One Piece: Arrival of the Tree Realm

Chapter 65 The Exam Begins

Chapter 65 The Exam Begins

(PS: Thank you Monkey D Miaomiao for your reward, and I will add more! In addition, please collect and recommend! Thank you, everyone)

"Delicious chocolate desserts are here!" Geno walked in with a variety of neatly cut chocolate desserts.

"That's great, strawberry chocolate, grape chocolate, hawthorn chocolate, and sour plum soup, pine nut soup, and mincemeat!" Little Mary looked at so many delicious foods in front of her, wanting to eat them all, but afraid to eat them herself Broken his own teeth, "Bad dad, what do you do if you eat so many delicious things and ruin his teeth?"

"Don't worry, this is special chocolate, it won't stick to your teeth and won't make you fat!" Geno said.

"That's great. I'll let go of my stomach and eat. After eating, I have to go shopping. Brother Li Bin came back too late yesterday. We didn't go shopping in many places? Is it Grandpa Barton?"

"Yes yes! Let's eat."

The family happily ate breakfast...

The time for the dessert assessment is coming soon!

The whole chocolate town was filled with joy, and red banners were pulled up in the most conspicuous places of the town:
"Warmly celebrate the start of Totland's 39th Dessert Assessment!"

"Totland - Utopia of dreams!"

"There is no difference in race, high or low, we are all one family!"

"Love life, love desserts, make life sweet and delicious!"

Charlotte Lola was walking on the bustling streets of Chocolate Town, feeling unspeakably uncomfortable. A few days ago, her brother Perospero told her that Wan Guo was about to marry a giant family, and the one in the family who was killed by his mother The chosen girl is her, let her be mentally prepared.

"Are you kidding me? I'm a free pirate. So what if you are my mother? My marriage must not be a victim of politics. What's the point of living like that?"

Lola walked and thought about ways to escape, but she still had no clue.

"Master Luo La, the preparations for the exam are almost done. When do you think we will start?" A chess player ran to Luo La's side and reported.

Laura's thoughts were pulled back by it: "Then let's start in three days. Since this is Chocolate Town, let's use chocolate desserts as the criteria for the first assessment! How many people have signed up now?"

"A total of 1286 chefs from all over the world came to this island to sign up!"

"Well, only 120 people are allowed to pass the first assessment. Pastry chefs don't want trash cooks!"


Three days later, the center of Chocolate Town was very lively. There were young people aged 40 and 70, middle-aged men and women aged 1 and [-], and gray-haired old men aged [-] and [-]. Famous chefs from all over the world, as well as New World Chefs on some pirate ships have come here to compete and prepare to win the title of No. [-] pastry chef in the world.

Because this name is not only resounding, in addition to subsidies, you can also obtain some precious and delicious ingredients from Wanguo every year, which is a temptation that no chef can refuse.

"It's so lively, I didn't expect pastry chefs to be so popular!" Little Mary was very surprised when she saw all kinds of chefs coming and going.

"Of course, you must know that the most basic bread and black tea are desserts!" Dunn replied.

"Grandpa Ton, the first test is to make delicious desserts with chocolate as the main ingredient. Only 1286 of the 120 chefs can pass. Isn't it too difficult?"

"Hahaha, Li Binjun, this kind of assessment is too simple, because they only screen the advanced candidates from the three levels of color, smell, and taste. Don't worry, I still have some confidence in my knife skills."

"That's good!" Li Bin stopped worrying when he heard Dun's confident words.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, the horn in the town center began to sound: "All chefs who came to participate in the assessment, please take your number plates, line up in an orderly manner, come to your respective positions, and start cooking The first dessert of the trip! From this moment on, let the world remember your glory!"

"This assessment will be broadcast live on TV to show the whole process of the exam to people all over the world. If anyone cheats in the exam, your name will be spread all over the world! Also, the chef who is not good at knives Ladies, please just give up. Is there anyone willing to eat desserts that people can’t even look at? In addition, those chefs who always use precious ingredients, please just give up and use the most basic ingredients. Making delicious desserts is the basic principle of every chef! Finally, chefs with unique tastes, please give up. Excellent chefs should not only please their own taste buds. Then, I wish you all the best in the exam!"

In accordance with the rules of the exam, Leon entered the exam room with everyone, found his place, and stood up!In front of him are red, white and black chocolates, a bowl of cherries, a bowl of grapes, a green apple, a pear, a bowl of hawthorn, three small bowls of cream, a bowl of white sugar, a bowl of brown sugar, and a bowl of soda powder. Bowls, etc., there are freezers and ovens next to each other, and each two people share one.

The trumpet continued to sound: "Okay, the ingredients in front of each chef are similar, and now you are required to make your best dessert in the shortest time. After the examiner tastes it, you can pass it! Every chef who passed the assessment We will use the video phone bug to record the process, and leave it for other chefs to study and even check. The exam time is 15 minutes, start now!"

Just 3 minutes after the exam started, someone rang the bell at hand!

"No.1 is completed by Chef Bolton Longsazhu from Beihai, the fragrant honey chocolate pie, the first grade..."

There was a commotion in the examination room, and many people thought: "It's only 3 minutes, that person is cheating, right? I must watch his production replay later!"

The following ringtones continued one after another, but the time was set at 15 minutes, and it definitely wouldn't end just because there were enough people!

Dunton is still making it carefully and unhurriedly. What he makes is "Wangyou Chocolate Refreshing Fruit", which has the effect of meditation. It is made of cherries, fragrant pears, and green apples with black and white chocolates. It is done, the bright colors are even better than those drawn by painters, people fall in love with it at first glance, and feel refreshed and refreshed after taking a bite, even the messy and noisy sounds seem to escape from their ears .

After Dunton made it, he rang the bell at hand. The examiner came over and took a sip. After a long time, he had a lot of aftertaste, and almost made people mistakenly think that he had food poisoning. Just when everyone wanted to call him, he finally Opened his eyes: "It's really a delicacy that penetrates into the soul, pass!"

The chief examiner stamped a big "first-class" seal on the assessment table of Dunton.

At this time, almost 10 minutes had passed, and some chefs had already prepared and passed the review of the chief examiner, and some chefs didn't even think about the matching method, so they were very anxious...

"Very good. By the end of 15 minutes, 205 chefs have passed the assessment. Now, we will rank according to their scores and select the top 120!"

"There are 15 first-class chefs in total. It's great. You are the top chefs. You managed to distribute the most delicious food to those hungry people in the first place! There are 66 second-class chefs. , there are 37 chefs of class C, and 82 chefs of class D. Although some chefs are fast enough, their food is hard to swallow! Therefore, only 118 chefs of A, B, and C have passed the primary assessment! Congratulations!"

"Didn't you say you want to pick 120? Why don't you pick after 118?" Little Mary asked.

"If there are 121 chefs in the three grades A, B, and C, then there will be 121 chefs who passed the assessment this time. Although the chefs at the C level made the food within the required time, it was too unpalatable. It’s normal to be recognized.”

 Thanks to Monkey D Miaomiao for the reward, plus more!In addition, please collect and recommend!Thank you guys, I will send you the 50th daily recommendation ticket plus update later, there are already 78 recommendation tickets today, do you want the sixth update?
(End of this chapter)

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