Urban Ultrain System

Chapter 31 Good boy!

Chapter 31 Good boy!
The momentum of those people was really good. Some of the people in front punched, whipped their legs, some took advantage of the opportunity to sneak attack, and some cheered and cheered. All in all, they were full of momentum.

To deal with them, Sun Feng also resorted to all means, knee bumps, punches, punches, kicks...

Every part of his body turned into a sharp weapon to attack the opponent at this moment, Sun Feng behaved like a tiger rushing into the herd of sheep.


This tiger looks mighty, but it doesn't hurt anyone!
Blocking punches with hands, kicking back with feet, Sun Feng had a great time playing with them.

Where to attack, pick the opponent's thick skin to hit, because these targets are not easy for him. Of course, Sun Feng must restrain, restrain, and restrain again.

If you ruin the game all at once, it would be too much of a waste of other people's hard work to come out and run, no matter what, let them get a box lunch to show their face before stepping down!
"Hmph, but that's all..."

Looking at Sun Feng, who was fighting with his subordinates in full swing, and the man who had anger on his face before, his anger suddenly turned into thick mockery and disdain.

Originally, when he saw that the other party could capture his half-disciple Chi Hai in an instant, he also treated the other party as a formidable opponent.

He did not hesitate to send his subordinates to analyze the opponent's background.

But seeing that he was fighting so "difficultly" with several shrimp soldiers and crab generals at the moment, he realized that he really looked up to them.

"Chi Hai is really useless. It's really embarrassing to be caught by such a piece of trash. It seems that the recent life of luxury and money has completely corrupted him...En?"

Just when the man's evaluation of Sun Feng was getting lower and lower, and he was even dismissive of him, Sun Feng's movement suddenly shocked his heart.

"The movement just now... If the fist he punched was a few centimeters to the upper left, it would have just broken Xiaosi's throat, instead of just hitting him on the shoulder so painlessly.

Did the other party do it on purpose, or...

He can hit Xiao Si on the shoulder, and if he wants to hit Xiao Si's throat, it doesn't seem to be too difficult... Could it be that..."

After noticing Sun Feng's abnormal movements, the man became interested in Sun Feng.

As time passed slowly, the more you looked at his face, the uglier it was!
After staring at Sun Feng for about ten seconds, he noticed that there were three abnormalities in Sun Feng's dozen or so movements.

In his eyes, those few movements could easily kill his people as long as he shifted slightly to the side!
But every time at this time, the opponent's attack always hit the innocuous place on their body.

If one time is a coincidence, what about two or three times?Is this a coincidence?


Both sides have been fighting for so long, and the six or seven people who fought with him are already out of breath. He didn't even change his breathing, his clothes were not messy, and there was no sign of being beaten.

If he didn't notice something was wrong with Sun Feng at this time, he would be too stupid.

"Very good, you turned out to be a good man who pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger. Now you are pretending to do your best. Are you trying to trick me at the last moment? Hum, I have to say, your attention is playing It's very good, but you are too tender after all."

After realizing that Sun Feng was abnormal, a sinister smile appeared on the corner of the man's mouth.

Sun Feng's action of retaining a few people as target training partners, under the judgment of others, was immediately stamped with ulterior motives by him.

Thinking of this, the expression on his face suddenly calmed down, and he stepped lightly, like a leopard hunting, approaching the lively crowd without leaving a trace.

Since it is a danger, it must be eradicated as soon as possible!Don't give him any chance to stand up!
This is the conclusion he drew with blood!
Grasping the moment Sun Feng turned around, he suddenly stepped out.

The right leg was like a steel whip thrown out, lashing hard towards Sun Feng's head!

Just by listening to the howling wind on his feet, you can tell that his kick is extremely powerful!
After the whip leg was pulled out, the body twisted strangely in mid-air immediately, and the other leg was also driven by the body, like a hungry tiger rushing to eat, kicked towards Sun Feng's lower body from a strange angle!
He has fought in an underground boxing arena, and what he pays attention to is that every shot is a heavy move!There isn't a hint of gimmicky, and there isn't a hint of room for leeway.

Because in the underground boxing arena, the end of your mercy is to become a corpse.

There are only two sentences they follow, a lion fighting a rabbit may capsize in the gutter, only dead enemies are safe.

As for using more to fight less, taking advantage of others' dangers and so on, he didn't take it seriously at all.

Just listening to the howling wind behind him, Sun Feng knew it was not good, Chaonain gave him the conclusion.

If I was hit by him, it would at least be a result of falling to the ground and losing combat power for a period of time, and this is still under the protection of the super brain.

If it were an ordinary person, this time, at least it would end in a semi-disabled ending!There is even a great possibility of dying.

After all, he was careless.

He had completely forgotten that Chaonin had mentioned to him before that he could see in all directions and listen in all directions, leaving some thoughts on his surroundings. He was completely focused on the adjustment of body and consciousness, and completely forgot that there was another person next to him. A man with a head like a beast is pressing the battle!
But fortunately, it's not too late to make up for it.

If this kind of surprise attack is placed on others, the only way to go is to be killed.

But in Sun Feng's body, even if he didn't use the super brain's calculation mode, he could escape successfully by relying on the memories of the battle in his mind, but the price he paid was nothing more than that.

"You can't use the calculation mode. My original intention of fighting with them is to let the body and consciousness adapt as soon as possible. If you use the calculation mode, you will lose such a good opportunity!
And with the big appetite of the computing model, I can't feed him!
Besides, even if I am seriously injured, as long as I don't die on the spot, from Dingdang's point of view, the repair problem is just a matter of energy. "

In the blink of an eye, Sun Feng felt that his thinking became faster.

After making up his mind not to use the ultra-brain computing mode, the combat skills in his mind seemed to integrate with his body even faster under this huge pressure!

The body instinctively rushed forward, like a leopard hiding and a tiger crouching, and instantly dodged the fierce whip that brushed his head and galloped past.

And at the moment of lunging forward, Sun Feng's right foot has been raised quickly, the toe of his toe is like a poisonous hook, and he hits the sneak attacker with incomparable precision, hitting the sole of his lower body!
As soon as they touched each other, the bodies of both sides trembled at the same time!
(End of this chapter)

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