One Piece: Arrival of the Tree Realm

Chapter 40 The Resurrected Adam Treasure Tree

Chapter 40 The Resurrected Adam Treasure Tree

(ps: Please collect and recommend, your support is my biggest motivation!)
When Li Bin thought of this, he unconsciously activated his own ability, but he didn't know that because he released too much power at once, Adam Wood, the main body of the Redosano, actually reacted to Li Bin's ability. The place where sprouts suddenly sprouted.

"It's so strange, hasn't the Adam wood used for this boat been processed? Why did it sprout suddenly?" A voice sounded behind Li Bin.

It was only then that Li Bin realized that there were many strangers gathered around him, and one of them had a temperament that stood out from the crowd, and was particularly conspicuous, and that person was Truya.

"Maybe it's an accident!" Truya immediately thought of the devil fruit ability user, but he didn't want to make extra troubles and cause too much trouble.

"Lord Truya is right." The people around flattered him hastily.

"Please call me 'Mr. Truya' outside!"

"Yes, Mr. Truya."

People around all fled down because of the attack of the revolutionary army. At this time, Li Bin was the only one on the terrace on the 25th floor, so it seemed particularly abrupt.

"Hey, brother, did the battle just end?" Truya asked loudly.

"Yes, Admiral Sakaski rushed over. He killed all the revolutionary soldiers except the rabbit! The remaining rabbit also became a prisoner of the group behind!" Li Bin said. .

"The admiral is still reliable, I'm really envious..." Truya said, "But can this ship continue to sail?"

"I think it should be ok, but the 32nd floor is gone, and the nobles can squeeze together." Li Bin didn't know that Truya in front of him was a nobleman who could mobilize the world government, so he said something casually.

"Well, my brother's attention is good. Our journey must not be delayed, so let's send someone to repair it while sailing! I don't know what the name of the little brother is?"

Truya spoke very politely, making people feel close to him involuntarily. In addition, he could stay here without changing his expression in the face of the great swordsman's slash. Li Bin admired his courage very much.

"Munda Li Bin, just call me Li Bin, I don't know how to call this gentleman?"

"Just call me Truya. I'm a jeweler, and I don't know what Li Binjun does." Truya didn't tell Li Bin what his surname was, because the surnames of the twenty royal families are too famous.

"I'm an inexperienced pastry chef. Because I like desserts, I want to go to Wanguo to learn!" Li Bin replied.

"Dessert, I like it very much too. It's just fine. Why don't we go to the restaurant and ask the chef to make some? My treat!" Truya invited. Although the people around him wanted to stop them, they saw his eyes He swallowed what he wanted to say.

"Alright, just now I'm a little hungry!"

Li Bin felt that Truya was just an ordinary person, and that he was on the ship, and there was no great threat, so he entered the restaurant on the 25th floor with him.

The people behind Truya followed from a distance, and they seemed to be more concerned about his safety.

"Hahaha, all the chefs have run away, these people are really timid." Truya laughed, "It seems that there is no food to eat."

"If Mr. Truya doesn't mind, I can make some. Let's eat slowly." Li Bin also exchanged courtesy.

"is it okay?"

"Of course, I have already passed their chef assessment."

"That's great!"

"Mr. Truya, go there and rest for a while, it will be fine in a while!"

"Thank you, Mr. Li Bin!" Truya found a seat in the restaurant and sat down, and the people behind him also hurriedly found a seat near him.

"Mr. Truya, this person's physique is very strong, he must not be an ordinary chef!" A little noble nearby said in a low voice.

"Of course he can't be an ordinary person. How can an ordinary person avoid the great swordsman's slash, but this person has no hostility, and is not our enemy..."

Li Bin quickly made a lot of barbecue, strawberry pudding, and fruit juice, and brought them over.

"It's really tempting."

Just as Truya was about to eat, he was dissuaded by the people behind him: "Mr. Truya should be more cautious!"

Li Bin pretended not to hear it at all, since he was hungry anyway, so he ate on his own.

Truya glared at the man, and began to eat: "Li Binjun's cooking is really delicious."

"Hahaha, as long as Mr. Truya likes it!"

"Of course, this is the first time I have eaten such a special barbecue! By the way, I seem to have eaten this dessert somewhere. It was made by Master Dun. It is really unforgettable!"

"Well, this was taught to me by Master Dun himself!"


The two had a great time eating, and after the meal, they dispersed separately, and made an appointment to have dinner together next time, and exchanged a treat for Truya.

After Li Bin left, Truya whispered, "What an interesting chef."

Li Bin didn't bother to guess Truya's identity at this time, because there was an urgent voice calling him eagerly:
"Please save me!"

"Help me, I don't want to be a boat drifting on the sea all the time, I'm an Adam tree, I want soil, I want sunshine, I want rain and dew!"

"Then how can I save you?" Li Bin tried to respond.

"Lend me your strength, and I will be able to come alive and take root again."

"I refuse!" Li Bin replied, "There are so many people on this boat, if you come back alive, then we will be buried in the sea!"

The voice was silent for a moment, and sighed: "Then please take my branch, let it take root and sprout, and I will just put my soul in it."

"That's fine, any branch will do?"

"Yes, just let me know when you break it," the voice replied.

"Okay!" Li Bin nodded, then found a hidden corner, and used his ability to spawn a lush branch.

"Come in if you're here!"

"Thank you, I'm here, please take me away!"

Hearing this, Li Bin broke off the branch. In an instant, the Adam tree teeth in other parts of the whole ship withered, leaving only the branch in Li Bin's hand.

Fortunately, there are still some potted plants in the room, and I will plant them in later. Li Bin was dissatisfied when he heard the voice just thinking about it.

"No, I want to follow you!"

"What are you? Follow me!" Li Bin said angrily.

"I am Adam Dryad, if you give me strength, I can even become a walking wooden man!"

"Really?" Li Bin was dubious,
"Of course, if you don't believe me, try it!"

"Okay, just try it!"

Li Bin injected his own strength into Adam's branch, and saw that it grew up at a speed visible to the naked eye and turned into a small tree as tall as a person. Li Bin was about to stop when he heard the panting voice of Adam's tree spirit: " do not stop!"

"Okay!" Li Bin had no choice but to continue to inject strength into it.

The Adam sapling, which had absorbed enough power from Li Bin, did not continue to grow. A bowl-shaped branch grew under its root system, and then wrapped its entire root, existing like a natural pot. It was firmly protected and became a round belly, and then it grew branches similar to human limbs and fell to the ground...

 Please collect and recommend, thank you!


(End of this chapter)

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