One Piece: Arrival of the Tree Realm

Chapter 29 "Chef" Li Bin

Chapter 29 "Chef" Li Bin

In the Chambord Islands, in a remote corner of the pier, two figures suddenly appeared. They were the admiral Huang Yuan and the new sailor Li Bin who had just arrived.

Huang Yuan pointed to the tens of meters high luxury passenger ship docked not far from the pier, and said: "This passenger ship is called 'Redozano', and it is a passenger ship under the command of Shichibukai Doflamingo. Luo Te Lingling brought the ingredients and chef to make desserts, and you can go up with your boat ticket and ID later! As long as you don’t make trouble, no one will check your identity.”

"Understood, Mr. Polusalino." Li Bin replied briskly.

"Also, have you written down everything I told you along the way?"

"Remember it all!"

"Your life is the most important thing in everything, and the task is the second. What Marshal Warring States told you is to return safely! Alright, let's go!"

"Thank you!" Li Bin bowed, and then walked towards the luxurious Redosano.

His current name is Munda Libin, and his identity is a chef. More specifically, he is a low-level dream pastry chef. The purpose of his trip to Wanguo this time is to learn advanced dessert skills and realize his dream. .

"Hello, here is my boat ticket and identity certificate." Li Bin handed the two pieces of paper in his hand to the staff of the passenger ship.

"Okay sir, wait a moment!" A young boy at the ticket check took it over and checked it carefully, "No problem, Mr. Munda, you have a medium-class ticket, and your room is No. 407, No. The second one from the left on the fourth floor. At the same time, you have four roommates, please board the boat, I wish you a pleasant journey!"

"Thank you!" Li Bin took the boat ticket and identification, and walked over.

This luxurious passenger ship has a total of 32 floors. The highest seven floors are said to be inhabited by some nobles. The third to twenty-fifth floors are all medium cabins. What is the storehouse and food.Because of the nobles, this passenger ship does not accept unskilled civilians and strangers of unknown origin.

Therefore, in addition to the nobles, the characters on the Redosano are either rich businessmen, or craftsmen, doctors, chefs, etc. who are skilled.

It is the safest way to go to Wanguo in the name of a chef, especially a pastry chef. Because the Charlotte family likes desserts, the status of pastry chefs in Wanguo is very high.Among them, the highly skilled ones, after passing the assessment in Wan Guo, not only do not have to pay taxes every month, but also receive a fixed and rich living allowance.

Of course, it is very difficult to pass this kind of assessment. It is difficult for one person in a thousand to pass, but many chefs think that they can become that one in a thousand.

Since Wanguo promulgated this decree, many pastry chefs from all over the world go there every year, which is one of the reasons why Wanguo's dessert industry has developed.

Li Bin looked at the crowds of people boarding the boat in front of him: "This ridiculous thing is used to attract people's attention, and it really works!"

After about half an hour, Li Bin finally came to his room, and there were already three passengers here: a little old man in his 50s with ruffled clothes, and an eleven or twelve-year-old girl with shofar braids , a middle-aged man with a serious face.

In general, their clothes are very clean!

When the little old man saw Li Bin push the door in, he immediately said with a smile: "This little brother is our partner for the next three months, right? Didn't you bring any luggage?"

"Is this package considered luggage?" Li Bin asked suspiciously.

"Compared with our luggage, yours is nothing!" The little girl pointed to the upper bunk of her bed, which had already been piled up into a hill of luggage.

"With so much luggage, aren't you afraid that the bed will collapse while driving?"

"Brother, you don't know this, do you? The entire Redosano is made of Adam wood, and even these beds are made of the remaining branches of Adam wood, which is strong enough."

"Adam, isn't that too extravagant?"

"Hehe, the more you pay, the more you will get. Our mid-class cabin ticket costs 3 Berries. I have calculated that there are 25 rooms on each floor, and we can sell a total of 1840 tickets. 1.84 A total of 3 boat tickets can be sold on the 1.288th floor, totaling 25 million Berries. After deducting the board and lodging cost of about [-] Berries per person for three months, you can earn [-] million Berries. Above the [-]th floor is the territory of the nobles. They earn more money, at least not less than those of us here below." The little old man said.

I didn't expect this middle-class ticket to be so expensive. This is not the top passenger ship. It seems that this business is really profitable!
Looking at Li Bin who was daydreaming, the little old man immediately asked: "Do you still feel extravagant?"

Li Bin shook his head: "It's not a luxury, at least one billion yuan can be earned by going back and forth twice a year. It's really lucrative!"

"Yeah, this kind of business can only be done by those big people!" The middle-aged man also said suddenly, "It's not something we little people can get involved in."

"My name is Tony Dun, and I'm a pastry chef. Her name is Sula Marley, and she's a dance apprentice. The gentleman's name is Mike Schuber, and he's a businessman. I haven't asked my brother for your name yet."

"My name is Munda Li Bin. You can call me Li Bin. I am a chef and a pastry chef. I will ask Mr. Dunton for advice in the future." Li Bin introduced himself.

"It turns out that Li Binjun is also a pastry chef. Are you going to take the dessert test next year too?" asked the little old man.

"Dessert exam?"

"Well, every February is the most famous 'Dessert Exam' in Wanguo. Pastry chefs who have stayed in Wanguo said that after getting a place in the exam, they can not only enjoy all the benefits of pastry chefs, but also countless other benefits. The dessert ingredients for us to use, this is the only dream left in my life as a pastry chef!"

When the little old man said this, he closed his eyes happily, dreaming that one day he would become one of the most famous pastry chefs in all nations.

"I don't know much about this, and my skills are too poor, so I don't have the idea of ​​trying it. I just go to Wanguo to learn how to make delicious desserts. It would be great if I can become a world-renowned pastry chef in the future."

"It's okay, it's okay, I can teach you! You only need to pay 1 Berries to apply for the chef assessment on the Redosano. After passing, you can directly use the ingredients on the ship to make food for free, but you need it every day. Make food for 30 people for other guests on the passenger ship."

Li Bin thought to himself: "Doflamingo really knows how to make money, he never misses the opportunity to squeeze every guest!"

"I really want to try little brother Li Bin's craftsmanship!" Maria also said at this time, if Li Bin's craftsmanship really passes the test, then they can enjoy delicious food in the future, even if they fail What a loss, but the food can only go with the flow.

 Please collect and recommend!Thanks.


(End of this chapter)

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