Yao divorced his wife when he was young, and his wife took her son to the United States, and let him take her surname there!"

After listening, Dong Yi understood, so he asked: "Since this is the case, how about his son?"

"I don't know what's going on in the United States, but his son has been staying in Gotham City, New Jersey, on the east coast of the United States for a long time, and has been dealing with things there."

"Gotham City?"

Dong Yi heard the name a little familiar. Suddenly, it was as if a sap was hit hard in his head. He was stunned and looked at Feng Jingye with a complicated expression, because the alias of this city was too It's so loud.

At this moment, Dong Yi realized that the world was far more complicated than he imagined!
For the time being, Dong Yi made up his mind to stay in Hong Kong Island as an obedient cat. For overseas affairs, don't join in the fun if you have nothing to do!
"Let's not talk about anything else, what else do you know about Hong Kong Island?"

"What I know on Hong Kong Island is that Commissioner of Police Roberts is involved with Long, who sends money to his Swiss account every month.

More importantly, on the top floor of the Longxin Building, which was just completed, there is a computer encryption network that he spent a lot of money to build. All transaction information is transmitted through this network.

But because it involves an electronic computer network and is encrypted, if you want to get the information inside, you have to find someone in the professional field to crack it! "

(End of this chapter)

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