Chapter 164 I want to marry you
Seeing Li Chengdao, Suzaku looked at his hands again, feeling ashamed and unbearable. He dropped the shrimp ball in his hand and turned around to leave, but just as he took the lotus steps, he felt his arm was grabbed by a powerful hand.

Suzaku looked back and saw that it was Li Chengdao who grabbed him, and he wanted to struggle, but he lost his strength. At this time, Li Chengdao exerted a little force in his hand, Suzaku let out a groan, and was pulled into his arms by Li Chengdao.

"Unexpectedly, the beautiful and glamorous Master Suzaku would actually do such a stealthy thing!"

Li Chengdao had a smirk on his face, and his words were full of provocations, which made Suzaku, who had never experienced anything between men and women, feel ashamed.

"Your Majesty... please... please respect yourself!"

As if in a dream, when Suzaku said this, she was very unwilling to let Li Chengdao let go.

After hearing this, Li Chengdao hugged him even tighter, and almost said next to Suzaku's ear: "I don't want to be self-respecting, if I am, I am afraid that I will miss the woman I love!"

When Zhuque heard these words, he completely lost his ability to resist, and his whole body went limp. Li Chengdao felt the change in Keren'er in his arms, and immediately stopped hesitating, held Suzaku in his arms with both hands, and walked towards the dormitory. …

The hibiscus tent is warm with the sound of luan and phoenix, and a moment of spring night is worth a thousand pieces of gold.At this moment, Suzaku did not have the aura of the four envoys of the Imperial Guard. She was like a newly married young woman with messy hair and a blushing face, leaning on Li Chengdao's arms.

And Li Chengdao also stretched out his hand to hug Suzaku even tighter.

"Tomorrow...ah, no, I will come over with Xuan Qinglong and Mr. Kong Ming in a while. I want to marry you, and I want to marry my queen in a grand manner!"

When Zhuque heard this, his face turned red with embarrassment, and a sense of happiness filled his body and mind. Looking at Li Chengdao's handsome face, he couldn't help but kiss it...

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, His Majesty!"

Kong Ming heard the news that Li Chengdao married Suzaku, and congratulated Qinglong with his hands together. Naturally, Qinglong beside him was also full of joy, but Qinglong's character was extremely cold, so he didn't say anything.

"Thank you, the next thing is to discuss and see the wedding ceremony. Hey? Suzaku, talk about the two of us, and there are no outsiders, why are you hiding! Come out!"

As soon as Li Chengdao finished speaking, Suzaku fell down from the beam of the house. Looking at Qinglong who was like a big brother, and the smiling Prime Minister Kong Ming, Suzaku was extremely shy, like a young daughter-in-law returning to her natal family after a wedding.

"Look, it's all a family, so what's there to be embarrassed about!" Li Chengdao joked, and after finishing speaking, Li Chengdao's face darkened, and he said: "Qinglong, sir, Chengdao was born in a wealthy family, but who is at home? Sit down, misfortune comes from the sky, the change of Xuanwumen, I lost my parents, the grandpa is also imprisoned by King Qin and cannot return to Beijing, although there are many uncles, but there is no one who can confidant!"

"Now I am rich in the world, but I have nothing in terms of family affection. Fortunately, there are you and loyal generals who have followed me. From now on, you are my relatives!"

"Qizou Your Majesty! Jin Yiwei's fourth envoy Xuan Wu begs to see him!"

Xuanwu's voice came from outside the door, Qinglong and Li Chengdao looked at each other, they didn't know why Xuanwu came unannounced at this time, but they both had a vague premonition.


After Li Chengdao finished speaking, Xuanwu strode into the hall and saw Qinglong, Suzaku, and Kong Ming all there. He was slightly stunned in reality. Then he saw Suzaku standing next to Li Chengdao with a smile on his lips, and he suddenly understood everything.

"Your Majesty, I, the Imperial Guard Xuanwu, pay my respects to Your Majesty, my Emperor..."

"My Lord Xuanwu, hurry up!"

Before Xuanwu finished greeting him, Li Chengdao hurried forward to help Xuanwu up, lowered his head and whispered in Xuanwu's ear: "It's done!"

Although Xuanwu didn't know what it meant to get it done, but seeing His Majesty's expression of joy, and then looking at Suzaku, his face was slightly blushing, what did Li Chengdao say in the way of nature, the four envoys of Jin Yiwei were originally in the same spirit, and they felt like brothers and sisters, now Seeing that Suzaku had a good home, Xuanwu also showed joy, and was really happy for her.

"Xuanwu, you came here without announcing it. Is there something important?"

Qinglong asked, and then Xuanwu remembered the purpose of his coming, and said quickly: "Yes, my subordinates were so happy that they forgot about it. Your Majesty, Jin Yiwei's fanzi brought back a person today!"

"one person?"

Li Chengdao asked strangely: "Who is it? It has attracted your attention so much? Could it be that Liu Cheng found it?"

Hearing this, Xuanwu felt ashamed in his heart, he was responsible for Liu Cheng's affairs, but recently he was busy protecting the emperor and other miscellaneous affairs, Xuanwu actually completely forgot about Liu Cheng's affairs.

"Uh, Your Majesty, there is no news about Liu Cheng for the time being, but the subordinates will supervise and handle it as soon as possible, and arrest Liu Cheng as soon as possible!"

"Well, I'll leave this matter to you. If Liu Cheng hadn't killed too many people, I would have really wanted to take him under my command. If this man uses his brain in the wrong way, he will inevitably be doomed!"

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

After Li Chengdao finished speaking, everyone followed him in unison. Li Chengdao paused, and continued to ask Xiang Xuanwu: "Since it's not Liu Cheng, who did you catch? You paid so much attention to it?"

"Your Majesty, the thing is like this. A few days ago, Jin Yiwei was selecting a site for Liangguang Town Fusi. During the process, he found some ship debris floating in the sea. Afterwards, Jin Yiwei stepped forward to check and found that it was a sunken ship. Fragments, and on these fragments, there are still living people.

Jin Yiwei immediately rescued these people. These people have high nose bridges, deep eye sockets, golden hair, but green eyes!

Where has Jin Yiwei seen such people before? After rescuing these people, they interrogated them. Who knew that what the other party said in the room were words that Jin Yiwei couldn't understand.

In the next few days, Jin Yiwei found that these people would kneel down every morning, muttering something, and holding the sign of the cross in their hands.

Seeing that these people had a language barrier and behaved strangely, Jin Yiwei suspected that these people were just sea monsters from the depths of the sea, so he immediately did not dare to hide anything anymore and reported them step by step.

Today, these people have been sent to Jinyiwei Xuanwu's office. The Xuanwu office could not make up its mind. He wanted to discuss it with Commander Qinglong, but when he went to look for it, he found that Qinglong was not there. Xuanwu was also a straight-tempered person. In desperation, he had to come The imperial palace, please the emperor decides.

After listening to Xuanwu's description, Li Chengdao can basically conclude that these people must be foreigners from overseas. I'm afraid we have to look at the specific country. But at the same time, Li Chengdao was also panicked. It seems that foreigners have now entered the era of great voyages. Come on, hurry up and hurry up, it's still a step too late!

But after thinking about it, no matter where these foreigners come from, they must be able to get here because they have good shipbuilding skills. I just happen to lack such manpower now, and today's Western countries are ahead in the technology of explosives and artillery. There are several levels, if there are one or two knowledgeable people among these people, plus Gan Ning, a dynamite madman, this...

Thinking of this, Li Chengdao was overjoyed, while Qinglong reprimanded Xuanwu in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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