Dead house is amazing

Chapter 3 Asakawa

Chapter 3 Asakawa
Kaunone Miyazaki was really worried at that time, and Hoshihiro Kazama was very dedicated during the period of painting "Tutor", so dedicated that it was rare even in Neon, which is famous for its overtime culture. .

What Kaoru Miyazaki doesn’t know is that for Hoshihime Kazama, who has LV63 manga drawing skills and already has a complete manga plot in her mind, it may take a manga artist a day to complete a manga. Hoshi Kazama Fei can spend half a day to complete.

For a cartoonist, what takes effort is never to draw the comics, but to think about the original plot and modify the comics. Often a manuscript will look very sloppy during the process of drafting, revising, and finalizing the cartoonist. .

But Miyazaki Kaoru didn't know, she really thought that Hoshihime Kazama's body had problems due to high-intensity work.

For this reason, Kaoru Miyazaki also asked Hoshihime Kazama's home address on line (Neon's communication software, which is equivalent to wx), and planned to visit her.

Kazama Hoshihi has yet to let anyone know his true identity and home address.

Although it sounds ridiculous, that's what Neon is like. Since Neon doesn't have an ID card, there are many things that can prove his identity. Kazama Hoshihi used the driver's license of Kazama Nantaro to sign the contract online. (If the plot requires it, just think that the author is talking nonsense about signing the contract as Nan Taro)
However, Kazama Xingfei refused.

Miyazaki Kaoru also told Kazama Xingfei to take a good rest on the line.

Then when Kaorone Miyazaki asked Hoshihiro Kazama for the manuscript again on the second month's deadline,
Kazama Xingfei was also embarrassed to use his physical discomfort as an excuse to delay the manuscript. He was not like a certain game anchor who claimed to be a medical miracle in his previous life, who could always brazenly say that he had a "cold".

But Kazama Xingfei remembered the "brilliant achievements" of countless predecessors in the previous life.

Countless predecessors (mo) (yu) capable (da) people (shi) gave excuses for delaying the update, such as "no inspiration" and "picking up the style", which were sacrificed by Kazama Xingfei.

At this time, Miyazaki Kaoru realized something, but it was too late.
In the third month, Kazama Xingfei "goes out to collect folk songs".

In the fourth month, Kazama Xingfei felt that staying at home was too boring, so she started drawing again.

After all, staying at home all the time, just playing games, watching TV shows, eating and drinking every day is very cool, but it’s boring all the time.

Kazama Xingfei felt that if she continued like this, she would lose interest in being a dead house.

This is not going to work!

So Kazama Xingfei started a life of serious work again.

Isn't there a saying that when you suddenly lose interest in playing, just go to study and work.

So Hoshihime Kazama delivered the manuscript on time this month, which gave Miyazaki Kaoru a glimmer of hope.

Just when Miyazaki Kaunin really thought that Kazama Hoshihiro went out to collect music because he had no inspiration. When he came back, he got inspiration and started his career as a model worker in the industry.
In the next two months, Xingfei Kazama began to fish again, and the updated series of "One Piece" showed its amazing charm.

This hot-blooded cartoon of a kingly boy has once again become a hot topic.

Kazama Xingfei finally discovered that in order to live his otaku life more efficiently, a pattern of working hard for one month and fishing for two months would make him happier as an otaku.

The end of Miyazaki Kaoru has come.

On the one hand, the super popularity of the comic "One Piece" made the editor-in-chief of the monthly magazine dare not order the comic to be cut in half, but on the other hand, they had to pay attention to the readers' reminders to update it.

And the author of this work, Teacher Liuli, and the others dare not offend, so there is no need to say more about who suffered the most.
Asakawa Moonlight closely followed her mother, Asakawa Summi, to a private house in Sumida District. She was a little nervous.

This was the first time Asakawa Moonlight came to the future stepfather's house with her mother, so she naturally didn't feel nervous about the future stepfather.

When Asakawa Moonlight was very young, Asakawa Moonlight's father abandoned his mother Asakawa Sumimi because of a rich woman. After spending a sum of money to divorce her mother, he immigrated to country C with the rich woman.

Since then, Asakawa Moonlight and her mother Asakawa Sumimi's surname was Asakawa, and the mother and daughter have been dependent on each other.

Since Asakawa Summi herself only graduated from high school, and because Asakawa Summi's family grew up with Yamato Nadeko's template to cultivate Asakawa Summi, Asakawa Summi does not have any special skills.

Asakawa Summi has always been working part-time in a convenience store in the Sumida District.

But in Neon, working part-time is a very low-paying job, which is very different from formal work.

Although there is a small amount of money left by Asakawa Moonlight's boyish father, the cost of living in this expensive Tokyo is not small.

As a result, Asakawa's family has always been poor, but Asakawa Summi has always been a gentle and strong mother, and Asakawa Moonlight feels that her mother has always been beautiful.

With Asakawa Summi's beauty and housekeeping ability, remarriage is not a problem at all.

But Asakawa Summi has a daughter, Asakawa Moonlight.

For Asakawa Moonlight, Asakawa Summi rejected those suitors.

Because Asakawa Summi can see that those people don't want to see Asakawa Moonlight, so she is willing not to marry for the sake of her daughter.

Asakawa Moonlight has always felt that he has dragged down his mother, and he is very guilty, because Asakawa Moonlight studies very hard, and hopes that his mother can find a man she can rely on.

Finally, my mother met a reliable man.

Asakawa Moonlight had seen the man who was about to become his stepfather, and Asakawa Moonlight could see that he was a handsome man when he was young.

And when that man visited Asakawa's house many times, he was always gentle and polite, and his attitude towards her was very good.

Asakawa Moonlight recognized from the bottom of her heart that this man became her father.

After meeting many times, Asakawa Moonlight has been able to chat happily with his future stepfather.

Then Asakawa Moonlight found out that his stepfather was actually married, but two years ago, something happened to his family and his wife passed away.

And the stepfather has a son who is one year younger than her.

Perhaps because of the death of his stepfather's wife, the children in his stepfather's family have become autistic in the past two years, locked in their rooms and seeing no one.

Today, I came to visit my stepfather's house, firstly, to let Asakawa Moonlight and Asakawa Summi come to see where they will live in the future, and secondly
It is to let the son of the stepfather's family, the younger brother of Asakawa Moonlight, know about it.

This was the first time Asakawa Moonlight and her mother met their future family members, so she was naturally very nervous.

And Asakawa Moonlight thought for a long time, because the stepfather's child was immersed in grief because of the mother's death, so whether...
That child would reject Asakawa Sumimi because of his deceased mother?
The more Asakawa Moonlight thought about it, the more he felt that there was such a possibility. This involved the lifelong happiness of his mother, so Asakawa Moonlight was naturally very nervous.

At this moment, Asakawa Summi rang the doorbell of the house.

"Are you here?" Asakawa Moonlight's future stepfather, Kazama Nantaro opened the door with a gentle smile.

"Nantaro-kun! Excuse me!" Asakawa Summi bowed slightly and said.

"Uncle Nantaro, excuse me!" Asakawa Moonlight was wearing a conservative JK school uniform, even such a conservative knee-length JK uniform could not conceal her graceful body, and bowed in salute.

"Don't disturb! Come in and sit down first!" Kazama Nantaro stepped aside to let Asakawa's mother and daughter in.

(End of this chapter)

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