Chapter 95
"How is it? How's it going!" Gao Yuehan, who is Zhu Tao's master, hurriedly came to Lawyer Zhang and asked.

"Boss and others are not allowed to post bail!" Lawyer Zhang said helplessly.

"Ah!" John Gao, who had a smooth face, was immediately shocked. He looked at Salena next to Lawyer Zhang and asked curiously: "Then why did Salena come out?"

"Salena is a witness for the prosecution!"

"What!" Gao Yuehan was shocked, pointing at Selena and questioned: "You are a witness for the prosecution!"

Salena frowned and defended: "I didn't do it, the prosecutor asked me to do it?!"

"He told you to do it, and you did it?!" Gao Yuehan looked at Selina with an unkind expression.

Suddenly a person stood in front of John Gao, looking at John Gao in front of him coldly, leaving no room for doubt: "Now I have reason to suspect that you are harassing the prosecution witness. As a police officer protecting Salena, I now order you to stay away from my witness." a little!"

John Gao frowned and looked at Dong Yi, pointing at Dong Yi and said angrily, "Who are you, it's none of your business if I talk to her!"

"I'm a police officer, and I'm responsible for protecting the safety of witnesses!"

"You..." Gao Yuehan was about to curse, when suddenly one of his subordinates came to Gao Yuehan and whispered: "This is the man who killed many of our guys, don't provoke him!"

After finishing speaking, this subordinate did not forget to look at Dong Yi with fear on his face.

He was one of the few who escaped from the last transaction. The scene of Dong Yi shooting the criminals was vivid in his mind. When the gun went off, someone would fall.

Every gunshot is the end of life. One person chases the drug dealer, Zhu Tao and his gang, almost forcing them to a desperate situation.

Hearing the reminder from his subordinate Ma Zi, Gao Yuehan looked carefully at Dong Yi in front of him. He understood the situation at that time from the mouth of the escaped man, and immediately withdrew his finger pointing at Dong Yi, without saying a word.

Seeing this, Chen Jiaju on the side quickly warned: "From now on, you can only say goodbye and goodbye to the prosecution witnesses, otherwise I will arrest you guys in the name of deliberate intimidation!"

Dong Yi nodded in agreement, opened his suit, revealing the pistol on his belt, and said coldly: "I warn you, don't try to get close to the witness I am protecting. No matter how many people you come, I will let him taste the bullet. I thought some of you might know that I’m not kidding!”

Gao Yuehan had no choice but to look at lawyer Zhang silently, who nodded.

Gao Yuehan was aggrieved, but unwilling, and whispered to Selina: "I'll take you back!"

"Forget it, it's up to us to do it!" Dong Yi hurriedly stopped, but Salina said softly to John Gao: "I won't say anything!" Then she put on her sunglasses and left.

Dong Yi and Chen Jiaju immediately followed Salina and left.

Looking at the backs of the three of them going away, John Gao hurriedly came to Lawyer Zhang and asked, "What should Lawyer Zhang do now?"

"I'll go see your boss this afternoon and listen to his opinion!"

John Gao had no choice but to do this, and everyone left in the car.

As for Salena, she did not plan to go home, but chose to go shopping.

After she left the police station, she went shopping non-stop in major shopping malls on Hong Kong Island.

When it comes to women's ability to go shopping, it's really a headache. Dong Yi and Chen Jiaju followed Salina, becoming more and more helpless.

But the two of them can't say anything more, after all, they are only responsible for protection, and have no right to restrict their freedom of life, they can only say that they are suffering.

Until passing through a coffee shop, Salina was finally tired from walking, and wanted to have a cup of coffee in this coffee shop to rest.

Chen Jiaju looked impatient and hurriedly whispered to his side: "You hold on first, I need to pee urgently and go to the toilet!"

Dong Yi nodded, and Chen Jiaju walked towards the bathroom of the coffee shop with a domineering step with his legs wide open.

Seeing Chen Jiaju going to the convenience store, Dong Yi looked at Salena and found that she was sitting at the table leisurely, with her legs crossed and sipping a drink.

Dong Yi, who somewhat understood the direction of the development of the matter, felt that this was not the solution and that she had to be shaken in her heart. If nothing else happened, Zhu Tao would send someone to take action tonight. Now he would do some ideological work for her. A group of robbers would come tonight. , Double-check, as long as he ensures that Chen Jiaju doesn't mess around, then Salina will definitely appear in court to testify, and let Zhu Tao, a dog-skin plaster, stay in jail for the rest of his life, saving him trouble in the future.

Thinking of this, Dong Yi didn't hesitate, and came to Selena, and asked with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "Can I sit next to you?"

Salina looked at Dong Yi with hesitation in her eyes, and then said: "No, we don't know each other, and we have different positions, so we're not friends!"

Depend on!Force me to zoom in!You forced me!Remember that you forced me to do this, and I don't want to do it!
Without any warning, Dong Yi suddenly held Salina's hand. Salina was startled and wanted to pull away, but Dong Yi held on tightly.

Shalena shouted angrily, "What are you doing, why are you touching someone's hand! Let go, or I will sue you for molestation!"

Dong Yi said, "Look at my watch."

Salina looked at the wrist where Dong Yi was holding her left hand, and frowned in surprise: "Why are you looking at your watch?"

"Look at the second hand!"


Salena had a strange look on her face, staring at the second hand that kept turning. There was no difference in the second hand. She looked up at Dong Yi and thought to herself, what on earth is this man going to do?
Busy said with displeasure on his face: "Now you'd better let go, or I'll be called indecent!"

Dong Yi said calmly: "Wait for 1 minute, give me 1 minute! After 1 minute, I will let go!"

Salena subconsciously looked at the pointer, tick, tick, tick...

Time passed by little by little, and Salina looked at the watch on Dong Yi's wrist, wondering if it was because of the pointer, her heart began to sway along with the rhythm of the second hand of the watch.

Feeling the temperature from Dong Yi's warm palm, Salina felt that her heart was getting more and more agitated.

A voice suddenly sounded in my head: "Oops, did my heart move?!"

As time flew by, Salena felt that this minute had passed very long. When the pointer made a circle and stopped in the direction of twelve o'clock.

Dong Yi suddenly let go, and Salena pretended to be calm: "The time is up, tell me, what do you want to do?"

Dong Yi asked calmly, "What's the date today?"

"Number 22?" Serena looked at the handsome man in front of her in a strange way.

"On the 22nd...July 22nd, 22 minute before 1:[-] p.m. on July [-]nd, [-], you were with me.

Because of you and I will remember this 1 minute, from now on we are friends for 1 minute, this is a fact, you cannot deny it, because it has passed, you can't change it!

So since we have become friends for 1 minute, can I sit at the same table with you? "

Salina sat in her seat and looked up at Dong Yi. Suddenly her eyes dodge for some unknown reason. She lowered her head hurriedly and nodded silently.

Seeing this, Dong Yi secretly rejoiced in his heart, fortunately it worked, he never thought that the prodigal son A Fei's seduction routine was so good!

(End of this chapter)

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