Chapter 355
Li Chengdao led the team all the way north, and soon reached the border between Datang and Turks.

This is also the most severely affected place. At first, Jieli Khan led 20 people to plunder the border, killing, burning, and looting without hesitation.

After the looting, some people went back with the looted things, while Jieli Khan continued to go south with an army of 15.

So when Li Chengdao came to the border, he was really shocked.

Because the scene was so tragic, there was a feeling that not a single blade of grass could grow, and it seemed that even the soil on the ground was stained with blood.

Moreover, the surviving people here are extremely rare. There are probably only a few hundred people left in a city. They are all old, weak, sick and disabled.

As for the rest, middle-aged men were taken back to Turks as slaves, women were taken back as tools for venting, and the rest of the useless ones were all slaughtered.

It was Jie Li's brutal atrocities that created the tragic appearance of the border.

To be honest, after seeing these scenes, Li Chengdao had an impulse to gather all the troops of the Tang Dynasty and rush into the grassland to kill all the Turks.

Also let Turkic blood stain the grassland!
But he knew that he couldn't do that, and if he did that, what was the difference between him and Jieli Khan?How is it different from those beasts?

The biggest difference between humans and animals is that humans have a conscience, but animals do not.

The Turkic soldiers who caused this tragedy have been wiped out. As for the [-] who went back early, Li Chengdao will naturally not let them go, and they will be liquidated slowly later.

And those Turkic people who didn't hurt Datang, they are innocent, so Li Chengdao can't beat them all to death with a stick.

You can only conquer them with strength, but you will never kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Of course, if they insisted on resisting during the conquest, they could only be sorry.

In fact, Li Chengdao was also helping them. Since they longed for the Tang Dynasty so much, why not just include them in the Tang Dynasty's territory, then everyone would be a member of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Chengdao will definitely take measures to conquer the Turks in the future. He will set up his own ruling body and send troops to station at the same time. This is all after the conquest...

When the surviving people on the border knew that Li Chengdao was the emperor, they all came to pay their respects and kowtowed, all with expressions of gratitude.

This is their sincere move.

Because they have heard of Li Chengdao's feat of annihilating 15 Turkic soldiers, and they hate those 15 Turkic soldiers.

Their family members died at the hands of these Turks, how could they not hate?
So they understood that His Majesty's feat of annihilating the Turkic army was actually avenging himself and others.

They knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Li Chengdao continuously.

"Your Majesty is the eternal Mingjun! Your Majesty is the eternal Mingjun!"

"Your Majesty avenged us grassroots people and killed those sons of bitches. We will never forget Your Majesty's kindness in our hearts. We will always support His Majesty's rule!"

"Long Live Long Live Your Majesty!"


Seeing such a scene, Li Chengdao couldn't help crying.

Even if they lost their relatives and homes, these people did not complain about the court, but were grateful.

Then the people took the initiative to tell Li Chengdao about the situation at that time.

"At that time, our family of three was having dinner when the Turkic people rushed in and dragged my wife into the room, so my son and I escaped unharmed! It's my pity that my wife was tortured to death by those beasts!"

"At that time, I went to the cellar to get things, but when I came up, I found that all my family members were gone. I finally found out that they were all captured by the Turks as slaves. Your Majesty must find a way to rescue them!"


After listening to their narration, Li Chengdao also felt full of anger and deep sadness.

Although revenge has been avenged now, the dead will never come back.

Alas, this is war.

The reason is that the previous Tang Dynasty was not strong enough to deter the enemy, so that the enemy had an opportunity to bully the Tang Dynasty.

So Li Chengdao decided to tell other countries this time that Datang is not very bullying.

"Don't worry, everyone, I promise you that this will never happen again!"

The common people kowtowed to Li Chengdao after hearing this sentence.

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

Later, Li Chengdao also explained to the officials at the border to do a good job in the aftermath and help the people rebuild their homes.

After doing this, Li Chengdao came to the military camp and met Li Shimin and others.

In the big account.

Li Chengdao sat on the coach's seat, while Li Shimin stood aside.

He said to Li Chengdao.

"Your Majesty, the team has been assembled and is waiting for your order to conquer the Turks immediately!"

Li Chengdao nodded and asked.

"Are all the weapons I brought arranged for the soldiers?"

Li Shimin replied.

"Return to Your Majesty, it has already been distributed, and the soldiers will give it a hand."

Li Chengdao nodded.

"very good."

"You are the coach in this battle, and the time to start the battle is up to you."

After hearing this, Li Shimin quickly bowed to Li Chengdao and said.

"Your Majesty is here, how dare I overstep, I still obey His Majesty's will."

When Li Chengdao heard the words, he stopped talking, nodded and said.

"Okay, I also know what you are thinking, so I will say it for you!"

"Send troops tomorrow to conquer the Turks!"

"Let the soldiers eat and drink well today. Don't put too much pressure on your heart. We have wiped out all 15. Now the morale of the Turks is sluggish. Isn't fighting like playing?!"

Li Shimin seemed a little excited and excited when he heard that the troops would be dispatched tomorrow.

"Okay, Your Majesty, I will pass on the order right now!"

When the 30 soldiers received the order to conquer the Turks tomorrow, they were also full of enthusiasm.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Conquer the Turks, strengthen my Tang Dynasty!"

"Conquer the Turks, strengthen my Tang Dynasty!"

They were all full of fighting spirit, and there was no fear in their eyes.

They also heard about Chang'an's feat of annihilating 15 Turks with [-] troops, so everyone's fighting spirit was high and their morale was high!

Silent all night.

the next day.

Li Shimin led a mighty 30 army from the border of the Tang Dynasty to the border of the Turks.

And Li Chengdao followed behind, in the middle of the army, carried by a special person, surrounded by tactical teams, looking full of style.

He said at the beginning that this time he was only here to supervise the battle.

So he just followed the army without participating in any decision-making, just watching Li Shimin perform.

The territory of the Turks is an endless prairie, so the Turks are also nomadic peoples.

They did not have a fixed city, let alone Chengcheng, which was as solid as the Tang Dynasty. They generally lived in tents and migrated while grazing.

Of course, for the sake of safety, they usually choose to herd in groups, thus forming tribes, and each tribe is equivalent to a mobile city.

And if you want to conquer the Turks, then you must conquer the largest tribe among them, that is, the Turkic Yazhang, where the palace is located.

The Tang army marched on the grassland. After walking for about half a day, they encountered a small tribe.

Apparently this tribe also received a call from Datang, and they were already prepared.

After seeing the Tang army, thousands of Turkic soldiers ran out with weapons, blocking the tribesmen behind them.

Since this is a small tribe, they only have this little force.

Li Shimin laughed when he saw this scene.

(End of this chapter)

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