Chapter 12 Arrangement
"No, I don't know your recent training situation, and I don't know what your physical condition is now, so I can't give you too effective guidance." Zefa directly refused, but he immediately changed the subject, "So I Arrange for you and Ian to learn physical skills with Garp first!"

"I don't want to leave the teacher!" Ain said.

"Ain!" Zefa said with stern eyes, "You are too weak, following me will only drag me down!"

Ai En pursed his lips, as if he was going to cry the next moment.

"Teacher Zefa is right. We are too weak. If the two of us had the strength of colonels at that time, those people would not have caused us such great harm!" Binz also said.

"Okay, I will follow the teacher's arrangement."

"Karp will come back the day after tomorrow. I will tell him then that for the next two months, both of you will be under his command. Presumably you all know Garp's strength very well. In terms of physical skills, Karp It can be said that it has achieved the ultimate." Zefa said seriously, "I will assess the progress of the two of you in two months, if you fail, I will send you to the four seas, and you will be an ordinary base leader forever! "

"We will definitely not disappoint the teacher!" Li Bin replied hastily, at this moment he did not forget to give Ain a hug.

"Yeah!" Zefa nodded in satisfaction with his arrangement.

Li Bin talked with Zefa for a while, and found a few jokes that he had heard before, which made Zefa laugh out loud. After that, he left the hospital and went back to the boot camp to continue his physical training.

"Ain, what do you think of Binz?" Zefa asked.

"I think Binz is even more unreliable than before!" Ain said angrily. If Li Bin hadn't asked Zefa to help him make a training plan, Zefa would not have arranged for the two of them to practice with Karp. .

"Hehe, what you saw was just Binz's words. He may be a little exaggerated in this regard, but he didn't see the growth of his strength! Just look at the stool Binz sat on just now!"

Ai En looked over where Zefa pointed, and saw thin cracks appearing on the stool. He was a little surprised: "Teacher, what's going on?"

"Compared to before that incident, Binz's strength has increased by at least ten times to cause such a result. That is to say, his power value before was 30, yesterday it was 100, and today it is 300! Although he is already controlling own strength, but will still inadvertently leak some."

"Then he just surpassed me?" Ai En never thought that one day he would be surpassed by that strange boy in brightly colored clothes and a pink scarf on his head.

"Of course, if you don't use your abilities, you are definitely not Binz's opponent now. And I guess, if you all use your abilities, maybe you will lose faster."

"Impossible, I'm a regressive person who ate the fruit of regress, and his speed can't reach the level of my ability to avoid it!" Ain was a little unbelievable.

"But Binz is also an ability user who ate the lush fruit. He has now developed the power to heal the body. If you take me as an example, if I develop such an ability, I will also directly develop something related to this ability. Other damage to physical explosive ability!"


Naturally, Li Bin didn't know about the conversation between the two. He has come to the training ground now: "Colonel Moore, I want to test my power again. Is it possible?"

"No problem, it's just you and me anyway." Moore agreed directly.

Li Bin attacked with all his strength again, and punched the test instrument!

322 Dao Power!

Moore said in surprise: "That's right, boy, it's almost doubled! I don't know if you can still achieve so much improvement today!"

"I shouldn't be able to do it today, because my food intake has just reached the weight of 20 people, and it shouldn't increase too much in a short time. If I don't eat enough, my strength will naturally not increase too fast." Li Bin replied, he thinks I will increase my power by 80 today, and 30 tomorrow.

"It's hard to say, let's go, you can train first, and when it's about the same time, I will practice with you."

Li Bin was a little flattered when he heard this: "Then I would like to thank Colonel Moore."

"You're welcome, let me pass the boring time! Are you going to pick up the 1700kg load today?" Colonel Moore pointed to a 1700Kg dumbbell in the distance.

"Yes!" Li Bin walked over, carried the thing out with difficulty, and then slowly began to exercise...

In the blink of an eye, it was almost noon, and Li Bin was still exercising with both hands holding the dumbbell. When you get up, you can also do it with both hands easily.

But now it seems that even though the power of life has been nourishing his limbs, he has only increased by 30 power points at most.

"That's right, let's take a break, and then the two of us will compete." Colonel Moore said.

"Okay!" Li Bin knew that Colonel Moore was guiding him specially, so after putting down the dumbbells, he walked towards him.

"Do your best and use the most tricky methods you can think of to attack me! Don't be afraid, every colonel in the headquarters has a power value above 800." Although Moore's words are a bit exaggerated, they are far from the truth. Not much.

"Okay!" Li Bin made a run-up, then jumped up and kicked Moore.

But his super-level kick was easily blocked by the opponent: "Is that all? Then you have disappointed me too!"

Colonel Moore grabbed Li Bin's calf, swung it up, and smashed it to the ground!

Li Bin felt that his whole body was falling apart, and hurriedly begged for mercy: "Colonel, I can't do it...I can't do it!"

"A man can't say he can't do it!" Colonel Moore walked over with a smile, and punched Li Bin's waist, "You are so arrogant, you are so much weaker than me, and you still use such a flawed attack method! I I really doubt that you have ever experienced that painful lesson! The experience is so bad that even a rookie is inferior!"

Li Bin thought that this punch would make him lose his strength to resist, but in fact, although the punch was painful, it didn't cause too much damage.

"Why don't you exercise your waist? It's as weak as a little girl!"

After saying this, Colonel Moore punched Li Bin on the thigh again, causing Li Bin to grin his teeth in pain.

"These thighs haven't been exercised properly, yet they still dare to use their legs."

"Also, how did you get the balance of this arm, you zombie!"

Immediately afterwards, Colonel Moore also punched Li Bin hard in the arm.

"Smelly boy, you have to remember these three places. Your legs need to work on your waist, and your limbs must be balanced. Don't rush to learn to run without even walking well. From now on, you will first run 2000 meters with a weight of 5000Kg every morning, and then do it with weight. A thousand push-ups, five hundred sit-ups! Do the rest later! Remember?"

"Remember, thank you Colonel Moore!" Li Bin hurriedly got up and saluted respectfully.

"Well, I don't know where your dumbbell trainer got it. Anyway, it's useless other than being a show!" After Colonel Moore finished speaking, he returned to the training room with the dumbbell in hand.

(End of this chapter)

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